Is Rhino stronger than Colossus?

According to Marvel comics strength ranking website, the current strength levels of these characters are as follows. Rhino is in the 80 ton level. Spider-Man is in the 25 ton level. Both Colossus and Thing are in the 100 + ton level.
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Who is stronger Spider-Man or Rhino?

He lifts 100 tons in his specialized suit, far beyond Spider-Man's capability, which lies closer to 10 tons. Nevertheless, Spider-Man defeated Rhino on several occasions in the comics, mostly relying on his exceptional speed and agility.
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Is Rhino stronger than Juggernaut?

Rhino is very strong and all, but Juggernaut is several orders of magnitude more powerful. He is on another level entirely.
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Who would win Colossus or Juggernaut?

Juggernaut's power is unlimited, especially when sponsored by Cyttorak. And with his willingness to win any fight, he could even manipulate Colossus, though he's never been shown to be that clever. Juggernaut would really only need to land a single hit on Colossus to knock him out and make him lose him armored form.
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Could Colossus beat the thing?

Even The X-Men Know The Thing Is Stronger Than Colossus

That is another difference between the two men: Colossus can transform at will, while Ben Grimm is always doomed to remain the Thing.
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Rhino Anatomy Explored - Can He Ever Take Off His Suit? What's His Connection To Gamma Radiation?

Can Colossus beat the Hulk?

Colossus is Weaker but a MUCH Better Fighter

While Colossus isn't the force of nature Hulk is, he does outclass the Jade Giant in some ways. Most prominently, he's a much better team player. While his relationship with Black Widow made him less volatile, the Hulk was always more of a weapon than a teammate.
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Can Wolverine beat Colossus?

Wolverine, given enough time, could defeat Colossus in a fight using only his claws, but he would have a terrifically difficult time doing so; the latter's skin is made of adamantium, same as Logan's claws, and even a demon-controlled Wolverine can do very little against him.
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How much can Hulk lift?


The answer; there isn't one. The amazing thing about the Hulk is that unlike nearly every other superhero ever created, the Hulk's strength has absolutely no upper limit. He can lift a commercial airplane – which weighs around 100 tons – when he is at his calmest; that's no problem for him.
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Can Colossus beat Thanos?

One of the most physically powerful X-Men, Colossus is a force to be reckoned with. He would be able to put up a good fight against Thanos and even get close to beating him but he wouldn't be able to keep Thanos down and that would be a problem.
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Can Magneto defeat Colossus?

In 98% of the fights it would be Magneto for one reason. HE CAN CONTROL COLOSSUS. The only reason is he wins two percent of the time is because he was able to get up when magneto pinned him down using just his willpower and magneto was able to flip the magnetic poles!
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Can the Rhino beat the Hulk?

Iron Man Thinks Rhino Hits as Hard as The Hulk

However, one time when they went to an actual finish was in Incredible Hulk #378, where Hulk was clearly able to overpower The Rhino and even put him in a coma.
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Who can defeat Rhino?

The two species most often reported to prey upon rhinos – usually young ones – are lions in Africa and tigers in Asia. However, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs and Nile crocodiles are also known to kill African rhino calves on occasion. By far, though, people are rhinos' #1 enemy.
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Can Rhino fight the Hulk?

Rhino is sluggish in his fights and charges heads-on. If he does that to Hulk, he would either get thrown to another continent or pummeled straight into ground. Hulk's worst day capabilities are still more powerful than Rhino's on his best day. Hulk easily takes this one.
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How much can Rhino lift Spider-Man?

1) Although Rhino was initially a mere Class 70 character, the character was eventually written to be able to lift up to a maximum 100 tons – that effectively made this character a Class 100. 2) Apart from being a constant thorn for Spiderman, Rhino is also a part of Hulk's Rogues Gallery.
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What is Rhino's weakness Spider-Man?

As the Rhino made his way towards New York City, Spider-Man began to formulate how to defeat this apparently unstoppable foe. His discovered two key factors: once charging, the Rhino cannot change directions or easily halt his advance. Second, Aleksei is rather dumb.
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How can Colossus be killed?

Colossus' organic metal is strong enough to fend off bullets or even attacks from weaker metals, but it leaves the X-Man vulnerable to attacks from both vibranium and adamantium, meaning heroes like Captain America and Wolverine could kill Colossus with little effort.
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Can Deadpool beat Colossus?

Any fight between the two would go much how it went in the movie, Deadpool would break his hands or swords trying to hurt Colossus, whereas Colossus could end the fight instantly if he wanted to.
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Can Hyperion defeat Hulk?

Hyperion uses his heat vision to kill the Hulk more than 20 times, saying it took that many times to ensure he stayed dead.
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Who wins Hulk or Superman?

There's no question the Hulk is a near-indestructible force who comes out on top in almost all of his battles of pure strength. However, against Superman, he's outmatched. While Hulk's strength might rival that of the Man of Steel, Superman's other abilities give him a considerable edge against his opponent.
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Who can lift more Superman or Hulk?

The Incredible Hulk, on the other hand, has a very different relationship to strength than Superman. While the Hulk's “baseline” level of strength only allows him to lift about 70 tons – a meager amount compared to Superman's lifting power – that level can quickly change as he gets angry… and he's usually furious.
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Can Batman lift 2 tons?

Batman's Strength Is On A Nearly Superhuman Level

In Batman #655, Bruce is shown to be bench pressing over 1000 pounds during one of his regular workouts. In Batman Odyssey #2, Bruce mentions that his maximum leg press is 2500 pounds.
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Who is stronger Thor or Juggernaut?

In their normal states, Juggernaut and Thor are pretty evenly matched in terms of brute strength. However, Juggernaut has a definitive advantage with his virtually unlimited stamina. As mighty as Thor is, battling Juggernaut would surely be taxing, so he wouldn't be able to fend Cain off indefinitely.
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Who wins Juggernaut or Wolverine?

Ultimately, Juggernaut is overwhelmingly stronger than Wolverine and more immediately durable, meaning that having beaten Logan to a pulp, he'd be able to simply hold him underwater for a permanent victory.
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How did Colossus beat Juggernaut?

Eventually, the Juggernaut had managed to reclaim what had originally been his, leading to one more battle — which Colossus won by, essentially, destroying the ground under the Juggernaut's feet and causing him to fall into the void.
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