Who is the most terrifying Sith?

As one of the most beloved Sith in Star Wars, Darth Revan is an immensely powerful and fierce duelist, mostly using two lightsabers, one red and one purple, to slice through his enemies. On top of this, Revan's connection to the force was simply unmatched, making him one of the most feared Sith of all time.
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Who is the creepiest Sith?

1 Darth Sidious

He killed his master, swayed two of the best Jedi to the Dark Side, took control of the Senate, and even created clones to continue life when he was inevitably betrayed. His look was creepy, but that brilliance is what made him truly terrifying.
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Who is the most feared Sith Lord?

The first Sith Empire had a lot of legends, and one of its most fearsome was the dreaded Marka Ragnos. This dark side practitioner was one of the most infamous and powerful Sith Lords of old, helping to forge the direction of the Sith movement as the centuries rolled on.
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Who is the cruelest Sith?

Darth Sidious, also known as the Emperor and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, is not just the evilest Sith in Star Wars (arguably in both canon and Legends) but the evilest villain overall, deemed so thanks to his irredeemable actions throughout the Skywalker saga and surrounding content.
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Who is the darkest lord of the Sith?

Darth Sidious, publicly known as Sheev Palpatine from Naboo, became the Dark Lord of The Sith after betraying and murdering his Sith Master Darth Plagueis. Sidious was the Dark Lord of the Sith during the last years of the Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire.
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Most Terrifying Interview I've Ever Done.

Who was the weakest Darth?

Star Wars Sith Lords From Weakest To Strongest, Officially Ranked
  • 8 Darth Plagueis.
  • 7 Darth Revan.
  • 6 Darth Zannah.
  • 5 Darth Nihilus.
  • 4 Marka Ragnos.
  • 3 Darth Traya.
  • 2 Darth Bane.
  • 1 Darth Sidious.
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Who is the least evil Sith?

Star Wars: 13 Sith Who Weren't Actually Evil
  • 8 Darth Marr.
  • 7 Vergere.
  • 6 Visas Marr.
  • 5 Darth Plagueis.
  • 4 Darth Vader.
  • 3 Asajj Ventress.
  • 2 Count Dooku.
  • 1 Kylo Ren.
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Who killed the most Sith?

Jedi like Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi have long stood as light against the darkness. But the record Sith-killer is actually Darth Bane himself. Darth Bane, founder of the Rule of Two, killed more Sith than any Jedi in the history of the Star Wars galaxy.
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Who was the only good Sith?

Though a proponent of the dark side, Darth Vectivus' self-discipline and preexisting code of ethics allowed him to remain fair and balanced without succumbing to the lure of power which plagued many of the Sith Lords who preceded him.
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Who is the kindest Sith?

Darth Vectivus. He basically got all the power he wanted and then retired to live with his family and friends and died peacefully, none of the Sith backstabbing.
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Who is most powerful Jedi ever?

Move aside, Anakin Skywalker. Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
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Which Sith killed the most Jedi?

Star Wars: Greatest Hunters of Jedi, Ranked by Number of Kills
  1. 1 Darth Vader - Hundreds.
  2. 2 Darth Nihilus - Nearly 100. ...
  3. 3 Darth Malgus - Dozens. ...
  4. 4 Darth Sion - Dozens. ...
  5. 5 General Grievous - At least 6. ...
  6. 6 Darth Sidious - 4. ...
  7. 7 Aurra Sing - 4. ...
  8. 8 Savage Opress - At least 3. ...
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Who trained Yoda as a Jedi?

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
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Who is the smartest Sith?

If it came to strategic prowess then most likely you'd find Sidious ahead. He was the one after all who managed to outsmart the entirety of the Jedi Order and Republic (minus the few individuals aiding him). And was then smart enough to keep any rivals in line or at a distance during his reign as emperor.
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Which Sith Lord cheated death?

Revenge of the Sith

Palpatine explains that Plagueis was so powerful and wise, he had mastered the dark side of the Force to such an extent that he could cheat death and create life; unnatural abilities which are unknown to the Jedi.
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Could Darth Maul use force lightning?

In both cases, Dooku and Rey used Force lightning during painful or hatred-fueled moments, and while Maul certainly harbored anger throughout his story arc - particularly for Obi-Wan Kenobi - he never lost himself enough to spontaneously use Force lightning. But that doesn't mean he wasn't capable of doing so.
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Which Sith was not evil?

The obvious answer is Darth Vectivus, a Sith Lord who lived in his house and didn't try to conquer the galaxy or destroy the Jedi. And while he wasn't evil, he wasn't good, either.
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Was there ever a light side Sith?

Light Sith or light-sided Sith were adherents of Sith teachings that rejected the dark side of the Force in favor of the light while retaining their devotion to the Sith as an organization.
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Who is the darkest character in Star Wars?

Darth Sidious

What makes Darth Sidious the darkest character in all of Star Wars lore? That's a fair question. In many ways, he's a combination of the many great evils in Star Wars history. At a young age, he murdered his family solely for the honor of becoming Darth Plagueis' apprentice.
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Who is the oldest Sith?

As the first Dark Lord of the Sith, Ajunta Pall founded the first Sith Empire and expanded it onto other worlds. The Sith took over the planet Ziost and created it as their capital and as Pall's new home.
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Who killed all the Siths?

The infighting eventually led to the defeat of their order at the Mid Rim planet Ruusan in 1032 BBY, as the Jedi were able to all but destroy the weakened Sith. Bane was the sole survivor of the Jedi-Sith War, as he organized the eradication of all the other Sith.
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Which Sith is immortal?

Darth Tenebrous achieved a form of immortality that backfired horribly on him. By converting his consciousness into a new kind of midi-chlorians known as maxi-chlorians, he was seemingly forced to live his final moments for all eternity in an infinite time loop, unless his maxi-chlorians ever died.
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Who is the evilest Darth?

There has been no Sith, as powerful, meticulous, or as evil as the Emperor himself, Darth Sidious. As previously mentioned, Sidious trained in the Dark Side by Darth Plagueis before Sidious killed Plagueis in his sleep, making Sidious a Sith Master.
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Has there ever been a nice Sith?

Being a sith requires you to be evil. The only times we see “good” sith are indidivual who are less murderous while than their fellow Sith Lords, or individuals like Darth Marr or Anakin who ended up being redeemed and ceasing to be sith. Though Darth Marr continued to be referred to as Darth Marr after his death.
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