What is Jack Sparrow's crew called?

The Motley crew was a pirate crew, most notably as part of the crew of the Black Pearl. Drunken pirates, the crew was led by Captain Jack Sparrow, and his first mate, Joshamee Gibbs.
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What did pirate captains call their crew?

Crew member (commonly crewman or crewmen) was the generic term given to a member of a ship's crew, whether they were pirates or members of the East India Trading Company or the Royal Navies. There were numerous other slang terms for members of a ship's crew, some equally generic, such as "sailor" and "mate."
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Why was a pirate crew called a Motley crew?

When groups of sailors were called “motley crews” it referred to their unruliness, but also their ethnic diversity. “Sailors were in many ways the first international labour force,” said Marcus.
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Who is Captain Jack Sparrow's sidekick?

Joshamee Gibbs

A superstitious deckhand with muted impatience for authority, Gibbs sails alongside his preferred captain and friend, Jack Sparrow.
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Who steers a pirate ship?

The helmsman, the man who steered the ship's wheel, was usually supervised by the quartermaster who, skilled in navigation, was also concerned with the ship's general course and with recording its speed, although this role could be taken by a pirate captain or a sailing master (who was expert in the ship's sailing ...
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Jack Needs A Crew | "Pirates Of The Carribbean 3: At Worlds End" (2007) | 720p 24fps

What is a captain's right hand man called?

Mates are the captain's "right hand." They manage and train the deck crew, inspect and maintain inventory of equipment and order needed repairs. They stand watch, oversee ship operations and navigation when the captain is not on duty.
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What is a pirate captain's right hand man called?

After Captain, the most authority on a pirate ship had Quartermaster. As a Captain's right hand, he was in charge when Captain was not around. He had the authority and could punish men for not obeying commands. Quartermaster was also in charge of food and water supplies.
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Is Will Jack Sparrow's son?

Will is the only child of "Bootstrap" Bill Turner (portrayed by Stellan Skarsgaard). According to Jack Sparrow, Will strongly resembles his father, both in appearance and ability. However, his father was absent during his early childhood in England.
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Is Will Turner Jack Sparrow's son?

The Curse of the Black Pearl. Young Will Turner. Born with the name "William Turner", Will was the only child of Bootstrap Bill Turner. According to Jack Sparrow, Will looked just like his father.
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Did Jack Sparrow have a girlfriend?

Despite the character being a lead for all five Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Jack Sparrow only receives a conventional love interest in On Stranger Tides. The fourth movie introduces Angelica, the daughter of Blackbeard who Jack seduced years before the sequel's action begins.
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What did pirates call their friends?

Matey – A pirate's friend. Parley: A conference of opposing sides to come a truce or agreement. Prize – A ship captured by pirates.
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What was Davy Jones crew called?

The crew of the Flying Dutchman consisted of a large number of crewmen aboard Davy Jones' ship, the Flying Dutchman. Davy Jones' monstrous crew is made up from the doomed sailors who have opted to serve one hundred years before the mast rather than face certain death at sea.
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Who has the largest pirate crew?

At its peak, c. 1809, the Guangdong Pirate Confederation, or The Red Fleet, totalled some 1,800 junks and comprised more than 70,000 pirate crew. It was co-led by Chinese pirate captain Zheng Yi (b.
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How pirates call their crew?

Matey. Matey is a diminutive form of mate. Pirates use it to address their friends and crew.
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What is slang for ship captain?

SKIPPER – from Dutch schipper, meaning captain.
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What do pirates say when they are happy?

Yo-ho-ho - Salutation, expression of delight.
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Does Jack Sparrow have a daughter?

Captain Jack Sparrow has a daughter. Birdie Sparrow has never met her father and her mother is dead, so she seeks to find her father. When she finally finds him, she can't te him the thruth instead works as part of the crew on his ship.
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Who becomes captain of the Flying Dutchman?

Another ten years at sea

The Flying Dutchman before Will Turner leaves. Because Will Turner became the new captain, he would now serve aboard the Flying Dutchman for all eternity, bound to ferry the souls of drowned seamen into the afterlife, as Jones had before him.
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Is Jack Sparrow's daughter Angelica?

A woman who tells lies that are truths and truths that are lies, Angelica was the daughter of the infamous pirate Blackbeard. Once a novice in a Spanish convent, Angelica was ready to take her vows until she discovered love through her affair with the notorious pirate Jack Sparrow.
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What happens to Jack Sparrow's mom?

Biography. Not much of this woman's life is known, only that she gave birth to her son Jack on a ship during a typhoon. After her death, her head was cut off and shrunk. This grisly effigy was in the possession of her husband, Teague, who passed it on to his son, Jack Sparrow, shortly after the Fourth Brethren Court.
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Who will be Jack Sparrow in Pirates 6?

Moreover, in recent times Johnny Depp has also expressed openness in reprising his role of Jack Sparrow and working with Disney again. According to sources close to the Jack Sparrow star, Depp has agreed to return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.
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Why can't Elizabeth go on the Flying Dutchman?

Bill also explained that he was unable to die and Davy Jones offered him an escape. Elizabeth was not dead nor dying, there was no reason for Will to bring her on the cursed ship.
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What was the worst job on a pirate ship?

Cabin boys are the ones who attend to the needs of all the pirates on the ship. It's a job that would require them to be active almost 24/7. Cabin boys were usually hostages, while others were stowaways or were only looking for adventure. This is undeniably one of the worst jobs on the ship.
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What is the lowest position on a ship?

Ordinary seaman

The lowest ranking personnel in the deck department. An ordinary seaman (OS) generally helps out with work that able seamen do.
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Why do pirates say all hands on deck?

All hands on deck

In ye old pirate days, this was a signal used on board a ship – typically in an emergency – to let crew members know they needed to go on deck and assist in keeping the ship steady. These days, people use this to indicate that the involvement of all team members is required.
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