What exercises does Halle Berry do?

Berry's routine includes sit-ups, Russian twists, squats, burpees, lunges, side knees and skaters. Thomas recommends doing 10 to 20 reps for each of these moves, but you should always take it at your own pace. Even if you try just one move for five reps, that's a great place to start!
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What does Halle Berry eat in a day?

Over the course of the day, Berry snacks on fruits and vegetables. She's partial to raw, organic veggies like celery and cucumber slices. "She always has lots of cut up veggies around and it's great because the kids like to snack on that too," said Thomas. "Another snack she has is organic fruit.
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How did Halle Berry get her abs?

Halle Berry trains her core in *every* workout. She credits martial arts, strength training, and weighted abs exercises with helping her get her most ripped abs ever. These days, she uses dumbbells, wrist weights, and ankle weights to make her go-to core moves more challenging.
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Does Halle Berry do intermittent fasting?

Halle Berry is another of the many Hollywood actresses who attribute her fitness to intermittent fasting.
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Who trains Halle Berry?

In her normal life, Berry isn't doing quite as intense workouts, but she is very dedicated to fitness. She typically exercises six days a week, usually doing weight training and plyometric workouts with her trainer Peter Lee Thomas, but she'll go for a stretching, Pilates or yoga day when her body needs a break.
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How much does Halle Berry workout?

Berry enlists the help of longtime trainer Peter Lee Thomas to keep her looking and feeling fit. According to Women's Health, the pair train together six days per week (excluding Sundays) and focus on HIIT workouts that comprise of lunges, weights, squats, sprawls, sit-ups, and basically anything else you can imagine.
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How do you train like Halle Berry?

Berry's routine includes sit-ups, Russian twists, squats, burpees, lunges, side knees and skaters. Thomas recommends doing 10 to 20 reps for each of these moves, but you should always take it at your own pace. Even if you try just one move for five reps, that's a great place to start!
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Does Halle Berry lift weights?

She trains HARD when roles require it

For Bruised Halle trained intensely, learning five versions of mixed martial arts—Brazilian jiu-jitsu, judo, Muay Thai, tae kwon do, and kickboxing—and upping her weight-training regimen by lifting heavier than usual.
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How many hours does Halle Berry workout?

EXERCISE: Varied Workouts

As part of her training for the role, Berry reportedly exercises for four hours a day, with workouts on her Instagram page spanning across high-intensity MMA-style cardio workouts, strength training, plyometric training, running and, her long-time favourite, boxing.
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Is Halle Berry Type 1 diabetes?

Halle Berry is probably best known as one of the highest paid actress in Hollywood as well as a fashion model and previous to that a beauty pageant contestant. Many are suprised to know she also has type 1 diabetes.
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What did Halle Berry cut out of her diet?

When Berry was diagnosed with diabetes at 22, she decided to cut three core things from her diet to help better manage the condition -- sugar, white carbs and conventional wine.
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How do celebrities get abs so fast?

Across the board, the trifecta of proper diet, regular exercise, and good sleep—especially when supported by a team of experts—helps actors achieve their physique goals fast. “The closer you get to your goal, the more important nutrition is.
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When did Halle Berry start the keto diet?

Actor Halle Berry has said that she has been on a keto diet for over 30 years, ever since she was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 22.
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Does Halle Berry eat potatoes?

Her favorite meals are simple-yet-tasty healthy staples, like grilled tuna and garlic mashed potatoes, she told the Daily Mail. "I started to eat loads of wonderful fresh vegetables, chicken, fresh fish and pasta. I cut out red meat and cut back on fruit because it can contain quite a lot of sugar," Berry said.
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Does Halle Berry eat sweets?

Now, even if you put a giant plate of dessert in front of me, I am zero percent interested. The only time I eat sweets these days is on my kid's birthdays—and that's for them, not me! I'll snack on low-sugar fruits like blackberries and raspberries, but that's about it.
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Does Halle Berry take collagen?

Berry told Insider her favorite supplement is "Collagen, collagen, and more collagen!" With purported benefits for skin, hair, and nails, collagen is a staple for the actor. She mainly consumes it in the form of bone broth, either making her own from scratch using bones from a butcher, or with a powder.
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What is the 45 minute workout rule?

The only rule is that you move your body for 45 minutes a day, reserving one day a week for active rest. Active rest essentially entails any low-impact, low-intensity activity like walking, swimming, or yoga. The point of active rest is to stay moving, which can help you stick to your new workout habit.
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Does Oprah work out?

Six mornings a week: Forty-five minutes of aerobic exercise, including at least two of the following: power walking on a graded treadmill (up to 10 percent), jogging, elliptical exercise, stair-stepping or rowing. Four or five evenings a week (before dinner): A 20-minute workout using one of the above exercises.
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How did Halle Berry train for bruised?

How Did the Cast of Bruised Train For Their Roles? Berry told POPSUGAR that she had to fold in six different styles of martial arts — judo, TaeKwonDo, jujitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, and boxing — into her current yoga, strength training, and Pilates routine.
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Are Halle Berry's breasts natural?

And despite what some people might think, the insider is adamant that the mother-of-two's breasts are “all natural.” “Halle looks fantastic and she's proud of the fact she achieves her looks without the help of a surgeon,” the source says.
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Does JLO lift heavy?

03/7Lift weights for a stronger bod every day

As for Jennifer, lifting weights along with cardio and strength training is her personal secret to spotting washboard abs. In many of her posts, she has often given a sneak peek at the heavy weights she can so easily lift off!
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What does Halle Bailey eat?

Bailey prefers to stick to a vegan diet, telling BuzzFeed that some of her favourite foods are avocado toast, rice, and bread. She loves a sweet treat, too, naming vegan cheesecake, donuts, and pancakes as a few of her go-tos when she's craving something extra exciting.
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What did Halle Berry study?

A driven, determined teen, Berry was a high school honor student, prom queen and beauty contestant who dabbled in broadcast journalism at Cleveland's Cuyahoga Community College before pulling up stakes and eventually moving to New York, in 1989, to pursue her acting dream.
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Does Halle Berry train dogs?

The 52-year-old told Fallon that she trained for two to three hours a day while preparing for the action movie, and described the breed as “aggressive, cuddly, ferocious and loyal.” “I learned so much about dog training,” Berry told Fallon.
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Did Halle Berry go to college?

After high school, Halle Berry enrolled in Cleveland's Cuyahoga Community College, but she never finished her studies. Instead, she headed to Chicago to pursue a career in modeling.
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