Why is Daisy so valuable to Gatsby?

To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her.
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Why is Daisy so important to Gatsby?

The fact that Daisy, a woman of wealth and class, has chosen him makes her even more desirable in Gatsby's eyes (Fitzgerald 155). Even though he has not reached the social status needed to marry her, Gatsby sees her as his wife: “He felt married to her, that was all” (Fitzgerald 155).
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What does Daisy value in The Great Gatsby?

Gatsby returned and decided to amass wealth to win Daisy back. She is superficial and more in love with money than with Tom, whom she married for the comfort and luxury his money would provide.
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Why does Gatsby become rich for Daisy?

Undaunted by Daisy's marriage to Tom, Gatsby decided to become a man of wealth and influence in order to win Daisy's affections.
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Did Daisy only love Gatsby for his money?

Through the example and actions of Gatsby, Fitzgerald suggested that the American Dream and desire for success in life had been corrupted by a fixation of wealth and material items. Although Gatsby truly loved Daisy, this love was one-sided because Daisy was only attracted to Gatsby because of his wealth and status.
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A Psychoanalysis of Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)

Was Daisy rich when she met Gatsby?

Daisy Fay was raised in luxury in Louisville, Kentucky during the Jim Crow period. In 1917, although she had several suitors belonging to her same privileged social class, she entered into a month-long relationship with impoverished doughboy Jay Gatsby which ended with them promising to marry each other in the future.
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Why did Daisy betray Gatsby?

She betrays him by being her cowardly self. She tried once to stand up for her love of him when they first met, but her life is more complicated now with an aggressive, domineering husband and a child. She doesn't have any support -other than Nick, her distant cousin, to help her do the right thing.
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What increased Daisy's value to Gatsby?

In Gatsby's eyes, what "increased her [Daisy's] value"? The fact that she was loved by so many other men. How did Gatsby give Daisy a false sense of security? He made her believe that he was from the same social/economic background as her.
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What is Gatsby's obsession with Daisy?

Arguably, Gatsby doesn't love Daisy- he loves what she represents. With her "voice full of money", she is a trophy, a symbol of wealth and class, of old money, of a "secret club" Gatsby is desperate to join.
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Why is Daisy greedy in The Great Gatsby?

How is Daisy greedy in The Great Gatsby? In The Great Gatsby, Daisy wants everything. She ultimately wants the love of both Tom and Gatsby. Daisy wants to keep her privileged, albeit problematic life, while being able to escape from it into Gatsby's arms.
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Why does Gatsby love Daisy so much?

To Gatsby, Daisy represents the paragon of perfection—she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he longed for as a child in North Dakota and that first attracted him to her.
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What symbolizes Gatsby's love for Daisy?

Because the green light hangs at the end of Daisy's dock, and Gatsby bought his house in order to be able to see it each night, the green light most obviously symbolizes his unwavering love for Daisy.
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Is Daisy a gold digger?

Yet Daisy isn't just a shallow gold digger. She's more tragic: a loving woman who has been corrupted by greed. She chooses the comfort and security of money over real love, but she does so knowingly.
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Why are Daisy important?

A staple of lawns and amenity grasslands, the flowers offer a welcome source of nectar and pollen for small solitary bees, flies and beetles, and this importance is heightened when other flowers are absent.
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Why is Daisy so important to Gatsby in Chapter 6?

He thinks of her as the sweet girl who loved him in Louisville, blinding himself to the reality that she would never desert her own class and background to be with him.
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Why is it so important to Gatsby that Daisy said she never loved him?

The importance of time and the past manifests itself in the confrontation between Gatsby and Tom. Gatsby's obsession with recovering a blissful past compels him to order Daisy to tell Tom that she has never loved him. Gatsby needs to know that she has always loved him, that she has always been emotionally loyal to him.
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What role does Daisy play in Gatsby's downfall?

After the accident, even though Gatsby takes responsibility for Myrtle's death, Daisy once again chooses Tom over Gatsby. All that Gatsby wants is Daisy, but Daisy repeatedly prevents him from attaining this goal of possessing her completely. Even though she loves him, Daisy plays a crucial role in Gatsby's downfall.
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What was Gatsby's goal with Daisy?

After 1919, Gatsby dedicated himself to winning Daisy back, making her the single goal of all of his dreams and the main motivation behind his acquisition of immense wealth through criminal activity.
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How does Gatsby idolize Daisy?

He says that he loved her for her youth and vitality, and idolized her social position, wealth, and popularity. He adds that she was the first girl to whom he ever felt close and that he lied about his background to make her believe that he was worthy of her.
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Does Daisy love Gatsby or his wealth?

Although Daisy may have loved Gatsby once, she does not love him more than the wealth, status, and freedom that she has with Tom.
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What was Gatsby's obsession with Daisy?

Scott Fitzgerald, what Jay Gatsby feels for Daisy Buchanan is obsession. Gatsby revolves and rearranges his entire life in order to gain her affections. Gatsby's obsession with Daisy resulted in him buying a mansion across the lake from her, throwing huge parties, and spending years of his life trying to become rich.
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How does Daisy manipulate Gatsby?

She teases Gatsby, making him think she's interested in him and then changing her mind regularly, all while she's married to another man.
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Did Daisy lose her virginity to Gatsby?

The implication here is that Daisy was romantically experienced and certainly no virgin, an implication further supported in the fact that there was no mention of loss of virginity when Gatsby "took her."
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Did Gatsby actually love Daisy?

As it is revealed throughout the novel, the sole purpose of his efforts is to gain the affection of his past lover Daisy Buchanan, whom he deserted five years earlier to go to war. Despite Gatsby's “romantic readiness” (2), as narrator Nick Carraway puts it, he subtly shows that his love for Daisy is never genuine.
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Why does Daisy choose Tom over Gatsby?

Quick answer:

In The Great Gatsby, Daisy chooses Tom in the end because his wealth is more secure than Gatsby's. Daisy recognizes that she will never lose her wealth or social status as Tom's wife, and she is not willing to risk her luxurious lifestyle for Gatsby.
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