Why did Jack abandon the Black Pearl?

(1) Jack knew his 13 years as Captain of the Black Pearl were coming to an end and his debt to Davy Jones would be called to collect, so he needed to find the chest of Davy Jones, but knew he'd have to neglect being an "honest pirate" to find it.
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Why did Jack Sparrow leave the Black Pearl?

He was captain of the Black Pearl for two years, during which time he searched for the Shadow Gold. But when he was going after the treasure of Isla de Muerta, Jack lost the Pearl in a mutiny led by his first mate, Captain Hector Barbossa.
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Why did Jack abandon the Pearl?

After a battle that killed a majority of the ship's crewmen, which left only Jack, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner, Joshamee Gibbs, Pintel, Ragetti, Marty, Cotton and Cotton's Parrot, Jack ordered to abandon ship. Realizing that the Kraken was likely to attack again, Jack's crew began loading up into the longboat.
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Why did Jack Sparrow get betrayed?

According to the story told by Mr. Gibbs to Will later in the movie, Jack was the Captain of Black Pearl and he was betrayed by his mates after he has given the location of the treasure.
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Why did Jack go back to the Black Pearl?

Jack stayed true to his principle - the captain goes down with his ship. The reason why he came back is because he's their Captain, and Captain's NEVER let down his crew, no matter WHAT situation he's in. He came back because he ran away from his own ship the Black Pearl.
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Why was Jack the monkey still undead?

The "Jack the Monkey" card in the Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card Game states that he was the only member of Barbossa's crew not to put his blood on the Aztec coins, hence why he remains cursed.
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Why did Barbossa betray Jack?

He was once the captain of the Pearl, but when he shared the bearings to a hidden chest of Aztec gold coins, First Mate Barbossa instigated a mutiny and marooned Jack on an island. Jack escaped three days later.
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Why is Jack Sparrow immortal?

Right before the film's climactic battle with the pirates at Isla de Muerta, Sparrow swipes a cursed coin from the treasure chest, making himself immortal and capable of dueling Barbossa. He shoots his nemesis with the pistol he has carried for ten years just as Will breaks the curse, killing Barbossa.
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What is Jack Sparrow's most famous quote?

Without further ado, here are the 15 most iconic Jack Sparrow quotes.
  1. 1 "The only rules that matter are these: what a man can do and what a man can't do."
  2. 2 "I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it." ...
  3. 3 "Bring me that horizon." ...
  4. 4 "If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it." ...
  5. 5 "No survivors? ...
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Does Barbossa hate Jack?

Actually, they earnestly liked each other in The Price of Freedom and in the book series Jack saw Barbossa as his friend and his loyal follower, even if he mocked him very often (for his big hat, his vanity, him being the pirate lord of the Caspian Sea).
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Why is the Black Pearl so special?

Her speed is derived from several factors such as the large number of sails she carries and being partly supernatural. As stated in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, the Black Pearl is "the only ship that can outrun the Dutchman" and this is evidenced in the maelstrom battle between the two ships in the movies.
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Why did Jack Let Will stab the heart?

He just wanted to not be dead,and controlling the heart meant Davy Jones (or the Kraken) wouldn't kill him. Stabbing the heart was mostly a backup plan. Because being immortal and living forever isn't the same thing as living forever. Jack wanted to be seen as a legend, and not tied-down to anything.
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Why did Jack throw will of the ship?

As Jack secretly negotiates his freedom with Beckett, Elizabeth is handed over to Feng, who believes she is Calypso, while the rest of the crew make for Shipwreck Cove aboard the Pearl. Jack throws Will off the ship as part of a plan to seize control of the Dutchman.
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What is Jack Sparrow's curse?

His most powerful curse, the Black Spot, infuses his arm in uncontrollable cursed magic, but Captain Jack Sparrow was never one to let such a thing hold him back. After all, no self-respecting swashbuckler leaves the cabin without their captain's hat, pirate coat, and…
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What were Jack Sparrow's last words?

Last: "I Have A Rendezvous Beyond My Beloved Horizon."

Ready for another adventure, Jack gets ready to set sail, this time beyond the horizon. Jack makes it clear that his first and only love is the sea, therefore his final line encapsulates him perfectly.
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Why doesn t Jack Sparrow have the curse?

The ousted Captain Jack Sparrow wasn't party to the theft, so he isn't cursed by it until he tactically allows himself to be in his final fight with Hector Barbossa. However, Jack's history with the Pearl exposed him to a different supernatural danger.
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What is Jack Sparrow's worst fear?

Being trapped in one place. He loves his freedom. If he was forced to stay in one place for too long, he'd go mad (see: Davy Jones' Locker.)
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What is Jack Sparrow's true desire?

Jack wants freedom and to sail the seas for eternity doing whatever, whenever he wants. He loves adventure and is in some ways selfish, but he has a good heart. He's had many opportunities at immortality throughout the films and despite his flaws, he always makes the right decision.
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Who was Jack Sparrow's love?

Angelica. Despite the character being a lead for all five Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Jack Sparrow only receives a conventional love interest in On Stranger Tides. The fourth movie introduces Angelica, the daughter of Blackbeard who Jack seduced years before the sequel's action begins.
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Why didn't Jack Sparrow drink from the fountain?

Jack Sparrow probably didn't want to turn into a zombie. Jack is also familiar with another price of immortality… the Flying Dutchman is a legendary ghost ship that can never make port and is doomed to sail the oceans forever.
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Where did Jack Sparrow go after he died?

Yes he died and reached this place known as The World's End located far beyond the Caribbean and Singapore, which is one of the most inaccessible places in the world. It could be found only by using the navigational charts, which were presented to the esteemed navigator Wu Ling for his journeys to the 'afterlife'.
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Who is the best swordsman in Pirates of the Caribbean?

Notable swordsmen/swordswomen shown to be extremely proficient in this skill include Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, James Norrington, Davy Jones, Angelica, Blackbeard, and Armando Salazar.
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Why can't Barbossa eat?

When they fell under the Aztec Curse, Barbossa and his crew suffered a living death, feeling and tasting nothing: "... drink would not satisfy; food turned to ash in our mouths." The pirate captain himself was tormented by flavorless apples.
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Was Barbossa Jack's first mate?

In his youth, Hector Barbossa was an honest sailor who left to make an easier living as a pirate. Originally a captain of the schooner Cobra, Hector would join the crew aboard the Black Pearl as Captain Jack Sparrow's first mate.
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Why does Barbossa hate Jack Sparrow?

Barbossa hates Jack so much because Jack is sort of like a pirate White Prince compared to him: (1) His father's already a powerful pirate, (2) Jack's spoiled and probably didn't start out by the "sweat of his brow" and all that and (3) Jack got a top-rate ship for nothing while Barbossa lost everything he had in ...
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