Is the basilisk dead?

Harry Potter ultimately slayed Slytherin's Basilisk by stabbing her through the roof of the mouth with the Sword of Gryffindor. The sword came out of the Sorting Hat, which had magically appeared in front of him. The hat was originally delivered to him by Fawkes, Dumbledore's phoenix.
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Are basilisks still alive?

The common basilisk is found in tropical rainforests throughout Central America and in northwestern South America, usually living in low elevations, from sea level to 600 m (2,000 ft). In Costa Rica, this basilisk can be found as high as 1,200 m (3,900 ft) in some places.
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Is the basilisk still in the Chamber of Secrets?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, when Ron and Hermione entered the Chamber of Secrets, the skeleton of the Basilisk was still there, but appeared to be in a different spot than where Harry had killed her five years ago.
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Would the basilisk kill Voldemort?

If the basilisk venom was injected into his body yes Voldemort would die a true death, However if he had any Horcrux's left He would become what he became when he tried to kill Harry Potter.
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How does the basilisk stay alive?

Basilisks can live a natural life of at least nine hundred years, though Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk lived for approximately a thousand years. This is accomplished by using Parseltongue to put the creature into a deep sleep that prevents it from aging, similar to suspended animation.
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Why Azkaban Uses Dementors | Harry Potter Explained

How did the basilisk survive for 1000 years?

Basilisks could live a natural life of at least nine hundred years, though Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk lived for approximately a thousand years. This was accomplished by using Parseltongue to put the creature into a deep sleep that prevented it from ageing, similar to suspended animation.
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Why do spiders fear the basilisk?

The basilisk was their greatest threat due to its killing gaze and the fact that spiders had many eyes and an extreme field of view, thus making them highly vulnerable targets.
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Why didn t Basilisk kill Harry Horcrux?

To destroy the horcrux you have to destroy the container in which it lives in. Harry didn't die, so its container wasn't destroyed.
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Why didn't the basilisk kill the Horcrux?

Because he did not die. Fawkes the friendly phoenix used his tears to heal Harry's arm before the venom was able to kill him. If he was killed by the venom, then at that point the horcrux inside him would've died.
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Why didn t the basilisk bite kill Harry?

Originally Answered: In the second Harry Potter book, why didn't the basilisk fang that pierced Harry's arm kill the piece of Voldemort inside him? Because Fawkes saved his life before he became irreparable which is required to 100% destroy the soul.
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Is basilisk a Horcrux?

This would mean that the basilisk was not only a Horcrux but as near to being Slytherin himself as anything could be. As Salazar Slytherin's direct descendent, Tom Riddle could also use the connection to the Hogwarts founder's soul to control the basilisk, while other Parseltongues could not.
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Who is the heir of Gryffindor?

Harry, as heir of Gryffindor, possessed the love of this Muggle-born woman in his very blood and was the perfect champion to stand up against the heir of Slytherin.
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Did basilisk bite Harry?

In 1993, Harry Potter stabbed the roof of the Basilisk's mouth with the Sword of Gryffindor and ended up getting a fang splintered into his arm. Tom Riddle described the venom as being able to kill Harry in a little more than a minute, though Fawkes's tears healed Harry's arm and cleansed the poison.
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What animal kills a basilisk?

The only animal that can directly kill a basilisk is the weasel. The weasel enters the cave where the basilisk lives, causing the basilisk to flee, but the weasel catches and kills it; Sometimes the weasel may itself be killed in the fight.
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What does the basilisk eat?

Basilisk lizards are found in lowland forests of Central America, often near rivers. During the day they spend most of their time on the ground, but at night they sleep up in trees. They are omnivorous and will eat flowers, fruit, insects, fish, small reptiles, amphibians and birds.
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Is basilisk a Demon?

Basilisks are a species of serpentine demons from the Demon Realm that possess shapeshifting and magic-siphoning abilities. Basilisks were extinct, but were revived and held captive by the Emperor's Coven so their methods of draining magic could be studied.
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Why does the Basilisk only obey Voldemort?

Basilisk was Slytherin's monster, who can be controlled only by his descendent. Tom riddle was his direct descendent. While Harry got his ability to speak parseltounge because he had a part of Voldemort's soul in him.
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Why did the Basilisk not kill Voldemort?

The basilisk's poison was strong enough to destroy a horcrux, making fans wonder why the one in Harry didn't die when he was bitten by the giant serpent. As it turns out, Fawkes not only saved Harry but also the part of Voldemort's soul living in him.
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Why didn t Voldemort make a Horcrux every time he killed someone?

It was stated at one point that Voldemort had already "pushed his soul to the limit" in creating his multiple Horcruxes. This implied a finite number of Horcruxes any one person may create before the process became too dangerous to attempt again.
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Did Voldemort survive because of Horcrux?

Voldemort had no body, but his soul had survived, all thanks to his Horcruxes. Likely, Voldemort had anticipated his followers helping him regain a body much sooner than 13 years, but the Horcruxes still did their job of saving the Dark Lord.
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Why did Harry survive the Basilisk?

It's also lucky for Tom that Harry was a living thing that Fawkes could heal." JK Rowling also answered the question in an old blog post of hers. She said, “A Horcrux can only be destroyed if its container is damaged beyond repair. Harry was healed by Fawkes.
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Was Aragog afraid of the basilisk?

Aragog, like all spiders, feared Basilisks (though the personality of the Basilisk lurking in Hogwarts was most likely a contributing factor), and would not speak of one, not even to Hagrid himself, even though he had asked him about the creature many times.
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What is the weakness of the basilisk?

According to Pliny, the basilisk can kill with its gaze alone, as well as with its noxious breath. Interestingly, we also learn of the monster's weakness. The stench of a weasel will kill the basilisk, although the weasel too will perish.
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How did Hermione know it was a basilisk?

Hermione goes to the one place she knows that she can find answers: the library. In her research, she learns that it is a Basilisk attacking students. She also figures out that the giant beast is using the pipes to navigate the school's corridors.
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Why was the basilisk blind?

He saw the Shadows of the Basilisk on the stone floor of the Chamber of Secrets as Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix pierced the Basilisk's Eyes. And thus depriving the Basilisk's of its greatest weapon, its capacity of killing by looking directly into its eyes, or petrifying by looking indirectly into its eyes.
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