What does Pennywise eat?

It feasts on the flesh of humans simply because our fears are easy to manifest and they make us taste better. According to It, when humans got scared, "all the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat".
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Does Pennywise have to eat?

So in this case, Pennywise is an entity that feeds on fear and fear actually gives him power, but he needs a constant supply of it, otherwise his physical form weakens and can eventually be destroyed.
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Does Pennywise eat Georgie?

In the novel Georgie was left on the street to bleed to death while the full extent of his fate is fairly ambiguous in the miniseries, but here he's dragged screaming wholly into the sewer where we can assume Pennywise ate his physical body.
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Why does Pennywise not eat adults?

[Stephen King's IT] Why doesn't Pennywise go after adults the way he goes after kids? Pennywise's deal is that he strikes fear into the hearts of others before devouring them, as essentially fattening them up before he feasts.
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How often does Pennywise eat?

His feasting time lasts about 10 months. Then, he goes back to hibernating for 27 years until it is his time to feast again. The cycle continues until the Loser's Club defeated him for good the second time they fought him.
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It Chapter 2 - Pennywise eats Adrian

What is Pennywise scared of?

Stephen King's IT introduced readers to a one-of-a-kind creature that can take any form, the most common one being Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and as menacing as it is, this creature has one big enemy it's truly scared of: Maturin, the turtle.
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What does Pennywise do for 27 years?

Once there, IT adopted its usual pattern of hibernation that lasted between 27 and 30 years, awakening to kill and eat and then going back to sleep.
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What is Pennywise weakness?

However, It must surrender the the laws of whatever shape It takes. Pennywise's strength is also his weakness. For example, if he were to take the shape of a werewolf (as he does in the novel), silver bullets would harm him.
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Why is Pennywise a female?

In the novel, It claims that its true name is Robert "Bob" Gray, but decided to be named “It”. Throughout the book, It is generally referred to as male, usually appearing as Pennywise. The Losers come to believe It may be female after seeing it in the form of a monstrous giant spider that lays eggs.
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Does IT biting Georgie's arm off?

In the theatrical film series, Georgie (instead of being left bleeding to death) is dragged down the sewers by the monster, after his arm is dismembered by the latter as he desperately tries to cling to his life calling Bill's name as no one hears.
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Can Pennywise be killed?

In their final battle, the Losers' Club was able to kill Pennywise by reducing him to a child-like form as they overcame their fears. In the moments before Pennywise died, his fear is reminiscent of Georgie's own, therefore closing the cyclical nature of Pennywise's murders.
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Does Pennywise eat children or fear?

According to It, when humans got scared, "all the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat". This is why he prefers to feast on children -- their fears are simple, pure, and powerful compared to the complex, pathological fears of adults. Basically, children are delicious.
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How did kids beat Pennywise?

The spider-clown shrinks as the Losers hurl taunts at It, until it's tiny and weak enough that they pluck out its heart and squash it into nothingness. In the end, they defeat Pennywise by, uh, making him feel really bad about himself. It author Stephen King.
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Why does Pennywise scare before killing?

Pennywise does not need to scare his victims in order to kill them, he simply prefers to. The reason he does this is because it supppsedly tastes better. He says it's like "salting the meat." Pennywise feeds off the fear as much as he does the consumption of Children.
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Did Pennywise have eggs?

When the Losers' Club goes down into IT's lair for their final battle in Stephen King's book, they make a horrifying discovery: IT is female. Or the creature at least appears to be, as IT's been laying eggs underground.
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Did Pennywise get pregnant?

Regardless, she's one nasty beast and not alone due to the egg sack she's carrying. Unfortunately, King's imagination ran a little wilder than alluded to in the movies or earlier in the books, and the consequence of that is a pregnant Pennywise.
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What race is Pennywise?

(According to King's book, Pennywise actually is a spider—sort of. That's really just the closest visual approximation to what Pennywise's true form actually is, at least to our puny human minds.)
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Does Pennywise have a kid?

Kersh is Pennywise's daughter. Or at least the daughter of the man who originally had Pennywise's face. Additionally, the trailer offers a first glimpse of Bill (James McAvoy), Ben (Jay Ryan), Richie (Bill Hader), Eddie (James Ransone), and Mike (Isaiah Mustafa) back together.
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What can destroy Pennywise?

The rest of the group realizes they can defeat it by shrinking it and therefore weakening it, which they achieve by standing up to it. They take out IT's heart and proceed to crush it, finally killing it. Eddie dies and his body is left behind.
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Can Pennywise feel pain?

It has a low pain tolerance

It certainly does not have a very high pain tolerance for a frightening demon. Each time that Pennywise is harmed during his encounters with the Losers Club, it does not respond with anger and rage. Pennywise retreats once it has been hurt, removing itself from the fight.
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Why does Pennywise have a red balloon?

Bill Denbrough described them as writhing, destroying orange lights, and IT as an endless, crawling, hairy creature made of that same light. The theory, then, suggests that the balloons are a representation of the deadlights and contain the souls of the children killed by IT.
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Why does Pennywise only target kids?

A Tumblr user offers an explanation on why Pennywise's preferred target are children, and it's not so much because their fears are less complex than those of adults, but because IT is all about child abuse.
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How many kills does Pennywise have?

Though there are some IT characters just as scary as Pennywise, the film's main villain proves to be its deadliest, with a kill count that actually reaches into the tens of thousands. Reddit user u/angelholme estimates that Pennywise actually took the lives of between 12,117 and 18,011 people.
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