Why couldn t Ron turn Scabbers yellow?

Scabbers was actually, as we know, Peter Pettigrew, an unregistered animagus hiding out as the Weasley's pet rat. No matter how hard he focussed his intention on turning the rat yellow, or even if he'd said the words rattus colovaria (erm, we did our best) the spell would never have worked because the rat wasn't a rat.
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What is Ron's spell to turn Scabbers yellow?

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow was the incantation of a most likely nonsensical and non-existent spell fabricated by George Weasley that could supposedly change Ron Weasley's pet rat Scabbers's fur colour to yellow, but did not have such effect.
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Why could Ron bring a rat?

Scabbers used to belong to Ron's older brother, Percy. Although the first years' shopping list only mentions cats, owls and toads as allowed pets, there does not seem to be any problem with Ron bringing him along to Hogwarts.
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What's the first spell we ever see Ron do?

Ron is the first person we see attempting a verbal Transfiguration spell, when he tries to turn Scabbers' fur yellow. Unfortunately, we suspect Fred and George, who 'taught' Ron the spell, might've been joking.
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Was Scabbers an Animagus?

Scabbers, formery known as Mister Peter Pettigrew, Senior Marauder, Order of Merlin, First Class, , is a wizard and animagus of unknown whereabouts as of Summer 1993.
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What is Harry Potter's Animagus?

The only two characters we know both Patronus and Animagus form of are James Potter and McGonagall. They are both the same (stag and cat respectively). Harry then would most likely be a stag as well.
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Did Snape have an Animagus?

And there is no question that Snape was a talented wizard, and that he could have become one if he had wanted to. But the fact is, there is not one single shred of evidence in Canon that Snape ever became an animagus.
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What spell did Ron use on Draco?

Instead he gave an almightly belch and several slugs dribbled out of his mouth on to his lap. Ron curses himself. The Slug-Vomiting Charm (Slugulus Eructo) is a charm that causes the victim to burp up slugs and slime for approximately ten minutes; they may also take on a sallow complexion as a side-effect.
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What spell did Hermione correct Ron on?

'You're saying it wrong,' Harry heard Hermione snap. 'It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, make the “gar” nice and long. ' 'You do it, then, if you're so clever,' Ron snarled.
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What spell did Ron cast on Nagini?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Ron Weasley casts a green spell in an attempt to kill Voldemort's snake Nagini (one of his Horcruxes). It is unknown if it is the Killing Curse or not, although it was unsuccessful.
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Who killed Peter Pettigrew?

The silver hand Lord Voldemort had given Pettigrew interpreted his hesitation as weakness and/or disloyalty, and strangled him to death, saving Harry and finally finding redemption for his treason, despite his reputation remained tarnished as many remained dubious of the evidence of his innate bravery.
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Why didn't Ron's spell work on Scabbers?

That's because what he wanted was to turn a rat yellow, but Scabbers wasn't a rat. Scabbers was actually, as we know, Peter Pettigrew, an unregistered animagus hiding out as the Weasley's pet rat.
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Who is Harry Potter's godfather?

Sirius Black and James Potter attended Hogwarts together, and Sirius is Harry's godfather. Sirius is an Animagus, which means he can transform himself into a black, shaggy dog named Padfoot at will. Years ago, Sirius was wrongly imprisoned at Azkaban for the murder of thirteen people.
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What is Ginny's favorite spell?

As the youngest Weasley, we're sure Ginny observed more than her fair share of unpleasant spells over the years but it was the Bat Bogey Hex she was famous for – and with good reason.
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Why did Ron's eyes turn red?

Harry spoke the word "open" in Parseltongue, causing the locket to spring open. Inside the locket's picture windows were two eyes that resembled Tom Riddle's eyes, before his soul-severing caused his eyes to turn red. The locket then began to mentally torture Ron mocking his greatest fears.
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Why did Scabbers choose the Weasleys?

15. He Chose The Weasleys As Owners To Avoid The Death Eaters. After Pettigrew faked his demise, he chose to live as a rat in order to both keep up his lie as well as to avoid the Death Eaters. At this stage, many of Voldemort's followers were unknown to the authorities and lived amongst the common-folk.
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What is the hardest spell to say in Harry Potter?

Patronus. The Patronus Charm is perhaps the most notorious difficult-to-cast spell in the wizarding world, and it's certainly the first one to come to mind for most fans. The Patronus Charm requires the caster to hold on to a moment of pure happiness—as in, they must think of their happiest memory.
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What spell did Draco use on Hermione?

The spell used was Densaugeo. It is a hex which causes the teeth to elongate at a grotesque, alarming rate.
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What was Hermione's signature spell?

Hermione's de facto signature spell is 'Bluebell Flames', also known as 'Cold Flames'. The incantation is unknown but is at least 2 words long. Hermione uses it 4 times: Once to set Snape's robe on fire in the Slytherin-Gryffindor Quidditch Match in their 1st Year.
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What unforgivable curse did Hermione use?

Cruciatus Curse (Crucio)
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Who is stronger Draco or Ron?

Malfoy is always at the receiving end of Ron's punches or hexes throughout the books. Ron fought and beat so many dangerous Death Eaters than Malfoy and survived. Malfoy sure knows more dark magic than Ron but he can not fight.
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What spell almost killed Draco?

Malfoy spots Harry and casts a Cruciatus curse; Harry, defending himself, using the Half-Blood Prince's Sectumsempra spell without knowing its effects. To his horror, it gashes Draco's face and chest, spilling his blood everywhere. Moaning Myrtle flies off, screaming.
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Why is McGonagall an Animagus?

Professor McGonagall learned how to become an Animagus while she was still at Hogwarts! It was actually Professor Dumbledore (then a Transfiguration teacher) who taught her how to do this.
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What would Draco Malfoy's Animagus be?

Draco is not an Animagus nor does he exhibit enough talent in Transfiguration to become one. However, I would personally guess he would be a small dragon: His very name is Draco, which means drake (a type of dragon). Sirius is the name of the Dog Star, lupine means “wolf-like”…
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What would Hermione's Animagus be?

J. K. Rowling has stated that she would fancy an otter — her favourite animal — as her Animagus form, though if she actually transformed, she suspects she might be "a guinea pig or something, which would be quite embarrassing."
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