Is Wonder Woman worthy of Mjolnir?

DC Comics/Marvel Comics Wonder Woman was worthy of Mjolnir, but discarded it to fight Storm on equal footing.
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Is Wonder Woman worthy to lift Mjolnir?

6 Wonder Woman is Worthy, But Not from Around

Wonder Woman came across it and picked it up with ease, but deciding that she didn't want to have an unfair advantage over her opponent, Storm, she decided not to use Mjolnir.
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Can Wonder Woman break Thor's hammer?

As Thor menaces the Valkyries, Wonder Woman easily disarms the God of Thunder and effortlessly crushes his trusty hammer Mjolnir between her hands as if it was an aluminum can.
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Which DC character is worthy of Mjolnir?

Superman could wield Mjolnir because he is, at his core, one of the purest heroes in the DC universe. In fact, Superman has wielded Thor's hammer before. In Avengers/JLA #4, a crossover limited series from 2004, Superman was able to lift Mjolnir in a battle with Kronos.
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Could Thor beat Wonder Woman?

Nevertheless, there is a legitimate answer to this question. In Wonder Woman No. 773, during the Afterworlds storyline, the Amazonian bests Thor. What's even worse for the God of Thunder is that Diana can lift and wield that comic book's version of Mjolnir.
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Can Wonder Woman Lift Thor's Hammer?

Who is more powerful than Wonder Woman?

Even though Scarlet Witch doesn't always have full control of her powers, she is still far more powerful than Wonder Woman, making her the likely victor in a standoff between the two.
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Which Avenger can beat Wonder Woman?

However, Thor is also pretty much Wonder Woman's superior in every other way; he's the only one of the Avengers who completely outclasses her. A battle between Thor and Wonder Woman would be an epic clash of two proficient warriors going one on one.
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Can Superman pick up Mjolnir?

It's important to note that the rules around worthiness had been temporarily suspended to allow this to happen. As soon as the fight was over, Superman couldn't lift the hammer anymore. However, under normal circumstances, without any weird interference, Superman is worthy of Mjolnir.
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Who can lift Mjolnir without being worthy?

Other Marvel characters have lifted Mjolnir not through worthiness but through technicalities such as absorbing Thor's powers, including the Air-Walker, Awesome Android, Magneto, Rogue, Wonder Man, and Doctor Doom.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Thanos?

So, even though Wonder Woman has Thanos beat in many categories, he's going to be able to defeat her. Thanos knows how to take advantage of foes like the Amazonian, giving him an advantage. While it would still be a difficult battle, Thanos would defeat her.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Hulk?

The Hulk is dangerous to fight no matter which version one faces, but Wonder Woman would beat him. To begin with, she's stronger than he is right off the bat, which will definitely help. The problem with fighting the Hulk is that the longer the fight goes, the harder it gets.
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Could Batman lift Thor's hammer?

Surprisingly, the answer is almost certainly, “No.” Although Batman's will and moral compass do make him a worthy candidate for Thor's hammer, his track record with super powers is less than stellar. In several storylines, Batman has acquired genuine superpowers but frequently becomes corrupted by them.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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Can Black Panther lift Mjolnir?

And not only that, their mission is noble enough that it's earned the loyalty of Mjolnir. While it is still Thor's hammer, it won't hurt one of the Panther Kings. It's even revealed that in the past, the first Black Panther actually once wielded the hammer himself, using it in unseen battle to protect the world.
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Could Ultron lift Thor's hammer?

A machine can pick up the weapon and move it anywhere since it's mindless and incapable of possessing the morals necessary to be considered worthy. By this logic, Ultron himself could have lifted it, but it wouldn't have done him much good.
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Why can t Loki lift Mjolnir?

There's been confusion among fans about whether or not Loki is worthy of wielding Thor's hammer, but Marvel has finally confirmed that the God of Mischief can indeed lift Mjolnir. The Immortal Thor #4 complicated the issue of Loki's worthiness by not allowing him to solely be the one to lift Mjolnir.
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Does Spider-Man can lift Thor's hammer?

Originally Answered: Can Spider-Man (from any universe) lift Mjolnir? Sure, the prime Spider-man (Peter Parker of Earth 616) was able to lift Mjolnir and throw it to Thor.
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Could Green Lantern lift Thor's hammer?

7 Not Worthy: The Green Lanterns Are Unworthy

Seeing as Odin put the spell on Thor's hammer to teach his son some humility, it only makes sense that being humble is part of being worthy, and humility and humbleness are not words that would be used to describe a Green Lantern.
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Can Superman bend vibranium?

It depends on which type of vibranium you are taking about. Vibranium in wakanda can be broken by superman until an unless suri full off Tricks to make it more durable. In movies Captain sheild is made of Exclusively Vibranium of Wakanda. But antartic vibranium is much more durable compare to his othe…
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Would Batman beat Captain America?

Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.
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What is Wonder Woman's weakness?

She has no convenient weakness. She used to be rendered powerless if she was bound or shackled by a man, but that's been phased out. She would also go mad when her bracelets were removed. Not treated consistently either.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Wolverine?

Wolverine is strong, stronger than most, but he's not Wonder Woman, and not by a long shot. She, the Princess Diana, is the heir to the Amazon race, which by itself bestows her with enough strength to best Weapon X.
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Can Wonder Woman beat Galactus?

With the ability to control the Power Cosmic, alter souls and memories, and resurrect people from the dead, Galactus' power levels far exceed anything that Wonder Woman can match. Despite her best efforts, Diana would be a gnat to Galactus' lion in this (non-)battle.
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Can Wonder Woman cut Superman?

But when pitted against each other, only one can come out on top. Wonder Woman proved she does, in fact, have what it takes to bring down Superman in Wonder Woman #219 by Greg Rucka, Rags Morales, David Lopez, Tom Derenick, Georges Jeanty and Karl Kerschl.
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