What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion?

The explosions knock the wind out of Katniss and cause her to lose hearing in both of her ears.
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What injury does Katniss obtain during the explosion?

Katniss is rendered deaf in one ear after she blows up the Careers' supplies, and she doesn't regain any hearing on her left side until afterwards when the Capitol gives her a hearing aid.
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What injury does Katniss suffer?

She outruns the fire but ends up in a section of the arena in which the Gamemakers shoot fireballs at her, and one catches her calf as she runs. She puts the fire out with her hands, leaving them mildly burned and her right calf much more severely injured.
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What injury does Katniss suffer in Chapter 19?

Foxface runs out of the Cornucopia immediately and grabs her backpack before anyone else reacts. Wishing she had done the same, Katniss sprints to the table, and just as she gets to her backpack, a knife clips her forehead, spilling blood down her face.
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How is Katniss injured in the explosion at the end of Chapter 16?

After Foxface leaves, Katniss sees a bag of apples on the pyramid and has an idea. She moves into the open, and with three arrows, she tears the bag open. The apples detonate the mines, and Katniss is blown off her feet in the ensuing explosion.
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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (8/12) Movie CLIP - Peeta Hits the Forcefield (2013) HD

What happens to Katniss after the explosion?

She embraces him, recognizing her need for his hope and strength. Together, they write a book to preserve the memory of those who died. Though still suffering nightmares from the entire ordeal, they comfort each other. Twenty years later, Katniss and Peeta are married and have two children.
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How does Katniss injure herself and where are her injuries Chapter 11?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 11

Instead, she climbs a tree and jumps down over the fence. She injures her heel and tailbone, and she has to hide her limp as she walks home.
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What injury does Katniss get in Chapter 17?

The explosions knock the wind out of Katniss and cause her to lose hearing in both of her ears. She knows that the Careers will be coming back to see what's become of their camp, but she can't stand.
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Was Peeta's leg amputated in The Hunger Games?

Part of Peeta's left leg was amputated following the 74th Hunger Games, forcing him to walk with the aid of a prosthetic leg for the rest of his life. In the 2012 film adaptation, his leg is never amputated.
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Why does Katniss feel torn in at the end?

Moreover, Katniss still feels torn between her interest in Peeta and her interest in Gale. She feels more comfortable with Gale than she does with anyone else, and as she returns home to District 12, she wonders whether her relationship with Gale could turn from friendship to romance.
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What injury does Katniss suffer Why does she find this ironic?

What is ironic about Katniss's injury? A fireball hit her calf and burned it, ironic is that she is known as "the girl on fire".
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Is District 13 still alive?

To the knowledge of Panem's citizens, District 13 was completely destroyed by the Capitol during the First Rebellion, and it remained inhabitable during the events of the main series. At least, that's what they were led to believe. As revealed in Catching Fire, District 13 was very much up and running.
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Who is screaming Katniss's name at the end of Chapter 17?

Katniss follows the birds, when is hears Rue cry out and scream her name. She finds Rue tangled in a net, and before she could reach her a spear pierces her body…. Chapter 18 Summary: Katniss kills the boy from district 1 before he can even blink.
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What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion she set off to destroy the careers supplies responses?

What injury does Katniss suffer in the explosion she set off to destroy the Careers supplies? Damage to her ear.
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Is Katniss a real name?

Katniss is a girl's name of Greek origin. It means "aquatic plant," which is fitting for your little water baby, who's bound to bloom and blossom like a beautiful plant.
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What injury does Katniss get in Chapter 21?

She takes off, hears a knife approaching from her right, and knocks it away with her bow. She turns and hits Clove with an arrow in the arm. A second knife slices Katniss across the forehead, and as the blood runs down her face, Clove knocks Katniss to the ground, pinning her.
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Does Katniss lose her virginity to Peeta?

We know Katniss lost her virginity with Peeta, but what about him? Do you think he lost his virginity with her? everlarkedalways answered: I do.
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Who sacrificed herself for Peeta?

The female Morphling, however, appears almost coincidentally, and Peeta even mentions that they don't know her real name. Given that she is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect Peeta, it's safe to assume that the Morphling was committed to the rebel cause.
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Why was Peeta skinny?

I went on the CGI diet, computer-generated images. They just sucked my face down in post-production. There you have it, folks. With the move of a mouse and a stylus, our Peeta was shrunk down via computer cleanse, not juice cleanse.
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Who does Katniss blame for Rue death?

Rue dies and Katniss realizes just how much she hates the Capitol for doing this to Rue, for doing this to all of the tributes. She wants revenge on the Capitol and wonders if there's a way for her to do it.
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Is Katniss 17 in Catching Fire?

Answer and Explanation: In Collins' dystopian novel Catching Fire, Katniss Everdeen is 17 years old.
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Who injured Katniss with a knife?

Clove starts to cut Katniss's mouth with one of her many knives, when all of a sudden Thresh appears and attacks Clove. He apparently heard her mention killing Rue, and he's back for revenge. He bludgeons Clove in the skull with a rock.
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Did Katniss break her foot?

The Peacekeepers leave and Katniss explains she hurt herself but won't say how in case the house is bugged. Her mother judges her foot broken. Peeta goes with Katniss to her room as she gets ready to go to sleep.
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How does Katniss get a knife?

She runs a bit of the way in and grabs a piece of plastic and some bread and fights with a boy over an orange pack. The boy is hit with a knife and dies, and Katniss takes off running. She lifts the pack behind her, protecting her head, and feels a knife embed itself there. Now she has a weapon.
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How does Katniss physically hurt Peeta?

Summary and Analysis Part 2: Chapter 10. Katniss is at first so angry with Peeta for his comments, believing that he made her look weak, that when they get off on floor 12, she shoves him. He knocks an urn over, shattering it, and then falls and cuts his hands on the shards.
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