What decade made the best movies?

Most film scholars will tell you that the 1970s were the greatest decade of film.
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What year had the best movies ever?

1939 is considered by many to be the best year in movie history, and when you look at all the classics that were released, it's hard to argue against it.
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Was the 90s the best decade for movies?

Here's a hot take for you: the 1990s were the best decade for movies ever. It shouldn't be that controversial when you really give it some thought. It was a time of mindblowing innovation, not just in terms of special effects but the kind of stories major studios felt comfortable telling.
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Why movies from 90s are best?

Many of the films of the '90s incorporated new technologies and tackled issues that were previously thought of as taboo on film. It was another golden decade for Hollywood, as it seemed like there were more and more classic dramas, comedies, action thrillers, and documentaries coming out every year.
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Which decade was known as the golden age of movies?

The Golden Age of Hollywood 1930s/1940s

The 1930s produced some of the most iconic films in cinema history. Think The Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs for example. These movies seemed more magical than their predecessors for two groundbreaking reasons.
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Is 80s the golden age?

Today, some see the 1980s as a Golden Age, a “Morning in America” when President Ronald Reagan, American conservatives, and baby boomer entrepreneurs revived America's economy, reoriented American politics, reformed American society, and restored Americans' faith in their country and in themselves.
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What ended golden era of Hollywood?

Hollywood's Golden Age finally came to an end due to two main factors: antitrust actions, and the invention of television. The iconic Hollywood sign. Reprinted from Hollywood 1940 – 2008 by Marc Wanamaker (pg. 19, Arcadia Publishing, 2009).
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Why was the 90s so iconic?

Arguably, the 1990s produced some of the best - or at least, the most influential - television, music, and movies. Indeed, many movie critics have made the case that 1999 was the best year ever for movies, featuring high-quality films that have become part of the cultural dialogue.
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Why 80s movies are so good?

Use of green screens and CGI were rare back in the day. Budgets were also smaller. This meant movies relied on good practical FX and excellent story telling. The acting itself is a byproduct of the script.
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Why do 70s movies look so good?

The 1970s movies were still using film while the 1980s were going video. This makes everything look brighter. The cuts are also neater and sound is better. The 1970s movies aimed for looking gritty.
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Why do I love 90s movies?

One reason films from the 90s hold such appeal is that they seem to depict a simpler, more innocent time. “A lot of these films were written by baby boomers, so even if someone had a dead-end job, they were still able to afford accommodation, they lived in a nice neighbourhood.
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Why 1994 was the best year for movies?

It was a time when so many great directors were putting out some of their best work, and there were plenty of films that tried to do something new or artistic whilst also being accessible and crowd-pleasing.
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Why 1999 was the best year in movie history?

It was also the year that Pedro Almodóvar released his Oscar-winning film, All About My Mother. The directors George Lucas, Stephen Sommers and The Wachowskis were able to kickstart infamous film franchises. There were certain actors that delivered brilliant performances in 1999 and went on to become big names.
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What is the 1st best movie ever?

Citizen Kane (1941) stood at number 1 for five consecutive polls, with 22 votes in 1962, 32 votes in 1972, 45 votes in 1982, 43 votes in 1992, and 46 votes in 2002.
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When did movies peak?

Cinema's Golden Age

The advent of sound secured the dominant role of the American industry and gave rise to the so-called 'Golden Age of Hollywood'. During the 1930s and 1940s, cinema was the principal form of popular entertainment, with people often attending cinemas twice a week.
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Why is Gen Z obsessed with the 80s?

Well, for Gen Z it's about the whole vibe. Many feel that the era represents a carefree time that was about having fun. Considering the stressful reality we've been experiencing over the last few years, it's no wonder Gen Z are feeling nostalgic for a simpler time.
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Why 80s nostalgia?

There were new, bold fashion and hair trends. Kids spent hours playing Super Mario Brothers. Shopping malls became teen hangouts. By the mid-1980s, as creativity mixed with television, technology, and commercialism, there was always something new to do, see, or try.
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Why 80s is the best decade?

12 Reasons Why The 80s Was The Best Decade
  • The Music. I love music from all the decades, even today's music. ...
  • The Mix Tape. Haha, the good old mix tape that took so much effort and perseverance to create! ...
  • The Fashion. ...
  • The Hairstyles. ...
  • TV Shows. ...
  • The Movies. ...
  • Arcade Games. ...
  • Memorable Toys.
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Why is Gen Z obsessed with the 90s?

“Members of the millennial and Gen Z generations are especially likely to be prone to nostalgia for the 90s/00s now, as they remember their childhood, teen years and late adolescence,” she says. “Those years predate much of the stress imposed by dramatic transformations in the way we currently live.”
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What was the best decade to live in?

Recent decades are most popular. When asked which decade they think was the best one to live through, one in five choose the 1990s and another 21% choose the 1980s. Few choose the long-ago 1930s or 1940s. More older Americans choose decades further in the past; those under 30 choose more recent decades.
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What was the 90s era called?

Known as the "post-Cold War decade", the 1990s are culturally imagined by many as the period from the Revolutions of 1989 until the war on terror of the 2000s.
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When did Hollywood decline?

Even in comparison to major releases seen today, hundreds of more films were made and released in the 1930s. Genre films were big hits, especially westerns, gangster and crime movies, and musicals. The Golden Age of Hollywood began to falter by 1948 and fully came to an end by the 1960s.
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Are movies losing popularity?

The rise of streaming services has contributed to the decline of turnout in theaters. Going to the movies is a beloved experience for many, but has become less popular as of late. In 2021, a notably high 61% of Americans skipped out on the moviegoing experience.
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Why is Hollywood in decline?

Making movies and TV has become a very expensive game. We've seen blockbuster budgets balloon, and many times they do not feel justified. These high budgets mean movies have to earn billions to be profitable. There's so much pressure on studios to make these tentpoles, they're leaving smaller titles behind.
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