What did Klingons evolve from?

Being descended from DNA molecules planted by the Ancient Humanoids, Klingons are distantly related to the other humanoid species of the galaxy such as Humans, Romulans and Cardassians, even though each evolved independently on their respective homeworlds.
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What is the origin of the Klingons?

Within the fictional universe of Star Trek, Klingon is derived from the original language spoken by the messianic figure Kahless the Unforgettable, who united the Klingon home-world of QoʼnoS under one empire more than 1500 years ago.
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Are Klingons crustaceans?

According to Federation scientists, a race of proto-humanoids seeded the primordial seas of various worlds with their DNA, which began the evolution of all humanoid life in the universe. The Klingon race was one such, being largely crustacean capable of spitting venomous acid.
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What caused the Klingons to change?

Attempting to replicate experiments by humans to create augmented soldiers, Klingon scientists used genetic material from human test subjects on their own people, which resulted in a viral pandemic which caused Klingons to develop human-like physical characteristics.
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What are Klingons inspired by?

The depiction of the Klingon species, the iconic aggressive warrior race from the planet Qo'noS, has evolved throughout the years from a simple analogy of the American fear of Cold War-era Russians to a depiction of a complex and proud tradition-bound people who value honor as well as combat prestige.
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I know longer think like a Klingon.

What did the Klingons evolve from?

Klingons, however, could trace their origins back to large reptilian or insectoid predators with exoskeletons and redundant organs. The Klingon homeworld Qo'noS was ruled by Malor in the 10th Century CE on Earth. A common warrior, Kahless led a revolution that became the founding myth for the Klingon Empire.
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Were Klingons inspired by Vikings?

With the advent of Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987–1994), as well as in subsequent series, the Klingons became allies of the Federation, and the portrayal of their culture changed to resemble the adoption of a warrior code similar to that of the samurai (or, rather, Western imaginations of them) and Vikings.
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Why is Worf different from other Klingons?

Worf is an outsider to Klingon society, marked as different both by his positionally — adopted child of humans, member of Star Fleet — and by his unshakeable commitment to the values that Klingons espouse.
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Why is Klingon blood pink?

Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4, episode 9 reveals that Klingons have pink blood, a departure from their usual red blood. The choice to give Klingons pink blood was made in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country to create an alien look and to avoid a higher film rating.
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Why are the Klingons so weird in Discovery?

The appearance of Klingons in Star Trek has evolved over time, with the original series using minimal makeup due to their tight budget. Later series introduced cranial ridges, and Discovery created a more alien look for the Klingons.
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Are Klingons and Vulcans related?

First of all, the Klingons aren't a Vulcan-descended species. There wasn't anything for them to diverge from.
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What did vulcans evolve from?

There are two possible origins for the Vulcans, neither of which are mutually exclusive. Some four billion years ago, a species of aliens known as the Primogenitors explored space and found no humanoid life. They seeded worlds with technology encouraging the evolution of people with a head, two legs and two arms.
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Why do Klingons have ridges in Strange New Worlds?

Most notably the make-up of the Klingons was modified for TMP. In TOS their foreheads were flat exactly like those of humans. The only distinguishing mark was their beards. In TMP and thereafter, however, the Klingons had ridges on their foreheads, to emphasize their being alien but probably also their martial nature.
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Why are Klingons bald in Discovery?

The official explanation is that Klingons normally have hair but completely shave it off during a war. Pronounced. The DIS make-up includes cheek prosthetics.
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How did Klingons get warp?

According to the Lost Era novel The Art of the Impossible as well as the Star Trek: Klingon Academy video game, the Klingons were able to reverse-engineer captured Hur'q technology, such as warp propulsion, which allowed them to become an interstellar power.
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How long did Klingons live?

No exact lifespan has been given for Klingons, just approximates. In 2370, Odo observed that Kor "must be a hundred years old" and his "best friend," Koloth, was "probably a hundred and fifty years old." This observation was made over 100 years after their encounter with James Kirk.
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Is Worf a black Klingon?

No, Klingons were portrayed by a great variety of actors. There are dark-skinned Klingons and white-skinned Klingons. Gowron was played by a white man and Worf by a black man. It was the quality of the actor that was important.
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Why did the Klingons grow hair?

Klingons grew their hair and beards long in order to give their enemies/opponents an advantage in combat. This being the common practice. Why would they cut their hair in times of war.
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What is the Klingon insult in Star Trek?

petaQ. One Klingon term used as an insult on numerous occasions was petaQ (also spelled "Pahtak", "Pathak", "p'tahk", "p'takh", "patahk", "pahtk", "p'tak", or "p'taq"). It was also used by the Klingons of the mirror universe.
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Why is Worf the only Klingon who wears a sash?

The baldric didn't just show that Worf was Klingon. It was also an important celebration of Klingon heritage. While other baldrics might have been used to carry weapons, the Klingon ones were solely for honoring their family or house, something that was important to Worf.
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Is Worf 100% Klingon?

Worf is 100% Klingon by birth, although he was adopted by humans at a young age. B'elanna Torres, however was born to a Klingon mother and a Human father, so she is half Klingon, half Human.
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Why is Worf in Star Trek Undiscovered Country?

In Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (set around 70 years before the Next Generation era began), Colonel Worf (also portrayed by Dorn) appears as the legal advocate of Captain James T. Kirk and Dr. Leonard McCoy after they are accused of killing Chancellor Gorkon of the Klingon High Council.
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Who are the Romulans based on?

Physiologically, Romulans are similar to Vulcans, another species in the Star Trek universe. In fact, Romulans share a common ancestry with Vulcans and are considered an offshoot of the same species. They have pointed ears and arched eyebrows, and possess great strength, intelligence, and longevity.
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Can humans and Klingons mate?

Klingons have bred true with humans- that is, they not just produce offspring, but those offspring can successfully mate with either parent species to produce a child. K'Ehleyr is half-human, and she and Worf could not just perform the act of mating, they produced offspring.
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What is the Klingon mating ritual?

Mating rituals for Klingons often involve combative foreplay with participants being bitten, spilling blood and suffering multiple broken bones. In fact, fracturing a clavicle on ones' wedding night is considered a blessing. In several Star Trek episodes, different characters came down with a bad case of par'Mach.
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