What did 3rd class do on the Titanic?

Third class The general room was where most passengers gathered, talked and socialised. There was a piano for passengers to make their own music in the evenings. There was also a male-only smoke room which was panelled and furnished in oak with teak furniture.
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Did anyone in 3rd class survive the Titanic?

Around 709 third class passengers were on board. Around 174 third class passengers survived.
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What did 3rd class passengers do for fun on the Titanic?

The only things third class had were public rooms ex:the general room and smoking room. They would just have to make their own ways of having fun such as playing cards, dancing, or playing the piano in the general room (an awesome luxury at the time).
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What was life like in 3rd class on the Titanic?

Third class was much more basic with very few facilities, but passengers still enjoyed a high level of luxury compared to other liners of the day. The general room was where most passengers gathered, talked and socialised. There was a piano for passengers to make their own music in the evenings.
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How much did a 3rd class ticket on the Titanic?

Most of the time, it was $5 per British pound, so third-class tickets would cost $35 in 1912, with first-class accommodations coming in at $4,000. Even when you account for inflation, the cost is staggering.
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The Unspeakable Things That Happened To The Titanic's Third-Class Passengers

Which class died the most on the Titanic?

Approximately 1,317 passengers died when the Titanic sank. 709 of them were third-class passengers. Three-quarters of them perished. The reason why many more of these passengers died compared to the first- and second-class members was that the third-class passengers were confined to their area of the Titanic.
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Did any 1st class passengers survive the Titanic?

Around 201 of the estimated 324 passengers traveling in first class were lucky enough to survive the disaster, 61% of those journeying on a 1st class ticket.
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Did anyone from the Boiler room survived Titanic?

Titanic was celebrated as the biggest, safest, most advanced ship of its age, but it was a lowly stoker in its boiler room who truly deserved the name 'unsinkable'. John Priest survived no fewer than four ships that went to the bottom, including Titanic and its sister ship Britannic.
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Did anyone survive the Titanic that was not in a lifeboat?

In researching his genealogy he has connected with distant cousins who descended from his grandmother Evelyn Kearney Connors side of the family. It was her sister, Edna Kearney Murray who survived the sinking of the Titanic but it wasn't in an overloaded lifeboat.
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How did the fireman survive Titanic?

On April 15, 1912, while the ship was sinking, Barrett boarded lifeboat No. 13 and took command of it, thus surviving the disaster.
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Did Titanic survivors get paid?

White Star paid nothing until December 1915, when they agreed to pay compensation of $664,000 to to be be divided amongst the survivors. Worked out at about $950 per person. Adjusted for inflation, that works out to be $22,000.
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Did any 2nd class passengers survive the Titanic?

How many Second Class passengers survived the Titanic? An estimated 111 of the roughly 284 passengers traveling in second class were fortunate to survive the disaster, around 42% of those journeying on a 2nd class ticket.
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What food was eaten on the Titanic?

Curried chicken, baked fish, spring lamb, mutton, and roast turkey were common menu items, as was pudding for dessert. The night the Titanic sank, the doomed second class passengers had plum pudding, also known as Christmas pudding.
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How many babies died on the Titanic?

Around 109 children were onboard when the titanic sank. And about half of the number, around 59 to 60 children, died. Only one child travelling in first class died. The others were children of third-class passengers.
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How many dogs died on the Titanic?

More than 1500 people died in the disaster, but they weren't the only casualties. The ship carried at least twelve dogs, only three of which survived.
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Which millionaires died on the Titanic?

How Many Millionaires Were on the Titanic?
  • John Jacob Aster (died)
  • Isidor and Ida Straus (died, parlour suite)
  • Mrs. Charlotte Drake Cardeza and son (survived, parlour suite)
  • Benjamin Guggenheim (died)
  • Molly Brown (survived)
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How many Titanic survivors were pulled from the water?

In all, from 44 to 48 were actually saved from the water while about 79 passengers and crew have have been found who said they had been in contact with the water.
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How much did a second class ticket cost on the Titanic?

The cost of a Third Class ticket was significantly lower than those of the First and Second Class. First Class tickets ranged from £30 to £870 (around $4,000 to $115,000 today), while Second Class tickets were priced between £12 and £60 (approximately $1,600 to $8,000 today).
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Did anyone ever sue the Titanic?

Introduction. After the Titanic sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean on April 15, 1912, hundreds of the survivors, families of victims, and owners of cargo filed claims against the White Star Line for loss of life, property, and for injuries sustained. Their claims totaled $16.4 million.
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Is Rose from Titanic real?

No, Rose and Jack Dawson, played by Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio respectively, aren't based on real people in Titanic – however, certain facets of Winslet's character were inspired by the American artist Beatrice Wood.
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How much money was lost after the Titanic sank?

While the loss of life is the tragedy of this event, more than lives were lost. From the claims made after the sinking to insurance companies, and in auctions of those remaining and recovered items today, it is estimated that about $200 million worth of precious assets were lost in the disaster.
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Who survived the Titanic drunk?

The sinking would condemn more than 1,500 to die in the frigid North Atlantic, but someone conspicuously not among the dead that night was the ship's chief baker Charles Joughin, who survived history's worst maritime disaster by getting incredibly soused.
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What happened to the coward of the Titanic?

Later life. Though cleared of blame by the official British inquiry, Ismay never recovered from the Titanic disaster. Already emotionally repressed and insecure before his voyage on Titanic, the tragedy sent him into a state of deep depression from which he never truly emerged. He kept a low profile afterwards.
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