What was Bram Stoker's inspiration for Dracula?

Stoker made his vampire, Dracula, a count, just like the inspiration for the character: Vlad III Draculea, a 15th century count who impaled his murdered enemies upon stakes.
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What is Bram Stoker's Dracula based on?

Entering world of supernatural, students read original texts—and even dress as vampires. Bram Stoker's Dracula, the iconic 1897 tale of a vampire from Transylvania, is often thought to be inspired by a formidable 15th-century governor from present-day Romania named Vlad the Impaler.
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What was the inspiration for the book Dracula?

Aspects of the character are believed by some to have been inspired by the 15th-century Wallachian prince Vlad the Impaler, who was also known as Vlad Dracula, and by Sir Henry Irving, an actor for whom Stoker was a personal assistant.
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What was Bram Stoker's purpose for writing Dracula?

Bram Stoker did not intend for Dracula to serve as fiction, but as a warning of a very real evil, a childhood nightmare all too real.
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What was the influence of Bram Stoker's Dracula?

Bram Stoker introduced the literary Count Dracula to the reading public; then Hollywood gave us the iconic look and voice of Dracula still widely known today. The spooky castle, drinking blood, sleeping in a coffin, and turning into a bat are all characteristics of vampires that evolved in popular culture.
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Bram Stoker's Dracula Revealed: The Mythology, History & References Explained!

How long did it take Bram Stoker to write Dracula?

The reason Dracula took seven years to write was that Stoker had great difficulty writing it, especially cutting through the overload of his own imaginative clutter. The process was twisted, arduous, and constantly interrupted. He stopped to write other books.
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Who inspired Bram Stoker?

Throughout the 1880s and 1890s, many writers like Robert Louis Stevenson, Arthur Conan Doyle, and H.G Wells wrote sensationalist novels about supernatural, and no doubt these influenced Stoker.
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Is Bram Stoker's Dracula accurate to the book?

Bram Stoker's Dracula is the only adaptation that includes every single character that appears in the novel without any deviation of personality or participation in occurrences. The only character that suffers any real creative interference is Dracula himself.
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Is Mina in love with Dracula?

Not only does Mina utilize her sexual prowess to seduce and stun Van Helsing as he races to destroy Dracula's castle, but her love for Dracula literally gives her the ability to summon storms to block the sun.
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Why was the book Dracula banned?

It contained many elements that were considered too shocking or in bad taste for the Victorian population. This included frank descriptions of blood, violence, and sexuality. Many readers were especially disturbed by the portrayal of Dracula's three brides and Lucy Westenra after she is transformed into a vampire.
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What film is a retelling of Bram Stoker's Dracula?

What is the most faithful film adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula? The 1992 version of Dracula entitled “Bram Stoker's Dracula” released by Columbia Pictures in 1992 starring Gary Oldman.
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Who is Dracula often confused with?

Dracula's character often confused with Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler), sometimes known as Vlad Dracul, who was a Walachian Prince (with a castle, now in ruins), located in the Principality of Wallachia.
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What race is Bram Stoker?

The affable and popular theater manager Bram Stoker was born in Clontarf, Ireland, to Abraham and Charlotte Stoker in 1847, into an Irish Protestant (although not Anglo-Irish) family.
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Did Bram Stoker have a crush on Walt Whitman?

Midnight Confession. After falling for Whitman, Stoker wasn't shy about promoting the merits of his work, even standing up for him in a debate of Trinity's Philosophical Society. The fan, however, longed for a closer relationship.
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Who killed Dracula?

Harker cuts Dracula's head off while Morris stabs him in the heart. Dracula's body crumbles into dust, signaling that he is finally defeated, and that Mina is no longer in danger. Morris dies of his wounds, and when Mina and Harker later have a son, they name him after their fallen comrade.
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Did Bram Stoker make money from Dracula?

Based on surviving evidence, Stoker was contracted to receive no royalties for Dracula until half of the produced stock was sold. The total number of copies of the first edition was 3000, which left 1500 copies from which the author could derive a profit.
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Was Bram Stoker a sickly child?

As a child Bram was so sickly as to be confined to his bed for much of his first seven years, subject to bloodletting and probably not expected to live. He spent much of this time watching the lives of family and neighbors from his bedroom window and listening to his mother's stories of Irish history and legend.
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What childhood illness did Bram Stoker have?

Bram Stoker had an unknown illness as a child. He later reflected that the time in bed gave him time to think many fruitful thoughts. For the remainder of his life, Bram Stoker was fairly healthy. Until close to his death, when he suffered a number of strokes and perhaps a number of complications from syphilis.
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What disease did Bram Stoker have as a child?

Stoker's Medical History

What is surprising is how little of this there is. Apart from a mystery childhood malady, (unnamed and unknown) and gout, there is no report that Stoker had any significant illness in his life before his first stroke in 1905, when he was 58. As a student at Trinity he excelled as an athlete.
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Why is Dracula attracted to Mina?

Count Dracula is drawn to Mina because of her purity and innocence. His plan to move to London and make it his new feeding ground places him in a reverse colonial position. He will gradually destroy Victorian norms by turning ladies like Mina into ravenous, lustful creatures like his Transylvanian brides.
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What disorder does Dracula have?

Romanian prince Vlad III of Wallachia, popularly known as Vlad Dracula, is famous for his aversion to sunlight – a trait that gave rise to vampire legends. Like many myths, vampirism is partly based on fact; specifically, a rare blood disorder called porphyria.
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What personality disorder does Dracula have?

Certain features of Bram Stoker's character Dracula are consistent with the self-psychology framework of Kohut. 7 Within the realm of these disorders of narcissism, the concepts of mirror, merger, and ideal hungry personalities and transferences are described and are likewise contained within the novel.
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Which Dracula movie is most accurate to the book?

Count Dracula (1977)

This BBC miniseries starring French actor Louis Jourdan is so faithful to the 19th century novel, many have found it unwatchably slow and dry.
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What movie version of Dracula is closest to the book?

Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)

Francis Ford Coppola's lushly visual epic hews very closely to the novel, reinstating Lucy's bevy of suitors (played in the film by Cary Elwes, Richard E. Grant and Billy Campbell) and, as in the novel, relying on Mina's letters and Jonathan's diary to tell its story.
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Which Dracula movie is most faithful to the book?

1. Count Dracula (1977) Surprisingly, the version of Dracula most faithful in plot detail to the novel may be the hardest to see of all. Regrettably, we only found a visually poor, if complete, copy of it on YouTube.
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