Is Nightwing a hero or villain?

He is noticeable for being the first Robin, Batman's crime fighting partner. After breaking up with Batman to be his own hero, he became the superhero Nightwing.
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Is Nightwing a good or bad guy?

As Nightwing, Dick Grayson stands tall as one of DC's greatest heroes. But even this former Robin the Boy Wonder has his imperfections. Richard "Dick" Grayson has a long-standing relationship with crime fighting, which has given him time to develop a superhero-worthy moral code.
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Is Nightwing a hero?

Nightwing is the name of several superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The most prominent is Dick Grayson, who takes the name when he leaves his role as Batman's partner and sidekick Robin in his adulthood.
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Did Nightwing become evil?

After Forever Evil, Dick's identity was revealed to the world and Bruce convinced him to give up being Nightwing to become an agent of Spyral.
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Who killed Nightwing?

Harley Quinn Season 4 Confirms Harley Killed Nightwing

However, the truth unfolds when she gets back home and becomes ensconced in her own clone saga.
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Let's Talk About Dick Grayson FINALLY Getting Respect on his Name in Nightwing #100

Does Red Hood hate Nightwing?

"Man, I Hate Him": Red Hood Admits He Hates the Dcu's Most Beloved Superhero - IMDb. Red Hood's hatred towards Nightwing stems from Dick's efforts to emulate Batman and be the "good son." Internal monologues reveal Jason's jealousy towards Dick's pursuit of goodness, offering intriguing insights into his character.
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Who is Nightwing's main enemy?

As an elite mercenary with enhanced abilities like low-level super strength and durability, Deathstroke is one of the most dangerous hand-to-hand combatants in DC. Starting as adversaries through conflicts with the Teen Titans, Nightwing and Deathstroke have remained serious enemies long into Nightwing's solo career.
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Who is Nightwing biggest enemy?

Most fans often consider Blockbuster to be Nightwing's archenemy. Roland Desmond is actually the second character to assume the Blockbuster identity. Blockbuster is a criminal mastermind who took a strength-inducing steroid that turned him into a hulking and terrifying golem.
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Can Nightwing beat Red Robin?

If it's a hand to hand fight Nightwing's going to win no doubt. He just has the experience, better fitness, fighter ability and typically better read on people. Nightwing would destroy Red Robin easily if there was no holding back.
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Why do people love Nightwing?

“In many ways, even more than Superman or Batman, Nightwing is the soul, the linchpin, of the DCU. He's well respected by everyone, known to the JLA, the Titans, the Outsiders, Birds of Prey – everyone looks to him for advice, for friendship, for his skills. He's the natural leader of the DCU.”
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Can Nightwing beat Joker?

In Joker: Last Laugh #6, Nightwing is tricked into believing that the Joker fed Tim Drake to Killer Croc. Enraged at the (supposed) death of his surrogate brother, Nightwing beats the Joker to death.
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Is Batman proud of Nightwing?

Batman finally admitted he was proud of the man Nightwing had become and apologized for all the times he failed Nightwing. His son, of course, wouldn't accept this, instead thanking Batman for taking him and giving him a future and purpose he couldn't have imagined. He then gave Batman a hug and said "I love you, Dad".
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Does Superman respect Nightwing?

Clark Kent's respect and admiration for Dick Grayson runs so deep, that the Man of Steel personally asked Dick to watch over his son and heir to the mantle, Jon Kent, stating that he couldn't think of a "better role model."
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Could Nightwing beat Batman?

While it's more than possible that anger drove Nightwing to a point where he could beat Bruce, the simpler answer is that he's just a better fighter than Batman. Bruce Wayne may have been trained by martial arts masters all over the world, but Dick Grayson was trained by someone better: Batman.
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Does Batman respect Nightwing?

Batman respects Nightwing's emotional connection to his work, highlighting their differences. Nightwing proves his ability to control his anger, choosing justice over revenge, unlike Batman's occasional emotional outbursts.
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What is Nightwing's weakness?

As Robin, Dick's small frame and lack of power was a weakness. Despite his intense training with Batman, he has usually had to resort to dodging attacks from superhuman foes, rather than taking them head-on like other sturdier heroes might.
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What is Nightwing's worst fear?

Batman's first sidekick has very few fears

Although he has progressed significantly from his need to live up to his mentor's expectations, more recent issues have revealed that Nightwing suffers from a more immediate fear of placing the people he loves in danger.
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What is Nightwing's biggest fear?

While Nightwing is physically fearless, he does worry about a few things.
  • He is afraid of disappointing Batman (not of disagreeing with him, though)
  • He is afraid of disappointing or failing to protect Alfred.
  • He is afraid of anything bad happening to Barbara (Batgirl)
  • He is afraid of failing Gotham.
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Which Robin is an anti hero?

Robin Hood from Robin Hood (1883)

Robin Hood is a classic anti-hero: he steals from the rich to help the poor. As a result, he is doing good by helping the oppressed but also doing wrong by breaking the law.
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Who is Nightwing's son?

Jake Grayson is the son of Nightwing and Starfire.
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Who is Nightwing's best friend?

Dick Grayson's best friend is Wally West, and has called Alfred Pennyworth his best friend on numerous occasions. Despite his time as Robin, Dick actually favors Superman over Batman.
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Why is Nightwing wearing red?

Nightwing's red version of his classic costume was a unique departure for the character, that left a lasting impact on fans and cosplay artists alike. DC's New 52 era took Nightwing out of his traditional blue color scheme and put him in a "Bludhaven-red" suit, reflecting the darker tone of the time.
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Who does Nightwing truly love?

Nightwing's romantic partners have ranged from criminals like Liu and Shawn Tsang to fellow superheroes like Helena Bertinelli, Starfire, and Batgirl. Despite his many love interests, Nightwing's most enduring and fitting romance is with Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl.
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Why was Jason Todd hated?

Fans were quick to despise this more vengeful version of Robin. Although Jason was motivated by good intentions, he displayed a ruthlessness that was uncharacteristic of the Boy Wonder.
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