Why can t adults see Pennywise?

The entire town of Derry is essentially infected with ITs evil. That's why children are bullied, parents are abusive, and adults seem not to see the rampant dysfunction around them.
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Why don t adults see Pennywise?

They reach the conclusion that Pennywise has all of the adults under some sort of spell that prohibits them from seeing him. The adults of Derry are shown to be villainous in their own right as well. The adults of Derry are shown to be true villains of the story in the same way as Pennywise.
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Can Pennywise hurt adults?

Pennywise never seems to bother offing the older folks in Derry, but he has taken out older teenagers and young adults as well as children. It's established early on that Pennywise prefers the taste of children over other types of prey, but such a diet would undoubtedly raise too many questions.
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Why does Pennywise eat kids and not adults?

According to It, when humans got scared, "all the chemicals of fear flooded the body and salted the meat". This is why he prefers to feast on children -- their fears are simple, pure, and powerful compared to the complex, pathological fears of adults. Basically, children are delicious.
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Why did Pennywise attack an adult?

Originally Answered: Why did Pennywise start on Chapter Two with attacking an adult? Pennywise thrives on fear. By killing him, Pennywise gets the town starting to fear others. Setting the stage for his return.
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Why You Can`t Beat Pennywise in the Movie "IT"?

What does Pennywise fear the most?

Stephen King's IT introduced readers to a one-of-a-kind creature that can take any form, the most common one being Pennywise the Dancing Clown, and as menacing as it is, this creature has one big enemy it's truly scared of: Maturin, the turtle.
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Why does Pennywise only attack every 27 years?

IT arrived on Earth through an event similar to an asteroid impact, landing in what would later become Derry, Maine. Once there, IT adopted its usual pattern of hibernation that lasted between 27 and 30 years, awakening to kill and eat and then going back to sleep.
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What race is Pennywise?

(According to King's book, Pennywise actually is a spider—sort of. That's really just the closest visual approximation to what Pennywise's true form actually is, at least to our puny human minds.)
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What is Pennywise biggest weakness?

However, It must surrender the the laws of whatever shape It takes. Pennywise's strength is also his weakness. For example, if he were to take the shape of a werewolf (as he does in the novel), silver bullets would harm him.
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Who can easily defeat Pennywise?

Alucard - Hellsing Ultimate

Considered the most destructive weapon in the Hellsing Corporation, Alucard is an omnipotent, immortal manifestation of Dracula. Since he cannot be killed, he would destroy Pennywise with this wide array of supernatural skills.
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What can destroy Pennywise?

The rest of the group realizes they can defeat it by shrinking it and therefore weakening it, which they achieve by standing up to it. They take out IT's heart and proceed to crush it, finally killing it. Eddie dies and his body is left behind.
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Why did the kids forget about Pennywise?

That They've Forgotten Each Other

It's clear that Pennywise has some kind of mystical power to make memories of him fade from the minds of people who have encountered him once they've left his hometown of Derry, Maine. So even though there's no explanation behind that, it at least makes some kind of sense.
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Why does Pennywise terrorize kids?


Described as a mysterious, eldritch, demonic entity of evil, It is a monster of unknown origin that preys on Derry's children and humans every twenty-seven years. IT finds striking fear in children akin to seasoning or "salt(ing) the meat", "You all taste so much better when you are afraid".
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How did kids beat Pennywise?

The spider-clown shrinks as the Losers hurl taunts at It, until it's tiny and weak enough that they pluck out its heart and squash it into nothingness. In the end, they defeat Pennywise by, uh, making him feel really bad about himself. It author Stephen King.
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What type of God is Pennywise?

If you want to get technical, It is an alien, but It's origin goes well beyond that. It is actually an ancient cosmic deity. A god of destruction, not just of our world, but of multiple worlds and even multiple universes.
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How long is Pennywise awake?

It slept for millions of years, then, when humans appeared in the area, It awoke and began a feeding cycle lasting about a year, feeding on people's fears and frequently assuming the shape of whatever its prey feared the most. After feeding, It would resume hibernation for approximately 30 years before reappearing.
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Is Pennywise a human or not?

“Pennywise the Clown” was never human. He doesn't have a “backstory” in that sense. He was never anything other than what he is in the book.
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Was that really Pennywise's daughter?

Kersh is the daughter of Bob Gray, whose evil clown Pennywise is an incarnation of the shapeshifting creature referred to as "It." Muschietti whispered commands (Freeze! Smile! Laugh!) to Gregson during her close-ups.
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Why is Pennywise scared?

The turtle is a force of benevolence and is guided by compassion, whereas IT represents chaos, evil, and fear. They are diametrically opposed. Because they are both interdimensional entities with equal powers, the turtle could kill IT if it wanted to, therefore it's understandable that IT is terrified of it.
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What was Pennywise trying to do?

Pennywise's deal is that he strikes fear into the hearts of others before devouring them, as essentially fattening them up before he feasts.
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Who was Pennywise before he died?

In the novel, however, the entity IT/Pennywise has a real name — Bob Gray.
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Who was the first person Pennywise killed?

Georgie's death was unique in It. While Pennywise's later victims were composed exclusively of high school students, Georgie was only six when he died. The added horror of killing someone so young and innocent immediately established Pennywise as a terrifying villain.
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How long did Pennywise sleep for?

IT emerges from its lair beneath the sleepy town of Derry, Maine. IT terrorizes children and feeds off their fear. Eventually, after IT gets its fill with a cataclysmic showdown, IT sleeps for the next three decades (or so).
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