Is Maul weak in the Force?

Having trained in the ways of the Force, Darth Maul was a formidable warrior strong with the dark side and possessed deadly skills in lightsaber combat.
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Was Darth Maul weak with the Force?

Darth Maul was a powerful force user, as demonstrated in The Clone Wars finale where he single-handedly destroyed an Imperial ship, and in The Phantom Menace when Maul force-pushed Obi-Wan down the reactor pit late into their duel.
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Why can't Darth Maul use Force?

He just wasn't explicitly taught it, or dark side sorcerery more generally. His training was focused on the skills of a Sith assassin, being an overwhelming lightsaber duelist. You need real legs to be able to force-siphon the electric current from the ground. That's why Maul or Vader can't use lightning.
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Who is stronger Maul or kylo?

So Maul vs Kylo. In terms of physical ability Maul is far physically superior being able to handle the strength of Savage Opress and overpower the strong style of Qui Gon Jinn. His durability involves being able to be cut in half and a pain tolerance so high he can flinch of weaker force lightening like nothing .
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Who was stronger Maul or Savage?

Savage was technically Stronger than Maul.
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Why Darth Maul was Deeply Ashamed of the Way Qui-Gon Died - IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS

Could Maul beat Anakin?

By the time of Episode 3; Anakin is in his prime, and already one of the Jedi Order's most powerful “masters” (although technically still a knight), just behind Obi-Wan, Windu, and Yoda. Maul wouldn't stand a chance.
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Could Maul have beaten Sidious?

It's already been shown in the source material… more than once… that Darth Maul is not on Darth Sidious's level. Every time he dueled Sidious as his apprentice (in Legends) he got easily defeated.
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Could Darth Maul beat Mace Windu?

Mace Windu vs Darth Maul | Fandom. Mace windu clear winner 9/10 times. His use of vapad would make the fight play out similair to windu vs palpatine. He would use the seething rage pouring out of maul against him, and as mauls force power was so much weaker than windu's it would be an undisputed win for windu.
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Could Rey beat Darth Maul?

Ren was good but Rey was able to beat him every time they fought. However, he wasn't even fully trained and even he would have had a massive problem fighting Maul. Even in his older age, Maul was still way more skilled than anyone Rey faced and that would be the end for her. Maul would just be too much for Rey.
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Who is stronger vader or Maul?

Finally, Darth Maul himself admitted he wasn't capable of facing Vader alone in Star Wars Rebels. And while the story in question is no longer part of the official Star Wars canon, Darth Vader fought and defeated Maul in comic Star Wars Tales #9.
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Is Maul afraid of Vader?

Regardless, based on the season 7 of The Clone Wars, and the fact that Darth Maul was aware of Anakin Skywalker's future and his role as the Chosen One, it is very likely that Darth Maul indeed feared Darth Vader to some extent, and preferred to avoid a direct confrontation with him, at least, on his own.
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Did Maul fear Anakin?

Maul understood how much potential Anakin truly had and was terrified of him.
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Why was Maul killed so easily?

Maul's skills, on the other hand, became stagnant as he spent the last few decades of his life keeping himself alive and plotting schemes. Given this, it makes sense Obi-Wan quickly defeated Maul in their final duel in Star Wars Rebels.
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Is Darth Maul the weakest Sith?

Darth Maul was stronger than Obi Wan, he proved that when he killed Qui-Gon but he was over primed and traded being a showman for his life. Another contender for the weakest Sith could be Count Dooku, or has he's also known Darth Tyranus.
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Why does Maul hate Jedi?

Why does Darth Maul hate the Jedi? Because Maul was raised to hate them. The dark side is innate in Maul, he was born as a warrior, raised in hatred and violence, grow up steeped in the dark side, and then he was abducted by the Sith. Darth Sidious took Maul from his home to train him as his Sith apprentice.
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Who is Darth Maul's biggest enemy?

I think he always knew Palpatine was his true enemy, but knew he couldn't ever take him on. Obi Wan was kind of a deflection for his rage. It doesn't feel like Maul really "hates" Obi, it's more like he's obsessed with Obi.
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Who is stronger KYLO or Rey?

Kylo lost to Rey in TFA because he was heavily wounded and was holding back against her due to Snoke's request that he bring her back to him alive. He is also stated by Palpatine in the Secrets of the Sith book to be “equally as powerful as a real Sith despite not being one”.
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Who is stronger Obi-Wan or Maul?

Maul seemingly gained the upper hand several times throughout their duel, yet he and Obi-Wan may not actually have been as evenly matched as viewers thought. It seemed like Obi-Wan managed to defeat Darth Maul against all odds, but the characters' timelines suggest Obi-Wan had the upper hand from the start.
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Is Rey as strong as Anakin?

Rey was powerful with the Force, as anyone from Palpatine's bloodline would be, but it's highly doubtful she was anywhere near as powerful as Anakin Skywalker.
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Could Dooku beat Windu?

That notwithstanding, Master Windu was also one of the best. If the two spared as Jedi, Dooku would probably win the match because he was the better all-around duelist.
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Who is stronger than Darth Maul?

Anakin Skywalker was one of the strongest Jedi in the films and Darth Vader was one of the best Sith. It only makes sense that they both could have decimated Darth Maul if they faced him. At the peak of Anakin's power, he was able to take on Count Dooku and win, and went toe-to-toe with Obi-Wan on Mustafar.
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Can Ahsoka beat Darth Maul?

Ahsoka's lightsaber form and double blades gave her an edge against Maul, allowing her to defeat him in battle. Qui-Gon failed to defeat Maul because he focused on defense rather than offense, while Ahsoka's aggressive form countered Maul's chaotic style.
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Can Maul beat Dooku?

Had they fought one another at their full potential, Maul's exceptional lightsaber skills would have been difficult for Dooku, but Dooku's knowledge of the dark side of the Force would likely have prevailed.
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Why did Sidious let Maul live?

Sidious revealed to Maul that he did not intend to kill his former apprentice, as he still had use for Maul; it was Sidious' hope that Maul would lead the Sith to Mother Talzin, Maul's mother and the leader of the Nightsisters, so she could be eliminated as a potential threat to the eventual Sith rule of the galaxy.
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Why did Sidious choose Maul?

Sensing his potential, Sidious took Maul as an apprentice while he was still a child in 40 BBY. Anointed by his Sith Master as Darth Maul, the Dathomirian was raised to hate the Jedi Knights that served the light side of the Force.
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