Is KYLO really Darth Vader's Son?

The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo was seduced by the dark side of the Force and renamed himself Kylo Ren: leader of the Knights of Ren, champion of the First Order, and apprentice to Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Is Kylo Ren Darth Vader's son?

Kylo Ren was always obsessed with his grandfather. He didn't learn he was the grandson of Darth Vader until he was a teenager, when a recording from Bail Organa - intended to be a private message for Leia - was shared with the entire galaxy.
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Are Kylo Ren and Darth Vader related?

Instead, Ben becomes Kylo Ren and idolizes the worst parts of his grandfather. In his hurry to become more powerful through the dark side, Kylo Ren ignored the lessons Vader passed to him. As it turns out, Ben Solo's descent to the dark side may have been heavily influenced by when he learned about his dark heritage.
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Why does Kylo Ren have Darth Vader's head?

Kylo Ren's obsession with Vader is clear, but Star Wars never explained how he acquired the helmet. It is speculated that he may have found it himself on Endor, or it could have been passed down to him by Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Why is Kylo not a Darth?

Even though Kylo Ren uses a red lightsaber, harnesses the dark side of the Force, and wears a cape, he is not a Sith. Because of that, he can never hold the title of Darth. Instead, he was just a chaotic mess of the dark side (until he eventually found his way back to the light).
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Is Kylo really Darth Vader's Son?

Who was the first Darth?

Although it's not fully clear where the Darth moniker originated, Darth Andeddu is thought to be the first character to use the title in-universe. Having originated in Legends, Andeddu was mentioned in the new canon in the comic Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle 2, which referenced "Andeddu's flames".
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What is Darth Maul's real name?

As the son of Mother Talzin, the Zabrak male was taken from a young age by Sidious to act as his impressionable apprentice. The boy was raised as Darth Maul, a name he carried throughout his life. In Legends, it was insinuated that he was born "Maul" before attaining the honor of the "Darth" title.
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Why did Palpatine hate Vader's lightsaber?

Palpatine Always Hated Lightsabers

He believed that the Jedi's lightsabers, created as the order's primary weapon, clouded their vision and blinded them to the fact that everything around them is a weapon through the Force, and that the Jedi put too much stock in lightsabers.
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How did Ben Solo get Vader's mask?

From the Wookieepedia article on Darth Vader's armor: "The disfigured helmet of the infamous suit was scavenged from the funeral pyre,[6] and eventually found its way into the possession of Vader's grandson, Kylo Ren, a Force-sensitive dark side practitioner of the First Order."
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How did Kylo become a Sith?

It is revealed that Ren is the son of Han and Leia, originally named Ben, and was once one of Luke's Jedi pupils. He was corrupted to the dark side of the Force by the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis), and helped destroy Luke's new Jedi Academy.
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Are Rey and Kylo in love?

Through their interactions they also show signs of a growing attraction towards each other. Kylo became very fond of Rey, and at one point she even begins to refer to him as Ben, and he lets her do it.
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Does Rey have Ben's baby?

Affiliation(s) Zayne Skywalker, a Human male Force-sensitive, was the son of Ben Solo and Rey Palpatine, a dyad in the force as the great grandson of the Chosen One and the son of powerful force wielders, who later becomes a legendary warrior and hero for the galaxy in the decades after the Battle of Exegol.
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Who killed Kylo Ren?

Kylo Ren dies on Kef Bir (the ocean moon of Endor) shortly after Rey deals a mortal wound during a lightsaber duel on the wreckage of the second Death Star. Though Rey Force-heals him, saving his life physically, this blow, coupled with the memory of his mother and father, destroys the man known as “Kylo Ren” forever.
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Who killed Darth Vader?

During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master.
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Who is the real father of Anakin Skywalker?

Anakin Skywalker's birth mystery is solved - his mother, Shmi Skywalker, reveals that there was no father and she can't explain what happened. Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Force itself created Anakin in Shmi's womb, making him the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.
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How is Rey a Skywalker?

Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage.
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Why is Kylo Ren's helmet cracked?

Ren destroyed his helmet in a fit of rage after Snoke derided him as "a child in a mask." Ren struggled to control his anger as he left the throne room. However, once he was alone in a turbolift, cradling the helmet in his hands, Ren was overcome with unrestrained fury.
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Why did Luke see himself in Vader's mask?

This fact has led many to believe that Luke's vision was a hint from the Force that Vader was his father. Other fans have interpreted Luke's vision as a warning from the Force. If Luke didn't curb his eagerness to fight, then he'd end up like Vader – surrounded by darkness and evil.
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How did Vader talk without his mask?

Darth Vader may have been able to do this due to the way that his mask was cut and the influence of the light side of the Force. One reason Darth Vader could speak with Anakin's voice was that he could talk without the mask.
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Why did Yoda stop using a lightsaber?

Yoda saw his lightsaber as a weapon and a meditative tool, and vowed to never use it again as an act of penance for his involvement in the Clone Wars. Yoda chose to teach Luke Skywalker to be a true Jedi Knight without relying on combat, emphasizing the importance of selflessness over fighting.
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Why did Vader never betray Palpatine?

The novel explained that, had Vader killed Obi-Wan on Mustafar, he would have tried to kill Palpatine too, but given how badly wounded he was after the duel, his power wasn't the same and he was weak, both physically and mentally.
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Why doesn't Luke use Anakin's lightsaber?

During the war, the saber was used to fight several individuals, including Kreel and Boba Fett, but was later lost on Bespin when Luke confronted his father. After losing his father's lightsaber, Luke replaced it with a yellow lightsaber and later a green lightsaber he built on his own.
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Who kills Darth Maul?

Though seemingly killed by Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of the film, Darth Maul returned in the 2008 animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars (voiced by Sam Witwer).
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Is Darth Maul a girl?

In 54 BBY, the boy who would be dubbed Darth Maul was born the son of Mother Talzin on Dathomir with mysterious origins. As a Dathomirian Zabrak male, he was a Nightbrother and had two blood brothers, Feral and Savage Opress.
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What is Count Dooku's real name?

Count Dooku's real name, Dooku, was more fitting than his Sith title, Darth Tyranus, as it speaks to his manipulative nature. Dooku played a crucial role in weakening the Jedi and the Republic from within, planting doubt and eroding trust.
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