Who else got the super soldier serum?

Over the decades, it has been recreated by several parties, most with a considerable degree of success. It is notably responsible for the physical enhancement of Johann Schmidt, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Isaiah Bradley, Alexei Shostakov, Bruce Banner, Emil Blonsky, Karli Morgenthau, and John Walker.
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Who all has taken the super soldier serum?

  • Red Skull. Johann Schmidt was the original test subject for Erskine's Super Soldier Serum. ...
  • Bucky Barnes. Bucky Barnes became a prisoner of war during WWII and was the subject of Arnim Zola's experiments for Hydra. ...
  • Other Winter Soldiers. ...
  • Bruce Banner / Hulk. ...
  • She-Hulk. ...
  • Emil Blonsky. ...
  • Isaiah Bradley. ...
  • John Walker.
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Did Black Widow get a super soldier serum?

The MCU's Natasha Romanoff was never given the Super Soldier serum like her comics counterpart. Black Widow shows why Dreykov made this choice. Despite receiving the Super Soldier serum in the comics, the MCU version of Black Widow was never enhanced beyond peak human capabilities.
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Did Nick Fury get the Super Soldier Serum?

Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Due to being injected with a prototype version of the Super Soldier Serum that was given to Captain America, his physical and mental abilities have been enhanced to beyond the peak of human potential, although some of his abilities may have dwindled with age.
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Did Luke Cage get Super Soldier Serum?

Luke Cage. During his time as an inmate, Luke Cage was experimented on to recreate the Super Soldier Serum that gave Captain America his abilities by Doctor Noah Burstein.
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The Super Soldier Serum Explained 2021 | MCU Lore

Why didn t Sam take the super-soldier Serum?

Sam also knows that Captain America (the proper one) is an exception, not the rule. Super soldier serum amplifies the qualities of those who take it, so unless the recipient is an absolute bastion of moral fortitude like St. Steve, the effects can be unpredictable.
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Is Bucky as strong as Captain America?

In terms of raw strength, Captain America is typically portrayed as being stronger than the Winter Soldier, although the Winter Soldier's combat skills and agility can still make him a formidable opponent.
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Is Wolverine a super soldier?

The subsequent 1991 Weapon X storyline established that Wolverine had received the adamantium grafted to his skeleton in a tortuous process conducted by a secret government project intended to create a super soldier, and that this experience led to post-traumatic amnesia.
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Is Deadpool a super soldier?

Wade Wilson is a mutant who was part of the team Team X. He eventually quit the team, only to be brought back in against his will and experimented upon by the combined efforts of William Stryker and his lieutenant Francis, becoming a deranged, immortal super-soldier labeled Weapon XI.
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Why is Nick Fury's wife a Skrull?

Nick Fury's Wife Is a Skrull, and He's Okay With That. Fury's wife, Varra worked for the rogue Skrull faction led by Gravik, which Fury was unaware of. Their romance was always an arrangement. Priscilla, Fury's wife, survived the Snap and mourned his absence for five years.
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Is John Walker stronger than Bucky?

Serum enhances the strength and ability of human. Now bucky was not weaker than John, but we can see the fact that even at his human level John walker had better training than Bucky. He was so good as fighting before even getting the serum. So he was able to fight better than bucky.
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Did Winter Soldier take super serum?

Bucky owes his youthful appearance to repeated cryo-freezes orchestrated by the Russians. He possesses no super powers and never received a form of the Super Soldier Serum as many assume, but continues to operate at peak human ability. Winter Soldier also boasts a master knowledge of weapons and firearms.
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What if Hawkeye took super soldier Serum?

What you would get is an enhanced super archer, slightly stronger, faster and possibly mentally sharper than Captain America. The Serum evolved Steve Rogers from a complete and total frail-body to a superhuman, making him about 10x stronger than the average man (assuming we're talking about MCU Cap).
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Is Captain America is immortal?

Captain America isn't immortal. Presumably, he does age normally, despite the Super Soldier serum, which keeps him in peak physical condition.
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Is Bucky's arm made of Vibranium?

Bucky Barnes is getting a new arm in Thunderbolts it appears, and it could help set up Wolverine's Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. Known for his metal arm made from vibranium, Phase 4 delivered a surprise twist related to Winter Soldier's future.
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Can Captain America get sick?

The fact that Captain America is able to resist every form of infection, including vampirism, just goes to show that his enhanced immune system is Cap's most extreme power.
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Who is Weapon 0?

Weapon 0. A coalition of scientists from the United States, England, and Germany began their research into homo superior in an effort to manipulate genetic mutations for military applications. The first research subject was a soldier named John Steele.
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Does Nick Fury get powers?

After his transformation into The Unseen, Nick Fury now possesses the same Cosmic Awareness as the Watchers, which grants him the ability to observe different timelines, allowing him to see the past, present and even possible futures of every alternate timeline.
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Who is Deadpool's biggest enemy?

A mercenary for hire, he played an important role in the series Deadpool; T-Ray served to remind Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool, what a failure he was. He is Deadpool's archenemy for many issues and almost everything that happened to Deadpool was a part of an elaborate plan orchestrated by him.
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Did John Walker take the serum?

So, when John Walker took the serum in FATWS in episode four or five I believe, he was able to instantly bounce back and fight off like four Flagsmashers, and Bucky, and Sam.
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How can Bucky run so fast?

Powers and Abilities

This has granted the Winter Soldier both superhuman strength and some other powers. Bucky was injected with the infinity formula, which has granted him semi-immortality and superhumanly enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, healing, stamina and agility.
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Is Spider-Man a super soldier?

On one hand, for all intents and purposes, Spider-Man already is a super soldier. Beyond a super soldier actually. Being able to casually lift 20 tons of force is no joke, and of course, there is the Spider-sense and reaction speeds. Both of which are FAR beyond human comprehension or ability.
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Can Bucky defeat Batman?

The only advantage that Gotham's Knight has over Bucky Barnes is advanced technology. While Batman can use and develop any kind of technology, the Winter Soldier just likes to use his weapons. Both are pretty much equal when it comes to hand-to-hand combat.
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Is Bucky weaker than cap?

In the MCU, with his Winter Soldier mindset, Bucky is as strong as Captain America. If we're talking about the comics, it's because Bucky never received a version of the super soldier serum. He's still a highly trained man with a metal arm, but most of him is ordinary human.
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Is Steven stronger than Bucky?

Bucky is revived and restored by the Infinity Formula, the same chemical used on Nick Fury during World War II. This increases Bucky's vitality and physical abilities, though to a lesser degree than Steve Rogers.
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