Where do I send my movie idea?

The Hollywood Creative Directory will give you a list of producers who are always looking for film ideas. There are also some good books such as The Writer's Market that will identify those that might purchase your concept.
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How much do movie ideas sell for?

If you sell an idea or a storyline, you can expect to get $5,000 on the front-end and about $20,000 on the back-end if the movie gets produced. If you sell a treatment, you should expect around $15,000 on the front end and $30,000 on the back-end.
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How much does Netflix pay for a movie idea?

Netflix typically allocates between $100 and $250 million for a single movie. This amount can fluctuate based on the specific film and the desired streaming rights, but it serves as a reliable estimate for the average blockbuster. In some cases, the streaming service may spend even more.
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How do I submit a movie idea to Netflix?

To pitch an idea, game, tv script, screenplay, or production in development to Netflix, you must collaborate with a licensed agent, producer, attorney, manager, or industry executive with an existing Netflix relationship. Direct submissions from individuals without these connections are not accepted by the platform.
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Can you get paid for movie idea?

The production company may offer a percentage of the eventual movie profit rather than, or in addition to, a cash payment. If the movie doesn't make a profit, the writer gets no money or just the agreed-upon cash amount.
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I Have A Great Movie Idea, What Do I Do? by Thunder Levin

How do I sell my film idea?

  1. Find out who buys movie ideas. First, it's very important to know who the people are that buy movie ideas. ...
  2. Write your idea down. ...
  3. Write a cover letter for your movie. ...
  4. Make a list of Film Producer's to network with. ...
  5. Follow up with Producers about your movie pitch.
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How do I sell my movie idea to lifetime?

You Need an In. By policy and for legality purposes, Lifetime does not accept unsolicited pitches or materials. This is to protect them and you. They only accept pitches and materials from agents, managers, and through referrals from those they have worked with in the past.
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Does Netflix buy movie ideas?

First and foremost, thank you for your interest in Netflix content! Unfortunately, we cannot and do not accept or review any materials (whether manuscripts, treatments, scripts, drawings, ideas, pics of rainbow-colored unicorns, etc.) that we do not specifically request.
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How do I pitch an idea to Hulu?

Have an idea for a new feature? Want to request a show? Head on over to the Hulu Community and share your suggestions with us in the Ideas forum — we're always listening. Before you jump right in with your suggestions, make sure you know the ground rules.
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How do you pitch a movie idea to a production company?

Your movie pitch should include the following elements:
  1. A captivating logline or high-concept idea.
  2. A brief overview of the plot and story structure.
  3. An introduction to the main characters and their motivations.
  4. The film's genre and intended audience.
  5. Unique aspects or selling points of your story.
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Where can I sell my movie script?

But there are outlets that you can look at to get the job done.
  • Production Companies. ...
  • Industry Networks. ...
  • Film Festivals and Screenwriting Contests. ...
  • Screenwriting Forums. ...
  • Agents, Agencies Managers, and Actors. ...
  • Directors and Filmmakers.
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Does Amazon accept movie scripts?

Amazon Studios used to have a portal that allowed writers to submit unsolicited scripts, but unfortunately, it was shut down in 2018. To get your script to Amazon Studios, you will have to team up with a literary agent, entertainment attorney, manager, or producer who has a relationship with Amazon.
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How much does Amazon pay for a script?

Amazon Studios' prior policy, until today, stated it had the exclusive right to buy a movie script for $200,000 or TV script for $55,000 from the day it's uploaded up to 45 days out. It can then pay $10,000 to extend that option for 18 months, which it can do up to two times, according to its FAQ.
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How much does it cost to pitch a movie idea?

We charge $99 for your initial idea submission and $69 for any additional ideas you submit. This includes registering your idea in our database, and getting your idea reviewed by a creative executive within a week.
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How do you write a movie and sell it?

There is no surefire method for getting a script sold, but there are several steps first-time screenwriters can take to increase the chances of success:
  1. Learn the craft. ...
  2. Create a portfolio. ...
  3. Build a network. ...
  4. Seek representation. ...
  5. Find collaborators. ...
  6. Submit your work. ...
  7. Prepare a pitch. ...
  8. Keep writing.
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How much is a script worth?

Feature-Length Films

This is your standard feature film. For this type of screenplay, the Writer's Guild of America pays anywhere from around $70,000 and upwards of $150,000, meaning the average feature film script clocks in at just over $100,000.
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How do I pitch a show idea to HBO?

How can I submit an idea for a movie or show to HBO? We do not accept submissions directly — all submissions to HBO must come through an agent.
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Does Hulu accept unsolicited scripts?

10. UNSOLICITED SUBMISSIONS. It is Hulu's policy not to accept unsolicited submissions, including scripts, story lines, articles, fan fiction, characters, drawings, information, suggestions, ideas, or concepts. Hulu's policy is to delete any such submission without reading it.
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How do I sell my movie to Hulu?

How To Get Your Video Distributed on Hulu
  1. Step 1: Get Clear on Requirements for Captions and Subtitles. ...
  2. Step 2: Create Closed Captions. ...
  3. Step 3: Approach Hulu by Email. ...
  4. Step 4: Team up with a Video Distributor (if necessary)
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Who can I sell my story to?

You're in the right place. Talk to the Press is an international press agency that provides a free service to help people share their story with the national press and receive the highest fee possible.
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How to pitch a movie?

How Do You Write a Movie Pitch?
  1. Create a captivating logline.
  2. Make the key moments stand out within the synopsis.
  3. Keep the synopsis short and succinct.
  4. Make your characters stand out and create a familiarity with them.
  5. Explain your personal connection to the idea or material.
  6. Make the themes clear.
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Can I sell my movie to prime video?

Creators can upload their own videos to Amazon's Prime Video and generate royalties based on the hours streamed.
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How do I send my script to production companies?

Tips for submitting your screenplay to reps and production companies
  1. Look for people who might be interested in your work. ...
  2. Find the right fit for your project. ...
  3. Pay attention to submission policies. ...
  4. Browse the producer's website and social media pages. ...
  5. Study the company's list of personnel. ...
  6. Submit. ...
  7. Send thank-you emails.
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Can you sell movie ideas to companies?

Can You Sell a Screenplay Idea? No, generally producers don't listen and buy movie ideas because of legal reasons and you cannot copywrite an idea. But if your idea has some type of influence such as a famous actor, producer or intellectual property attached with a film treatment then yes.
Takedown request View complete answer on freshmenscreenplay.com

How to sell a low budget movie?

No money? No problem. Here are some quick tips on how to market your film on a small budget.
  1. Create a Marketing Materials Packet. You're going to need marketing materials. ...
  2. Utilize the Internet and Social Media. ...
  3. Generate Press Releases. ...
  4. Create a Series of Trailers. ...
  5. Get Listed on IMDb.
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