Is Daredevil sense stronger than spidermans?

Stan Lee himself stated that Daredevil's Radar Sense is better than Spider-Man's Spider-Sense. Daredevil can see 150 yards in 360 degrees without concentrating, and even more when he does concentrate.
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Can Daredevil beat Spider-Man in a fight?

Daredevil proves to be the better strategist when he first knocks out Peter by ricocheting his billy club, but it could be argued that he couldn't accomplish this without his new powers. However, his second victory over Spider-Man is a result of his strategic mind, something he's possessed long before gaining powers.
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Can Daredevil hear Spider-Man's muscles?

Daredevil's description of Spiderman: "I can hear his muscles tighten, coiled with incredible strength and control.
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How good are Daredevil's senses?

He can sense atmospheric disturbances

One of the most interesting uses of his superhuman senses is being able to pick up on nearby atmospheric disturbances. In layman's terms, Daredevil can determine where a teleporter will appear moments before he or she actually does, due to his unique radar sense.
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Does Daredevil have a danger sense?

Daredevil's radar sense allows him to quickly determine the exact threat, giving him an edge over Spider-Man in certain situations. While Spider-Man has more "super" powers, Daredevil's radar sense ensures he is always aware of his surroundings and can avoid danger.
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Is Daredevil's Radar Sense BETTER than Spider-mans?

Who has better senses, Wolverine or Daredevil?

Logan's superhuman senses allow him the ability to see, hear and smell in a far more heightened manner than the average person, with his hearing only a little less powerful than Marvel's Daredevil and his superhuman senses.
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Can Spider-Man sense heartbeats?

While his senses are at work to their full potential, they go into overdrive, causing the user to hear everyone's heartbeats, drowning all other voices out to allow them analyze, focus upon the incoming threat, and then respond against the threat to subdue it, as witnessed within the Escape from Spider-Man.
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How strong is Spider-Man's Spider-sense?

Thanks to his Spider-Sense, Spider-Man can dodge physical attacks, energy blasts, weaponry, and even explosions. Spider-Man has also been known to use his ability to find hidden objects such as passageways.
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Who has better hearing, Daredevil or Superman?

And while Daredevil is outmatched when it comes to the power of Clark's senses, both characters are uniquely guided by the way that they perceive the world. Because they can both hear trouble happening around them, Superman and Daredevil are constantly reminded why their cities are in need of their help.
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Does Punisher know Daredevil is blind?

This fight takes place while Daredevil is not wearing his mask, so Castle surely recognized the vigilante as his blind lawyer.
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How strong is Daredevil physically?

Daredevil is able to lift up to 450 pounds, though it's conceivable that he could lift even more. In addition to peak human strength, Daredevil has peak human speed and reflexes, which he's gained from years of training and sensory adeptness.
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How good of a fighter is Daredevil?

His fighting skills are a huge factor in his success; he knows a million ways to hit someone and every place to strike to make it hurt the most. Daredevil never stops thinking throughout the fight, using his expertise to his advantage. On top of that, Daredevil's radar senses give him a huge leg-up against his foes.
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Is Venom physically stronger than Spider-Man?

After spending so long with Spider-Man as its host, the symbiote is able to mimic all his abilities, which is why Venom has all the same powers as Spider-Man, only amplified. This means that Venom is stronger and faster than the web-slinger, not to mention far more brutal.
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Who wins Daredevil or Hulk?

Well, in the comics, Hulk has already canonically beaten Daredevil to almost dead. But mainly the why: Hulk is nigh invulnerable, has strength 100 times that of Daredevil, and easily capable of grappling. There is nothing Daredevil can do that would even close to phase the Hulk. So, Hulk wins, hands down.
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Could Daredevil beat Captain America?

Daredevil is one of Marvel's most skilled hand-to-hand fighters, earning him the respect of heroes such as Captain America, and Matt's encounter with U.S. Agent has even confirmed that he could successfully take down the super soldier if he ever tried.
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Who would win, Batman or Daredevil?

Not only is Batman's takedown of Bullseye a clear indication of his superiority over Daredevil, but Bullseye even says so himself, meaning there is no doubt that the Batman vs Daredevil debate has been ended for good in this iconic Marvel and DC crossover–and Batman was the one who came out on top.
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Which Marvel can beat Superman?

Scarlet Witch

Confirmed as the MCU's most powerful superhero, the Scarlet Witch would make short work of Superman. Had Thanos's forces not interrupted her in Avengers: Endgame, she would have defeated the Mad Titan, and the Man of Steel would be similarly overpowered by the Avenger.
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Who can beat Daredevil?

8 Luke Cage Is Just Too Strong For The Man Without Fear

Luke Cage, aka Power Man, has had a few tussles with Daredevil too. This has usually been a result of outside manipulation and misunderstanding, which is the genesis of most superhero showdowns.
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What superhero can hear really well?

Green Lantern (Rot Lop Fan) cannot see due to a lack of eyes and an occipital lobe but his entire skull is shaped to allow him super-enhanced hearing. Sometimes called "Super-Hearing", Enhanced Hearing is the ability to perceive sounds of varying volume or pitch beyond the scope of normal human capability.
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What superhero has a sixth sense?

Besides the name, the Spider was wanted by both the law and the criminal underworld (a defining theme of Spider-Man's early years) and had through years of ceaseless struggle developed a "sixth sense", which warns him of danger, the inspiration for Spider-Man's "spider-sense".
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Who is immune to spider sense?

Iron Man's new immunity to spider-sense may be of use sooner than readers realize. With the recent return of the Superior Spider-Man and the maniacal Chasm on the loose once more, negating their spider-sense would give Tony a big leg up in a scrap.
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What is Spider-Man's real weakness?

This is the big one. Ethyl chloride is essentially Spider-Man's Kryptonite and it renders anyone's spider-powers null and void. This makes ethyl chloride extremely powerful against Spider-Man, but this chemical cocktail doesn't have nearly the same reputation as Superman's Kryptonite.
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Can venom sense Spider-Man?

Interestingly, the Venom symbiote, of course, remembers Peter's Spider-Sense, as it is immune to Peter's Spider-Sense; however, this didn't grant Venom the sense itself. This only let Venom sneak up on Spider-Man specifically. Venom can't prevent people from sneaking up on him in the same way.
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Why did Peter lose his spider sense?

Peter Parker uses a device to create a bioelectric magnetic pulse to remove the insect-sense Smythe gained from using Scorpion's powers. However, Peter is caught in the blast and loses his own spider-sense. It eventually returns, but Spider-Man had to adjust for a while.
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Does spider sense hurt?

But depending on the immediacy and severity of the threat, the spider-sense can go from a light tingling to intense pain within his head.
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