What happened to Logan in Get Out?

Logan is one of the few characters in the film to have escaped with his actions as he still remains in control of Andre's body while the others (such as Roman and Marianne) end up being killed. It is unknown of Logan's true appearance as he was only seen in Andre's body the entire time.
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What happened to Logan after Get Out?

Later on, Chris managed to free Walter from Roman's control, allowing Walter to shoot Rose and himself, thus ending the Armitage Family's plans once and for all. It is unknown what happened to Logan following the deaths of the Armitage Family afterward, as he was never mentioned or seen again.
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Why does Logan scream Get Out?

But when the flash goes off it triggers a bizarre transformation: Logan's expression turns to fear, his nose begins to bleed, and he launches at Chris, screaming, “Get out!” It seems like an act of aggression, but Chris senses it's something else—it isn't until later that he understands Logan was trying to save him.
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What is the twist in Get Out?

Chris then wakes up tied to a chair facing a TV, and, in a chilling twist, the diabolical plan of the Armitages is finally revealed. They have been abducting and hypnotizing African-Americans to implant the consciousness of wealthy white individuals into their bodies in a procedure titled The Coagula.
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What happened to the blind guy in Get Out?

Suffocating on his own blood, Dean stumbles back into the operating room and knocks over a candle, before falling over and succumbing to his wounds. The candle ignites the sheets of Chris' intended surgery chair, the fire of which growing and (presumably) burning an unconscious Jim alive.
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What was the point of the deer in Get Out?

The deer killed by Rose at the beginning of the film foreshadows the fact that Chris in danger set to meet his end. The deer offers commentary about race and resistance in other ways. The biggest indicator that the deer means something more is most apparent when Chris first meets Rose's father, Dean.
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What does the nose bleed mean in Get Out?

When the flash goes off in Logan's face his demeanor changes. Physical symptoms manifest which include a nose bleed, fear in his eyes and lunging at Chris saying "Get out". Initially, this perception of this is interpreted as aggression, but later he learns that Logan was actually warning him.
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What is the family's secret in Get Out?

Rose and her family reveal their true nature, and the Armitage family are revealed to be the leading members of a secret cult known as the Order of the Coagula (founded by Rose's grandfather Roman) whose main objective is achieving immortality through transferring their brains into African American bodies.
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What is the scariest scene in Get Out?

The Auction Scene

The scariest scenes in Get Out are the ones that recall shocking realities. Jordan Peele uses cross-cutting masterfully during the auction scene, as he cuts between Chris and Rose saying, “I love you,” for the first time, and the Armitages auctioning off Chris' body.
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Is there 2 endings to Get Out?

There's another alternate ending (although it is unknown if this one actually got filmed or not) that is arguably just as depressing, which finds Rod breaking into the Armitage household to save Chris. However, he is already too late, with Chris already stuck in the Sunken Place.
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Why didn t Laura talk in Logan?

Laura seems like she may be mute — perhaps she is too damaged by a childhood in which she was trained to be a weapon. But she actually just doesn't trust anyone yet (and the one person she did, Professor X, doesn't make it to the end of the film).
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Is the girl in Logan his kid?

Technically, Laura isn't Logan's daughter; she's his clone. Either way, they're connected by blood, and Laura's powers are virtually identical to Logan's. While Logan refuses to accept this for most of the movie, he finally redeems himself at the end of the film by sacrificing himself to save Laura.
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What does the girl say at the end of Logan?

The closing scene finds Laura reading a eulogy for our departed anti-hero over a makeshift grave. Surrounded by fellow young mutants, she quotes a monologue from George Stevens's 1953 Western, Shane, which she watched earlier in the film. “There's no living with a killing,” she intones. “There's no going back from it.
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How did Logan come back to life?

The X-Men let the world (and their enemies) think that Logan's statue was also his corpse... but Kitty Pryde used her powers of intangibility to remove Wolverine's body to be privately buried it. It truly was that body that was restored to life, and that earthly grave that Logan crawled out of to begin his return.
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Why did Logan stop healing in Logan?

The doctor notes that “something inside” Logan is “poisoning him.” Logan responds by saying he knows what it is inside him that's killing him. Adamantium poisoning as a reason for Logan's diminished healing factor works well with the themes in “Logan.” The movie is about finality and, often, despair.
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Why did Logan get old?

Over the course of six years after the timeline was revised, Logan's healing factor began to suffer severe deterioration, causing him to finally begin showing his age. In addition, due to this decreased state of healing, he is slowly dying from adamantium poisoning.
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Is Get Out based in a true story?

As the film deals with racism, Peele has stated that the story is "very personal", although he noted that "it quickly veers off from anything autobiographical." Peele was introduced to producer Sean McKittrick by comedy partner Keegan-Michael Key in 2013. "I was shooting a movie with Keegan-Michael Key.
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Was Rose in Get Out hypnotized?

In an interview with Seth Meyers (and previously in a podcast interview more or less, and Peele has discussed more of the same in talking about the character's development) spoiling the “twist” to her character, Allison Williams debunked this completely and said Rose was not and was never hypnotized and is just a full ...
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Who was hypnotized in Get Out?

Missy hypnotizes Chris and sends him down into the Sunken Place.
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What does the cereal in Get Out symbolize?

First, the separation of the milk and Froot Loops belies Rose's beliefs in the segregation of people by skin tone. She is figuratively separating white people from people of color by literally refusing to mix the white milk and the colored Froot Loops.
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Why did everyone stop talking when Chris went upstairs?

On first viewing, it's just an eerie moment, but in hindsight, the sudden silence is due to the party itself not being real. It's a front, a kind of play acting entirely for Chris' benefit. After all, he's who they're all really there to see.
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Why is Rose the villain in Get Out?

As what appear to be police lights appear, Rose feigns pleas for help. She's not just a psychopathic racist; she's also a canny manipulator of the subterranean, systemic racism in the world at large. And this makes her easily the most insidious, terrifying character in the whole film.
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Has anyone ever bled out from a nose bleed?

But nosebleeds can also be caused by a torn internal carotid artery and in that case the bleeding can be fast enough to be life threatening. It's also possible for a milder nosebleed to block your airway and asphyxiate you. A 47-year-old man from Gravesend, Kent died this way in 2011.
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Is it OK if blood comes out from nose?

Fortunately, most aren't serious. The most common cause of nosebleeds is dry air. Hot, low-humidity climates or heated indoor air cause dry air. Both environments cause your nasal membrane (the delicate tissue inside your nose) to dry out and become crusty or cracked.
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Can a nose bleed make you pass out?

Usually a nosebleed from both nostrils is due to a heavy flow from one nostril; the blood has just backed up and overflown into the other. If blood drips down the back of the throat into the stomach you may spit up or vomit blood. Excessive blood loss can cause a feeling of dizziness, light-headedness and fainting.
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