Is the original Sleeping Beauty dark?

Hear this out loud
The tale of Aurora in Disney's Sleeping Beauty closely follows the story included by the Brothers Grimm in their collection, a story that in turn was based on French author Charles Perrault's version. However, the first version to be published, by Giambattista Basile, takes a much darker turn.
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Why is Sleeping Beauty dark?

In the original version of Sleeping Beauty, published in 1634, the princess isn't woken by her true love - but repeatedly raped by a king who comes across her lying on a bed in a deep sleep.
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What is the darkest Disney story?

Arguably the darkest film in the entire Disney animated canon is the 1996 film The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The movie opens with Frollo killing Quasimodo's mother and attempting to kill an infant Quasimodo before he's forced to stop. He attempts to atone for the sin of murdering Quasimodo's mother by taking the boy in.
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What is the darkest fairy tale ever written?

The eight darkest fairy tales
  • LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Charles Perrault, 1697. ...
  • THE LITTLE MERMAID. Hans Christian Andersen, 1836. ...
  • SLEEPING BEAUTY. Giambattista Basile, 1634. ...
  • RAPUNZEL. Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de la Force, 1698. ...
  • HANSEL AND GRETEL. The Brothers Grimm, 1812. ...
  • BLUEBEARD. ...
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What is the original version of the Sleeping Beauty story?

The earliest known version of the tale is found in the narrative Perceforest, written between 1330 and 1344. Another was the Catalan poem Frayre de Joy e Sor de Paser.
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The Messed Up Origins of Sleeping Beauty | Disney Explained - Jon Solo

What happened in the Grimm version of Sleeping Beauty?

Since the twelfth wise woman had not yet given her gift, she says that instead of death, the princess will fall into a deep slumber for a hundred years. The princess, Rosamond, pricks her finger in her fifteenth year and fulfills the prophecy, where she falls into a deep sleep along with the entire castle.
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Was the original Little Mermaid dark?

In the original story, The Little Mermaid is motivated by a fear of death and desires a soul and an afterlife in addition to love. The original Little Mermaid story is much darker and violent than Disney's version, with the sea witch brutally cutting out the mermaid's tongue in exchange for legs.
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Why were original fairy tales so gruesome?

Why are original fairy tales so dark? Some say this is because a few of them are based on actual historical events. Today's versions have been made palatable by removing themes of torture, rape, cannibalism and the like.
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What is the brother Grimm version of Sleeping Beauty?

Eugen Napoleon Neureuther's print illustrates the Brothers Grimm fairy tale “Little Briar-Rose,” more familiar to Americans as Sleeping Beauty. The Brothers Grimm recorded their fairy tales, first published in 1812, in an effort to document Germanic folk stories.
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Why is Hansel and Gretel so dark?

Like many other fairy tales, this one is dark for a reason. Hansel and Gretel's abandonment and battle with the witch was inspired by the Great Famine of the early 1300's when people were literally starving.
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What is the darkest Disney song?

One of the most unsettling of all Disney songs, “Hellfire” goes heavy on the darkness – lust, revenge, damnation, sin… it's all here. It's sung by Judge Claude Frollo (voiced by Tony Jay), the Parisian justice minister and religious zealot tasked with taking care of Quasimodo, the hero of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame.
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What movie almost ruined Disney?

Known as the movie that almost killed Disney animation back in the '80s, The Black Cauldron is just a movie made in the wrong generation.
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What Disney movie was almost deleted?

'Toy Story 2' Was Almost Deleted From Its Servers

According to him, some poor, thankfully unnamed, soul at Pixar was in the internal file servers doing some standard file clearance, when they mistakenly put in a deletion command on the root folder for the film.
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What is the hidden message in Sleeping Beauty?

The message seems to be that men and women must seek Love to heal the relationship between them and thereby heal the land. The message can also apply to the union of opposites within. “Sleeping Beauty” represents the awakening of the feminine principle that was pricked to sleep by the masculine principle.
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Which Disney princess has the darkest story?

So, here are six Disney princesses with much darker fairy tales.
  • Cinderella. If only finding outfits could be this easy. ...
  • The Little Mermaid. A twist that leaves us speechless. ...
  • Sleeping Beauty. Aurora is the queen of napping. ...
  • Rapunzel. ...
  • The Princess and the Frog. ...
  • Snow White.
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What is the dark side of the story of Sleeping Beauty?

Naturally, he's captivated by her beauty. But rather than an enraptured embrace and true love's kiss, well … he rapes her. He rapes her in her comatose sleep. This more than 400 years before Maleficent will become the infamous villain of the tale we now know.
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How did Sleeping Beauty originally end?

Sleeping Beauty: The Original Story

Instead of waking from the prince's kiss, she wakes up when she gives birth to her twin children, and one of the babies gets the flax out of her finger. The prince later returns, and they get married.
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Is Sleeping Beauty Based on a true story?

1. The story of Sleeping Beauty was based on the fairy tale “La Belle Au Bois Dormant,” published in 1697 by Charles Perrault. This tale also served as the inspiration for the Brothers Grimm tale, The Briar Rose, published in 1812.
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Why are the Brothers Grimm so dark?

It's thought that the brothers kept much of the grim and gore, even heightening it a bit, because it stoked reader's interests. Murder and mayhem sells.
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What is Grimm's Darkest tale?

This story has all the makings of classic horror – dark woods, a gang of murderers, severed body parts and even cannibalism. The Robber Bridegroom is one of the Grimm Brothers' darkest tales. It is the tale of the daughter of a miller who is betrothed to a suitor by her father.
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What is the most gruesome fairy tale?

“The Armless Maiden” is one of the most shockingly gruesome fairy tales that I am aware of, and if you aren't familiar with it you might be forgiven for thinking that fairy tales are generally light and fluffy—even those included above seem mild after reading this one.
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What is the darker version of Cinderella?

Aschenputtel is a much darker tale. Cinderella's wishes come not from a fairy godmother but from a tree growing on her mother's grave. Her father, instead of being absent as in Perrault's tale, is willfully ignorant of his daughter's suffering.
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Why did they make Ariel black?

He says they were looking for the best actor for the role of any ethnicity who could not only sing but convey traits such as strength, passion, beauty, joy and intelligence, which they found in Bailey.
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Is Ariel supposed to be white?

Since the animated feature film had a white mermaid as Ariel, some people are angry that Disney has gone with a black actress in the live-action. Some people also believe that Hans Christian Andersen described the Little mermaid as a white mermaid in his book. Therefore, Disney should have cast a white actress instead.
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