What is the geisha saying in Blade Runner?

(1982), in which a Geisha-like woman is swallowing a. pill, the loud speakers play a line from a Japanese. Noh play, saying "Iri Hi Katamuku", literally "the setting.
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What is the famous line from Blade Runner?

At the end of Blade Runner, Ridley Scot's adaptation of Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep?, Rutger Hauer's replicant Roy Batty delivers one of the most famous lines of the sci-fi noir – and movie history. “I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
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What language is Gaff speaking in Blade Runner?

Much of the Cityspeak used in the first film was devised by Edward James Olmos, during background research for his character, Gaff. In addition to Japanese, Spanish, and German, Olmos also used elements of Hungarian, Chinese, and French. Other street dialog in the film uses Korean.
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What is the deeper meaning behind Blade Runner?

Blade Runner raises the question of whether a constructed being should count as a person. In the movie, replicants lack legal rights and are not regarded as human. Similar questions are raised in later unrelated works such as Her and Westworld.
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Why do they speak Hungarian in Blade Runner?

Allegedly, Hungarian was chosen for the original Blade Runner scene because the film-makers wanted the language to sound futuristic, and secondarily, actor Edward James Omlos has Hungarian roots via Mexico. Will Blade Runner Three feature more Hungarian?
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Blade Runner Tried To Warn You

Is Blade Runner about autism?

Ridley Scott's dystopian classic Blade Runner (1982) is reexamined in these autistic terms, where the cyborg characters are reconfigured as neuroqueer subjects, and the postmodern spectacle is reimagined as the empathetic core of a pro-disability message.
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Why is there so much Japanese influence in Blade Runner?

The book On Blade Runner: Four Essays frames it this way: At some point during pre-production, what was supposed to be a generic city became Los Angeles and a decision was made to go Asian rather than Latino.
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What is Blade Runner a metaphor for?

By its conclusion, the film suggests that one's ability and willingness to perceive systemic social inequality is the true measure of humanity. Blade Runner trains us into awareness of flawed social hierarchies by repeatedly emphasizing eyes and connecting them with perception beyond the physical.
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Is Ryan Gosling a replicant?

Gosling's work was described as "superb, soulful", and he was considered physically convincing as a replicant in his expression and appearance.
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Do they say Choom in Blade Runner?

Okay, but Roy def said choom. I replayed it like 5 times, lol. Plus just look at his lips. They close to end on the 'm' sound.
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What is the gender stereotype in Blade Runner?

The analysis revealed that the gender hegemony in the film is constructed through the exploitation of characterization, particularly between K and Joi who are presented with stereotypical hierarchical gender characteristics.
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Why do they call him Skinner in Blade Runner?

Replicants were sometimes referred to as "skinjobs" or "skinners," as they were indistinguishable from non-engineered humans, except for their empathetic abilities.
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What is the last line of Blade Runner?

I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die.
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What is the interlinked quote in Blade Runner 2049?

'K': And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.
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What was Blade's famous quote?

Blade : [to Karen] You better wake up. The world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping! There is another world beneath it: the real world.
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What is the main message of Blade Runner?

“Blade Runner” intricately explores the theme of identity, delving into the complex struggle of defining humanity in a world where distinctions between artificial replicants and humans become indistinct.
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Why does Roy kiss Tyrell?

When jilted by his father/creator, Roy expresses love by kissing Tyrell right before killing him—the kind of bruised, embittered love a child expresses toward an abusive, negligent parental figure.
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Why does Roy put a nail in his hand?

Still, when it comes time for Roy to die, he flips out and drives a nail through his hand. After this, he achieves the fullest expression of his humanity by letting a dove go and showing mercy towards Deckard. Symbolically, the nail may represent all the suffering and the difficulty he's gone through in his life.
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Why is everything orange in Blade Runner 2049?

Orange. Image via Warner Bros. Once K gets to Vegas, the entire city is bathed in a mysterious orange fog that continues until he leaves this setting. Using this color as a backdrop creates a sense of warning and caution.
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What is the moral of the story of Blade Runner 2049?

Blade Runner 2049 shows viewers a future in which humans have implemented an unethical approach to Artificial Consciousness. It is morally wrong to enslave K and the other replicants just because they are sentient beings.
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Why is Blade Runner so dystopian?

There are many cultural and ecological issues that the film raises with its "silent spring" of a post-nuclear, polluted, overpopulated world coming to its end; where replicants, according to the slogan of their "maker", Doctor Eldon Tyrell, are made "more human than human"; and where animals are mostly extinct or ...
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What is the Blade Runner curse?

In fact, there's something called the "'Blade Runner' curse," that suggests that brands featured in the film were cursed to fail. While Coke is still around, shortly after the movie the soda company debuted "New Coke," which became one of the biggest rebranding disasters of all time.
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Why is Blade Runner so iconic?

Blade Runner later became a cult film, and has since come to be regarded as one of the greatest science fiction films. Hailed for its production design depicting a high-tech but decaying future, the film is often regarded as both a leading example of neo-noir cinema and a foundational work of the cyberpunk genre.
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