What is the moral lesson of The Wizard of Oz?

When choosing between love and hate, good and evil, love and good will always triumph. This is an obvious theme in The Wizard of Oz, and it's the best way to live. The very first person that Dorothy encounters in the land of Oz is Glenda the good witch.
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What is the main message of The Wizard of Oz?

Viewers were able to relate to a character, whether it was the Scarecrow in need of a brain, the Tin Man in need of a heart, or the Cowardly Lion, in need of courage. The obvious message of the story is that there is no place like home.
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What lessons do we learn from Wizard of Oz?

What I learned from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • Parallel Universes exist. Scientists are still debating this, but, lo and behold, parallel worlds do exist! ...
  • There's no place like home. ...
  • Believe in yourself. ...
  • Even the greatest and most powerful man may be a fake. ...
  • The right shoes give you power! ...
  • Brain versus Heart.
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What is the lesson at the end of Wizard of Oz?

In her final moments in Oz, Dorothy learns her most powerful life lesson – she always had the power to get back to Kansas on her own. She just had to learn it for herself, which she did as a direct result of her adventures.
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What are the important values of Wizard of Oz?

5 Lessons Learned From 'The Wizard Of Oz'
  • There's No Place Like Home. ...
  • Follow Your Own Yellow Brick Road. ...
  • You Already Have What it Takes to Succeed. ...
  • Treasure The Friends You Find. ...
  • Do Not Be Afraid to Dream in Color.
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6 life lessons the ‘Wizard of Oz’ taught us all

Who does The Wizard of Oz symbolize?

Dorothy represents Everyman; the Tin Woodman is the industrial worker, the Scarecrow is the farmer, the Cowardly Lion is William Jennings Bryan, the Wizard is the President, the munchkins are the "little people" and the Yellow Brick Road is the gold standard. Toto probably represents a dog.
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Why is The Wizard of Oz so important to American culture?

Frank Baum's Wonderful Wizard of Oz offers a vibrant, optimistic, and therapeutic tale designed to help Americans embrace the glamorous but unsettling world of delight they had entered. Baum also recognized the importance of service to the new culture of consumption.
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Why is The Wizard of Oz a timeless classic What important lessons does it teach?

The story of the Cowardly Lion in "The Wizard of Oz" is a timeless tale that teaches us about the importance of courage. By facing our fears, acknowledging our vulnerabilities, and doing what's right, we too can develop and demonstrate courage in our own lives.
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What are the three things in Wizard of Oz?

“The Wizard of Oz” - musical film

…search of a brain, a Tin Man (Jack Haley) looking for a heart, and a Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr) in need of some courage.
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What do the ruby slippers symbolize?

In the movie, the slippers represent the little guy's ability to triumph over powerful forces. As the item that she – a simple teenage farm girl from Kansas – steals from the dictatorial Wicked Witch and ultimately uses to liberate the oppressed people of Oz, they're nothing less than a symbol of revolution.
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What do the flying monkeys represent in The Wizard of Oz?

Winged Monkeys. According to some writers, the Winged Monkeys of Oz represent Native Americans in the West in the late 1800s. Baum himself had clear attitudes toward American Indians and some of his earlier writings about Indians are very similar to his descriptions of the Winged Monkeys found in Oz.
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What does the yellow brick road symbolize?

The Yellow Brick Road represents strategy—how you will get there; the path you identify as the best, smartest way to accomplish your goal. And each of the shiny yellow bricks in the road represents an action step—the smaller tactics that go into executing your strategy.
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Why did the Tin Man not have a heart?

The Tin Man did not have a heart because he was turned into a living statue made of tin by the Wicked Witch of the East, who cast a spell on him that took away his ability to feel emotions.
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What does The Wizard of Oz give everyone?

But Dorothy's chums insist he keeps his promise. The Wizard presents the Scarecrow with a certificate, the Tin Man with a clock and the Lion with medals. He is a wise man who knows that the human qualities of brains, heart, and courage cannot be given. As such, he offers his gifts allegorically.
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What impact did The Wizard of Oz have on society?

The war began in September 1939, one week after the US release of The Wizard of Oz on August 25th. When it was thought that all hope was lost, this magical story soared in and helped to spread a tiny bit of peace, bringing four vital qualities required to get through the war; courage, logic, love and hope.
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How does The Wizard of Oz symbolize the Great Depression?

Like the workers, the tin man in the movie is shown as rusty and is unable to move until Dorothy comes along and pours oil on him. Once she pours oil on him, the tin man is now able to move as well as speak. Many factory workers felt immobile when man businesses began to shut down due to the Great Depression.
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How does The Wizard of Oz represent the American dream?

Like the American dream, hard work is rewarded with the achievement of one's goals. For Dorothy, it's going home, which she eventually gets. In America, hard work can lead to that ideal family in a suburban home with a white picket fence.
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What does the lion symbolize in Oz?

In conclusion, the Cowardly Lion in “The Wizard of Oz” represents courage and the journey to find it. His character teaches us important lessons about the nature of fear, the importance of self-confidence, and the transformative power of confronting our insecurities.
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What does the Wicked Witch of the East symbolize?

The Witch represents eastern financial-industrial interests and their gold-standard political allies, the main targets of Populist venom.
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Is The Wizard of Oz a metaphor for God?

In the novel, Dorothy learned that God is a fraud created by man and that she is the one with power, not God. Events in Baum's personal life support this theory, and the events in the novel itself prove that the Wizard of Oz was actually an atheist allegory.
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Who does the Cowardly Lion represent in the Wizard of Oz?

the Cowardly Lion represented northern reformers; the Emerald City represented Wall Street, greenback colored; and. the Wizard represented the Money Power, whose influence rests on manipulation and illusion.
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What was Dorothy afraid of?

The Wicked Witch of the West is very scary – she is green, ugly and very mean. She cackles and threatens to kill Dorothy. The trees in the forest have faces and talk. The forest is dark and creepy with screeching owls– Dorothy is afraid of meeting wild animals.
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What did the Scarecrow want from Oz?

In the movie The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy (Judy Garland) meets up with the Lion, the Tin man, and the Scarecrow. Each wants a gift from the great Wizard of Oz. The Scarecrow wants a brain.
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What does Toto symbolize in The Wizard of Oz?

Toto: a small dog that seems to go unnoticed, it is Toto who reveals what a fraud the Wizard is. It is thought that Toto also represents average Americans. Uncle Henry: Henry Cantwell Wallace was a well known farmer and editor for a leading farm magazine in the late 1800s.
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