Who is DC's equivalent to the Hulk?

Doctor Jeremy Stone, aka Maul, started out as Wildstorm's riff on Marvel's Hulk. This Wildstorm iteration shares the Hulk's basic concept of a timid scientist transformed into a monstrous form and compelled to save lives as a superhero.
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Who is the DC rip off of the Hulk?

Man-Mountain is literally a hulking monster with superhuman strength, yet he can be taken down by a punch to the face ,making his superpowers hilariously pointless. Man-Mountain isn't the only time a Hulk-like character makes an appearance in the DC Universe. In fact, DC had one crossover with the actual Hulk himself.
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Who is DC's version of She-Hulk?

Rampage. Another DC Comics villain similar to She-Hulk comes from Superman's rogues gallery, Rampage.
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Who is the DC Universe Hulk?

Bruce BannerHulk

Dr. Bruce Banner lives a life caught between the soft-spoken scientist he's always been and the uncontrollable green monster powered by his rage. Exposed to heavy doses of gamma radiation, scientist Bruce Banner transforms into the mean, green rage machine called the Hulk.
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Who in DC beats Hulk?

Superman has beaten Hulk before in the comics, as we've seen in the Marvel vs. DC event, though that can be argued away due to Supes winning by popular vote.
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Hulk Reminds The X-Men Why He Is The Strongest One There Is

Who is equal to Hulk in DC?

While Solomon Grundy has often been called DC's version of the Hulk, Solomon actually lacks the Jade Giant's biggest weakness: the absolute mess of alternate personalities that reside in the Hulk's body and mind.
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Did DC admit Hulk is stronger than Superman?

Fans love to debate who'd win a fair fight - Superman or the Incredible Hulk. In the past, the Man of Steel has won over the Green Goliath, however in a surprising moment, DC confirmed that Marvel's Green Goliath is absolutely capable of killing their flagship characters.
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Who is the DC equivalent of Thor?

Viking Prince is DC's version of Thor. Both are rooted in Norse mythology, and both have ties to Odin. Both Thor and the Viking Prince are warriors of high integrity and courage and both are invulnerable; however, the Prince is a mortal and can be killed.
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Who is the DC equivalent of Thanos?

Initially depicted as a slimmer figure, Mongul morphed both in his physicality and characterization through comic book history to look more like Apokolips' dictator, Darkseid. There are several reasons why Mongul is DC's answer to Marvel's Thanos aside from his actual comic book origins.
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Who is the DC equivalent of Spider-Man?

Created by Dan DiDio, Justin Jordan, and Kenneth Rocafort, Sideways was literally meant to be DC's version of Spider-Man. He was prominent during the "New Age of DC Heroes" line, which introduced several DC characters who were blatant parallels for certain Marvel heroes.
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Who is the DC counterpart of Wolverine?

For a long time, Deathstroke was basically DC's Wolverine. He was a popular anti-hero whose solo book sold rather well. Of course, eventually, he went back to being a villain, but there was a time when he was the Wolverine-like standard-bearer of DC.
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Who is the DC version of Captain America?

General Glory is the name of two DC Comics characters. The persona is mostly used by writers as a parody of Marvel's Captain America with exaggerated "patriotic values" and a sidekick called Ernie (aka Ernie The Battling Boy), who was similar to Bucky.
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Who is the DC version of Venom?

Joker Has Been Used To Make A DC Version Of Venom

The same is true for Marvel's symbiotes as well if the bond with their hosts aren't strong enough.
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Who is the DC equivalent of Galactus?

Galactus, Marvel's Devourer of Worlds, is basically a god, but even he may not be able to defeat Imperiex, DC's Destroyer of Galaxies. Galactus is easily one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, but DC's equivalent, Imperiex, puts that power to shame.
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Who replaced Hulk?

“The Incredible Hulk” only grossed $264 million worldwide, a sharp decline from “Iron Man's” $585 million. It's well known by now that Marvel scrapped all the follow-up plans it had for Norton continuing as Hulk. He was later replaced by Mark Ruffalo.
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Who is Superman's Marvel counterpart?

He was sent to Earth and raised by a human family as Mark Milton. Hyperion is able to absorb cosmic energy, which gives him incredible strength, super speed, flight, atomic vision, and a weakness to the isotope Argonite. Though hardly alone in this regard, he's usually considered Marvel's Superman.
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Who is the DC counterpart of Iron Man?

The character called Machinehead hails from Earth-8 which is essentially DC's version of Marvel complete with heroes, villains, and inevitable tragedy. This deformed yet intelligent version of Tony Stark helps the Justice Incarnate monitor and deal with threats throughout the multiverse.
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Who is the DC version of gamora?

Gamora = Big Barda. Pip the Troll = Oberon. Thanos = Darkseid. Nebula = Lashina + Grail.
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Who is the DC version of Black Panther?

DC Comics has their own version of the Black Panther, named Red Lion, who is a mirror image of T'Challa, albeit one that is broken and distorted.
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Who is the DC version of Hercules?

Hercules (also known as Heracles and Herakles) is a fictional Olympian god in the DC Universe based on the Greek demigod and hero of the same name. Hercules in Wonder Woman (vol. 3) #2, art by Terry Dodson.
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Can Hulk beat Darkseid?

Darkseid is definitely stronger than Hulk at a base level, but as the fight goes on, Hulk gets more powerful and he would eventually defeat the God of Evil.
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Can Hulk beat Thanos?

Thanos and Hulk have clashed several times in Marvel lore, with Thanos even admitting he was scared to face the Hulk before acquiring the Infinity Stones. While Thanos is usually the victor, it's generally down to him using superior tactics and technology, rather than simply possessing greater physical strength.
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Can Hulk lift Thor's hammer?

The simple answer is no. Yes, Hulk absolutely smashes Thor to the ground with Mjolnir, but, he's holding both Thor and the hammer. Hulk wouldn't have been able to lift Mjolnir by himself, but since the God of Thunder had a firm grip on it as well, he was able to use it as a weapon against his teammate.
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