Why did Batty save?

When Roy realizes that his death is inevitable at the end of Blade Runner, he decides that he needs to be redeemed before passing on. So, rather than letting Rick Deckard fall to his death, Roy Batty grabs his pursuer by his arm, picking him up and saving his life.
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Why did Batty kill Sebastian?

Upon meeting his "maker," Roy demanded an extension of his life and a brief discussion followed. Infuriated at Tyrell's inability (or unwillingness) to grant him longer life, Roy crushed Tyrell's skull and then murdered Sebastian before fleeing.
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Why did batty kiss tyrell?

When jilted by his father/creator, Roy expresses love by kissing Tyrell right before killing him—the kind of bruised, embittered love a child expresses toward an abusive, negligent parental figure.
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Why did they want Deckard dead?

Deckard, resigned to his fate and in captivity inside a spinner, was rescued when K intercepted Luv's spinner escort and took them all out of the sky near the Sepulveda Sea Wall. Unknown to Deckard, K had orders to kill Deckard in order to protect the resistance movement and the child.
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Why does Batty stab his hand?

He also disrobes, but before resuming the chase he loses feeling in his hand which is a sign of his approaching death. Desperate for time, he finds a metal spike and stabs himself in order to regain feeling and prolong his life for a few moments longer.
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Analyzing Evil: Roy Batty From Blade Runner

What were Roy Batty's last words?

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain.
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What is Roy Batty's lifespan?

In an uncharacteristic display of mercy, Roy grabbed Deckard and dragged his body onto the roof. Moments later, as his four-year lifespan drew to a close, Roy reflected on the moments he had been privileged enough to witness: "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
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Did Deckard impregnate a replicant?

The second film further develops Rachael's origin, and gives significantly more details about her radical design. It revealed that she was an experimental model of replicant with a high percentage of human organs, including human reproductive organs, and that Rachael conceived a child with Deckard.
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Is K dead in Blade Runner?

He finds Deckard, who tells him that he is the father of Rachael's child and scrambled the birth records to protect the child's identity; Deckard left the child in the custody of the replicant freedom movement. Luv kills Joshi and tracks K to Las Vegas. She kidnaps Deckard, destroys Joi, and leaves K to die.
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Is Deckard human or not?

In a 2023 interview, Ford stated that he "always knew" that Deckard was a replicant, but wanted to "push back against it", adding that a replicant (or at least, Deckard) would want to believe that they are human. Ridley Scott stated in several interviews that he considers Deckard to be a replicant.
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Why is Wallace blind in Blade Runner?

This is when she slices his eyes with her katana, permanently blinding him. While Elle manages to escape with her life and leave Los Angeles for parts unknown, her actions may have actually motivated Wallace Jr. to become the ruthless CEO he is in Blade Runner 2049.
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Why does love cry in Blade Runner?

She weeps when they suffer and is heartbroken when they die, but is incapable of acting to stop either. Like so many people who feel helpless in today's society, Luv is a prisoner to her programming. Luv's first very-human tears come as she witnesses a murder.
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Was joi a real person in Blade Runner?

In Blade Runner 2049, Ana de Armas plays Joi, an artificial intelligence sold by the Wallace Corporation. She's a customizable hologram that the people of Blade Runner's futuristic America can purchase as a live-in romantic partner.
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Why didn t Batty kill Deckard?

On top of that, Roy saving Deckard proves that Roy believes that all life has value, not just his. Roy realizes that Deckard is in the exact same position he was in, with Deckard wanting to be saved, thus extending his life. Although Tyrell couldn't extend Roy's life, Roy knows that he can extend Deckard's life.
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What disease does JF Sebastian suffer from?

Sebastian was suffering from “Methuselah Syndrome” which causes him to age prematurely. Also, Sebastian was a human being and not a replicant, so it was impossible for Tyrell to “help” Sebastian in any way other than to kill him and make a replicant in his likeness.
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Is Roy Batty evil?

As the leader of the group of renegade replicants with several human lives killed in the name of his cause, there's no question that Rutger Hauer's bleach-blond 'bot is the main antagonist of Blade Runner.
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Why did Blade Runner 2049 flop?

Much like the original, Blade Runner 2049 became a cult hit but failed to thrive financially due to pacing issues, murky stakes and zero fun factor. Ridley Scott followed up the tremendous success of his science fiction horror film Alien with his cyber-noir thriller Blade Runner.
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Why did Joi call K Joe?

Later at K's apartment, he informed Joi of his conclusion that his memory was indeed real. This overjoyed her, as she always believed him to be special, insisting that he now be called "Joe." Unsure, K sought further information and Joi suggested finding the one responsible for creating memories for replicants.
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Why did Stelline put her memory in K?

However, he later learns that, even if the memory is real, it was not his own but Dr Ana Stelline's. Through her work, Dr Stelline shared her memory with K, and this allowed him to understand what it was like to walk in her shoes, but most importantly, to believe himself a free, loved replicant.
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Why does Luv kiss Officer K?

During the final fight with K, after subduing him, she smugly kissed him and retorted "I am the best one!", as if trying to prove her superiority over not just K, but all other replicants, further hinting at her deep-seated insecurities that she kept well-hidden.
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Is K Deckard's son?

Because of this memory, K became convinced that he was Rachael and Deckard's child, but was eventually informed by Freysa that he was not and that the child was female. With this revelation, K soon determined that Stelline was the child. K took Deckard to Stelline's lab as she interacted with a snowfall hologram.
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Is Ana Deckard's Daughter?

Ana Stelline (Carla Juri), who is Deckard and Rachael's daughter but has no idea of this and now works as the world's best memory fabricator. We don't know if she planted that memory in only K's brain or in the brains of hundreds of replicants, hoping one of them would follow this message in a bottle. Maybe others did.
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What happens to Roy Batty?

Final Showdown with Deckard and Death

But when it seems that all is lost for the agent, Roy—facing his fate—saves Deckard from falling to his death, and after a brief but eloquent farewell speech, he calmly passes away, with Rick Deckard watching and feeling sorry for him.
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Why does Roy save Deckard?

Despite the hatred that Roy had for humanity, he grabbed onto Deckard and pulled him up, saving his life after stating how it's "quite an experience to live in fear...that's what it is to be a slave." Perhaps At this moment, seeing Deckard so helpless, Roy finally got to feel like the master instead of the slave.
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How does Blade Runner final cut end?

Although the blade runner manages to retire a third fugitive replicant, he's pursued by Roy, whose body is starting to falter. When Deckard almost slips and falls off a roof, Roy uses his remaining strength to save Deckard. “[My memories] will be lost in time, like tears in rain,” Roy says before dying.
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