What did Palpatine think when the Death Star was destroyed?

In the wake of the first Star Wars movie and the Death Star's destruction, Emperor Palpatine blamed his Sith apprentice Darth Vader for the colossal Imperial failure. The Rebels blowing up the Death Star was the single greatest military disaster in the nearly 20 years of Palpatine's Empire.
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How did Palpatine react to the Death Star's destruction?

There, Palpatine harangued Darth Vader for his failure to protect the superweapon. "Now, we no longer have the Senate to hold order," Palpatine fumed. "We do not have the Death Star to force it. Our greatest weapon is gone, our production is in ashes.
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Did Palpatine care about the Death Star?

Sure, Palpatine had authority, but he was missing the one thing that would give him complete control and assert his dominance over the galaxy - power. Building the Death Star would show the galaxy that the Galactic Empire was not to be taken lightly and that obeying would be much easier than opposing.
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How did Palpatine feel about the destruction of alderaan?

Emperor Palpatine briefly appeared at the Imperial Palace to publicly comment on the destruction of Alderaan, claiming to be distressed by the world's passing and inviting any surviving off-world Alderaanians to his own private resort world.
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What was Palpatine's reaction to Yoda's death?

Suddenly, Palpatine felt a surge in the force as Yoda passed away, and he erupted in laughter. as he was filled with the power of the Dark Side.
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How Palpatine Reacted to the Death Star's Destruction

Which Jedi did Palpatine fear?

Qui-Gon is one of the most powerful Jedi in the saga: highly skilled in the Force and mastering abilities that other Jedi couldn't, including the ability to consciously manifest after death. But more than his abilities as an individual, it was his maverick philosophy that the Emperor feared.
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Who cheated death before Palpatine?

A Sith Lord with the ability to cheat death and create life, Plagueis is the enigmatic mentor of Sheev Palpatine / Darth Sidious, who, in accordance to the Sith's Rule of Two, eventually betrays Plagueis by murdering him in his sleep, taking his place as Sith Master.
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What was the worst thing Palpatine did?

As the ultimate villain of every Star Wars trilogy, Palpatine has hundreds of atrocities to his name. His plots and machinations toppled the Republic, ended the Jedi, and threatened to drown the stars in fire and blood unless the entire galaxy submitted to an eternal Sith Empire.
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Why did Palpatine want to destroy Naboo?

Sidious had been the one who suggested Naboo be the Federation's target, as, in his guise as Naboo Senator Sheev Palpatine, he planned to use his people's suffering in a bid for political sympathy, which would push him to be the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, allowing him to further his own plans.
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Did Bail Organa survive the destruction of Alderaan?

Though the Alliance won its first major victory of the Galactic Civil War at Scarif, Organa and his wife were killed when the Death Star, an Imperial planet-killing superweapon, destroyed Alderaan just days later.
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Who would be Emperor if Palpatine died?

In addition, the supposed son of Emperor Palpatine, Trioculus, had been crowned, although it was left disputed as to whether it was valid. Emperor Palpatine's official heir would normally be Lord Darth Vader, as he was his Sith apprentice and the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Forces.
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Why was Palpatine obsessed with the Death Star?

Palpatine never wanted the Death Star to be used to destroy planets, but to inspire fear and hatred within his citizens - hatred that would allow him to become more powerful in the dark side.
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Could Palpatine save people from dying?

Through more recent lore, it's known that Palpatine was obsessed with preserving his own life, as he had managed to stay alive up to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. But outside that, he's never shown any ability to prevent the death of another.
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Did Palpatine regret anything?

The only thing Palpatine regrets is having to be “miraculously” revived for that abomination called The Rise of Skywalker. To be hanging around in a semi-comatose state only to get utterly destroyed again by one of his own progeny.
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What would have happened if Anakin killed Palpatine?

The Clone Wars only ended when Palpatine sent Darth Vader to assassinate the Separatist Council and shut down their droid forces. Without Palpatine, the Separatists would continue to plague the galaxy, even with Dooku and Grievous dead.
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Could Palpatine have survived?

Although his body was destroyed when Vader threw him down into the second Death Star's reactor, Palpatine survived by transferring his spirit into a clone on Exegol. This was achieved through dark science that only the Sith knew of, but the process was far from perfect.
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Why did Palpatine turn evil?

Palpatine, motivated by pride and a desire to see his homeworld become a part of the greater galaxy, sought to quietly undermine his father's political agenda during the 65 BBY election season. More importantly, however, it was the rift with his father that indirectly led to his future as a Sith.
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Why did Darth Sidious get rid of the clones?

The fact that clones could defy the orders that are literally written into their brains caused a crisis of faith in the Empire. Since they couldn't command 100% control over the clones that they managed to ruin, regular conscripted soldiers offered an easier solution. Many of the issues were due to gradual mutations.
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Why was Darth Maul on Naboo?

After Queen Amidala escaped the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious tasked his apprentice, Darth Maul, with finding and recovering the Queen.
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What mental illness does Palpatine have?

Years after his death, during her duel with Jacen Solo, Lumiya alluded to Palpatine, saying he was a "psychopath consumed by power.". Palpatine's manipulative behaviour cannot be exaggerated as he manipulated the entire galaxy into doing his bidding.
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Did Darth Sidious ever do anything good?

Darth Sidious is the ultimate evil in all of Star Wars, but despite his sinister intentions, he actually did some good deeds as Emperor of the galaxy. Star Wars has no shortage of villains, but from the beginning of the Skywalker Saga to the end, Darth Sidious remains the ultimate evil.
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Who knew Palpatine was evil?

Yoda knew and probaly told Obi-Wan. Darth Vader knew and possibly Thrawn if the book Outbound Flight is cannon. Also Tarkin might of known since he was friends with Palpatine before he became Emperor. Darth Plagueis.
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Which Jedi is immortal?

Qui-Gon Jinn learned to manifest as a Force ghost after death, thus allowing him to retain his consciousness in the Force. Several other Jedi also achieved the same ability, most notably Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker.
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Who did Palpatine tell to execute Order 66?

All clones were given a behavioral modification biochip that could be activated by remote order via voice command; Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, for example, only needed to tell clones to execute Order 66, and the order was carried out.
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