What did John Diggle get at the end of Arrow?

In Arrow's series finale, Diggle found a box with a glowing green light, which is hinted to be a Green Lantern ring. Since the finale, Diggle has appeared in other Arrowverse series, where he has referenced finding the glowing box.
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What did Diggle find in the last episode of Arrow?

The series finale of Arrow gave fans of The CW's Arrowverse one of its most enduring mysteries when John Diggle (David Ramsey), in the final moments of the episode, opened a mysterious glowing green box that had fallen to Earth from space.
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Did Diggle become a Green Lantern?

In Season 8, Diggle refuses the invitation from the glowing green cube he came across in the series finale of Arrow and decides to remain with his family instead of becoming a Green Lantern.
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What happens to John at the end of Arrow?

However, he was brought back with new memories on Earth-Prime until J'onn J'onzz restored his Earth-1 memories shortly after to help stop Mobius. John later attended Oliver's funeral, giving a speech to honor his best friend. He made the choice to disband Team Arrow and moved to Metropolis with his family.
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What is the cube John Diggle has?

An unknown object, also referred to as a cube, crash-landed in Star City after Oliver Queen's funeral. John Diggle recovered it, although it would later cause him some health problems.
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Arrow 8x10 ending John Diggle Green Lantern Tease

What happened to Diggle's daughter Sarah?

Sara's status in the Flashpoint timeline is unknown, but when Eobard Thawne helped Barry restore the previous timeline, some less obvious changes remained. One of the major ones was the erasing of Sara from existence; in this new timeline, the Diggle family instead has a son, John Diggle, Jr.
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What powers does John Diggle have?

However, in the original "Green Arrow" comic books and most mainstream depictions, John Diggle is not known to possess superpowers. John Diggle is primarily portrayed as a highly skilled bodyguard, former soldier, and close ally of the superhero Green Arrow (Oliver Queen).
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Who is still alive at the end of Arrow?

Dead characters like Moira Queen, Quentin Lance, and Tommy Merlyn are now alive again thanks to Oliver's sacrifice; Team Arrow members John Diggle, Dinah Drake, Laurel Lance, and Rene Ramirez have new jobs and missions ahead of them; Roy and Thea are finally getting married; Mia Queen is safely back in the future and ...
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What happens to Oliver's son William?

In an erased future he had changed his name to William Harris and founded Harris Consolidated by 2040. In the new multiverse, William got the chance to grow up with his half-sister, Mia, and live with Felicity after his father's death. He attended Oliver's funeral to honor his father.
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Is John Diggle in The Flash?

In Superman & Lois, an alternate Diggle is depicted as an affiliate of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and an ally of John Henry Irons. Ramsey has reprised his role in the subsequent Arrowverse series The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and Batwoman, as well as the non-Arrowverse series Superman & Lois.
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Did Diggle find a Green Lantern ring?

In Arrow's series finale, Diggle found a box with a glowing green light, which is hinted to be a Green Lantern ring. Since the finale, Diggle has appeared in other Arrowverse series, where he has referenced finding the glowing box.
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Why did the Green Lantern show get cancelled?

This was the first Green Lantern television series and the first CGI DC/WB series. The series was cancelled after one season due to poor toy sales after the negative reception and poor box office performance of the live-action film.
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Why did Diggle's daughter become a son?

diggel had a daughter baby Sarah but after Barry reset the time line john had a son instead of a daughter. He had girl and when Barry created Flashpoint he then had a boy.
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Why didn't John Diggle become the Green Lantern?

Ultimately, Diggle's character is defined by his devotion to his family and, as he noted in The Flash season 8, "there is no power in the universe more powerful than the love I have for my family." It would be incredibly out of character for John Diggle to abandon his wife and children, even in the pursuit of a noble ...
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Why was Diggles brother killed in Arrow?

Andy betrayed Team Arrow by helping break Damien out of prison, killing Laurel Lance in the process, and attempted to harm John's family to help H.I.V.E. carry out Genesis. John, having failed so many times to bring his brother back, was then forced to shoot Andy dead, much to his distress.
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How did Oliver Queen lose his arm?

They meet an older Oliver Queen who fought Slade's son Grant Wilson who took the mantle of Deathstroke. Wilson defeated Oliver and severed his left arm, and eventually devastated the whole city. Oliver replaced his arm with a cybernetic arm and out of grief, vanished from the public and hid himself in his bunker.
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Who does Laurel Lance end up with?

After the events of Crisis, in the new Earth-Prime, Laurel is said to have married Tommy Merlyn, who survived the events of the first season in this new universe, although Laurel herself still later died.
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Who did Oliver Queen get pregnant?

Samantha Clayton (died May 17, 2390) was the ex-lover of Oliver Queen and the mother of William Clayton. Oliver ultimately got her pregnant, though she was paid $1 million by Moira Queen, Oliver's mother, to pretend she had had a miscarriage and move back to Central City, though she never cashed the check.
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Why is Felicity smoak not in season 8?

Oliver, Diggle, and the others had to complete Oliver's final task without Felicity in season 8. Felicity's surprising exit was a result of the actress' decision to leave, rather than a creative one.
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Where did Felicity go at the end of Arrow?

After passing through, Felicity found herself in Moira Queen's office, where she and Oliver are reunited. As revealed by the pair's conversation, this is the afterlife, meaning both Felicity and Oliver are dead.
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What happens after Green Arrow dies?

Oliver Queen died a hero's death in the first chapter of the Crisis on Infinite Earths event, sacrificing himself to buy more time to evacuate Earth-38. This noble act enabled him to become the new host of the angel of vengeance known as The Spectre.
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Is JJ Diggles son?

Last season, Arrow revealed that in addition to their Flashpoint-gender-swapped son John Junior Aka JJ, John Diggle and Lyla have an adopted son, Connor.
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Do John and Oliver make up?

John was furious with Oliver when he abducted his wife and held her hostage in exchange for Nyssa al Ghul. The two reconciled at least 6 months later after Oliver literally took a bullet for John, saving him when they were trying to apprehend anarchy.
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Does Oliver become Ra's al Ghul?

After Ra's death, Malcolm Merlyn succeeded him as the new leader of the League of Assassins, the next "Ra's al Ghul", however, Oliver Queen was chosen to be the true Ra's al Ghul and leader of the League of Assassins; as he not only survived Ra's blade in a death match, but he also killed Ra's.
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