What happened when the creature confront Victor?

In chapter 17 of Frankenstein, Victor was confronted by the creature on the slopes of Montanvert, a glacier in the Chamonix valley that overlooks Montblanc. The creature informed Victor of his role in William's death and the death of Justine Moritz, blaming his anger and violence on Victor's rejection of him.
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What happens when the creature confronts Victor?

When the monster comes to life, Victor is horrified, so he abandons the creature. Victor's brother, William, is murdered, and a family friend, Justine, is blamed for the murder and executed. However, Victor knows that his monster is guilty of the crime. To process his grief, Victor leaves home and goes to Chamounix.
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When the creature approaches victor?

By the creature's account, man is the real monster: 'You accuse me of murder; and yet you would, with a satisfied conscience, destroy your own creature. Oh, praise the eternal justice of man!' This is the tone at which he first approaches Victor.
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How does the monster retaliate against Victor?

The Creature's Revenge

The creature happens upon William, Victor's younger brother, and he strangles him in an act of vengeance. With blood on his hands, the creature sets out to ruin Victor's life further. He frames the Frankensteins' favorite maid, Justine, for William's murder.
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How does Victor react when he sees the creature?

Victor is terrified of the monster and flees as soon as it comes to life. His fear is entirely based on how the monster looks; Victor doesn't know anything else about the monster or its intentions before he runs away from it.
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The Creature Confronts Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)

Why is the creature so angry at Victor?

Because Victor's abandonment and the cottager's desertion is the cause of the creature's rage, and Victor is not present to help the creature work through his rage, the creature does not know how to control his emotions and so he becomes violent.
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What happens when Victor finally sees his finished creature?

Frankenstein meets his creature and hears the sad story of how everyone the abandoned creature encountered treated him cruelly, eventually leading him to kill William. The monster begs Frankenstein to build him a female companion, and Victor initially agrees but later destroys his new creation.
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Does the Monster regret killing Victor?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein's body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.
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What does the Monster admit to Victor?

As the narrator, Victor explains that he felt sympathy for the monster at first, but when the monster admits to destroying the lives of his brother and Justine, Victor is enraged. He refuses the monster's request. The monster can torture him, but he will not make another wicked creature.
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What does the Monster feel when Victor dies?

Fate: The monster's and Victor's fates are inextricably linked. Victor believes it is his fate to live the rest of his life pursuing the monster, and as the one who brought the monster into the world, is set on destroying him. After Victor's death, the monster feels he must die as well.
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Why does the creature decide to punish Victor?

The creature wants to punish Victor for making him if he was not going to teach him and love him. He wants Victor to suffer as much as he suffers.
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What keeps Victor from killing himself?

Victor believes he deserves to die for creating a dangerous creature and letting it loose to terrorize people. Victor ultimately concludes that to kill himself would be even more selfish because he would be leaving the monster to continue harming people.
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Why does Victor feel guilty?

In Frankenstein, the deaths of his loved ones leaves Victor with an unbearable feeling of guilt, for it is because of his creation of the monster that leads to their murders.
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What threat does the creature give Victor?

The letter reminds Victor of the threat that the monster he created had made: ''I will be with you on your wedding night. '' Victor believes that the monster meant that he would finally kill Victor on his wedding night. Believing himself to be the only one in danger, Victor decides he still wants to marry Elizabeth.
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Why does Victor seek revenge against the monster?

After the monster murders Victor's relatives, Victor vows a "great and signal revenge on [the monster's] cursed head." In a sense then, the very human desire for revenge transforms both Victor and the monster into true monsters that have no feelings or desires beyond destroying their foe.
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Is the Monster sad when Victor dies?

Once he learns that Victor is dead, the creature feels that he no longer has a purpose. He both hates and pities Frankenstein and knows that ultimately he cannot live without his creator, no matter how much the two of them hated each other.
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Who got Victor out of jail?

Victor finds strength in the support given by Kirwin and Alphonse. Victor is found not guilty due to a strong defense by Kirwin, and due to the fact that he has proof he was far away at the time of Clerval's murder.
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What story does the Monster tell Victor?

Sitting by the fire in his hut, the monster tells Victor of the confusion that he experienced upon being created. He describes his flight from Victor's apartment into the wilderness and his gradual acclimation to the world through his discovery of the sensations of light, dark, hunger, thirst, and cold.
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What are the creature's final words?

I shall die, and what I now feel be no longer felt. Soon these burning miseries will be extinct. I shall ascend my funeral pile triumphantly and exult in the agony of the torturing flames.
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Why is Victor not the Monster?

He did realize that his actions were wrong, yet he did nothing in attempt to right them. In this way, it is arguable that Victor was not completely a monster, as he still felt the natural human emotion of guilt.
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Why didn t victor like the Monster?

Frankenstein neglects the creature because of its hideous demeanor, and his actions are the cause of his ultimate downfall. Although hideous, the monster still has feelings and emotions similar to regular people.
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Who believes Justine is innocent?

Victor believes Justine is innocent. The only other person to share his belief is Elizabeth. Elizabeth knows that it is not in Justine's character to harm anyone, let alone commit murder. But Elizabeth does not know about Victor's creation.
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Does Victor try to shoot the monster?

He discovers her lifeless body, and as he huddles over her, he notices the monster through the window. Victor attempts to shoot it, but fails.
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Why does the creature avoid humans?

Wherever the monster goes its appearance terrifies humans, so it decides to avoid them.
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Did the creature save a girl from drowning?

Summary: Chapter 16

When the monster rescues the girl from the water, the man accompanying her, suspecting him of having attacked her, shoots him. As he nears Geneva, the monster runs across Victor's younger brother, William, in the woods.
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