Why is Padme pregnant at her funeral?

Overview. After her death in childbirth on Polis Massa, Amidala's body was returned to Naboo for the proper funeral rites. In order to hide the fact that Amidala's twins survived, her body was prepared to still appear pregnant. Her maternal grandmother, Ryoo Thule, oversaw Amidala's funeral, as per Naboo custom.
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Why did Padme still look pregnant at her funeral?

To hide the birth of her twins from both Darth Vader and more importantly Palpatine. The fact that Amidala had given birth to twins was a secret known only to a few after her death. The mortician Commodex Tahn used a hologram to make her still appear pregnant during her funeral.
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Was Padme pregnant at the funeral?

Her body was made to still look pregnant in order to keep Luke and Leia safe from their father, Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith formerly known as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, who fell to the dark side of the Force in a failed attempt to save his wife from dying.
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Why did Padme keep her pregnancy a secret?

She planned to have the baby on Naboo to avoid public scrutiny and consequent scandal that would have killed her career. While on Coruscant, she kept a low profile and wore very baggy clothes (i.e. pompous Senatorial robes). The general public did not know she was pregnant.
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Why did Padme wait to tell Anakin she was pregnant?

However, she chose not to tell Anakin, presumably because he was about to go into a battle. Anakin was prone to letting his emotions affect him, and knowing that Padme was pregnant would've thrown him completely off the task. And Padme probably didn't think that her husband would be fighting battles for months to come.
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I'm Pregnant, Husband kicked me, expelled me after a friend's wife accused me of office affairs.

What was Anakin's reaction to Padme's pregnancy?

Throughout this meeting between the two it's moody, mysterious, and foreboding. As soon as she says "I'm pregnant", this ominous violin starts as Anakin struggles to say anything positive. He stumbles over his words and seems to force a smile. Even as he's comforting Padme, the music doesn't seem very promising.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

Being the low-wisdom guy that he was, he acted on his hatred immediately as Palapine encouraged him to do. He couldn't force-choke Obi-Wan (the one he really wanted to do it to), so he did it to Padme (the one he could do it to). Anakin believed Padme brought Obi Wan to kill him, and reacted instinctively.
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Why did Padme not wear a bra?

She was not allowed to wear a starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Brassiere on set because of the “no underwear in space” rule. Instead, the costume designers had her cover certain areas with gaffer tape, which is incredibly sticky and painful to remove.
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Did Vader know Padme gave birth?

He had no idea Padmé had given birth before she died, still less that the Jedi had spirited the children away and hidden them. Darth Vader's illusions were shattered shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star.
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What was Padmé holding when she died?

However, Kenobi did not understand the significance of her gesture, only understanding Amidala's basic feelings about it, and returned it to her. After her death, Amidala's body held the japor snippet during her funeral procession, and was buried alongside her body in a privately owned mausoleum.
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Was Anakin happy when he found out Padmé was pregnant?

Anakin's reaction and joy upon hearing Padme's pregnancy is beautiful and heartwarming. He and Padme truly loved their children and would've been great parents if not for Palpatine's manipulations.
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What happened to the twins after Padmé died?

Padmé died shortly after giving birth to Luke and Leia, swearing with her last words that there was still good in Anakin Skywalker. The twins were split up, with Luke going to Tatooine with Obi-Wan while Bail took Leia to Alderaan.
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Did Vader ever visit Padmé's grave?

Before he could enter, however, Vader was stopped by Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Dormé, former handmaidens of Amidala, who refused to let him enter into the grave so he would not desecrate it. However, Vader would not be denied. As he entered the tomb, he became flooded with memories of Amidala.
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What were Padmé's last words?

What he did not see, at the time at least, was that Padmé used her last breaths to tell Obi-Wan that she was certain that in regards to her husband, "there's still good in him." Now, those words are set to be revealed to someone other than Darth Vader himself.
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Why didn't Vader go to Padmé's funeral?

TheLightSide Jedi Youngling

Vader is too grief-stricken about his mother to EVER step foot on Tatooine, even though the plans for the Death Star are there. Vader is too grief-stricken to EVER go to Naboo to go to his wife's grave. Typho is far, far too grief-stricken to go to Padme's funeral.
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Did Obi-Wan sleep with Padmé?

This fell in line with various fan theories and non-canon novelizations that suggested Obi-Wan and Padmé had an affair sometime during the Clone Wars. In the Star Wars prequel movies, Obi-Wan often has a duty to protect Padmé, but there was never any sense of romantic feelings.
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Did Darth Vader really love Padmé?

Though Anakin's affection for Padmé was always sullied by darkness, in the end, it led to one of the truest forms of love that Anakin had ever known and Star Wars has ever seen — that between a father and a son.
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Did Padmé still love Anakin when she died?

Before Padmé's death, she still believed there was still good left in Anakin, and that one day he could be redeemed. During Anakin's time as the Emperor's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death, and guilt over his supposed hand in it.
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How old was Anakin when he kissed Padmé?

This time jump makes Padmé a very mature 24 years old, while Anakin is still a Jedi Padawan and teenager at the age of 19. This formidable time in their lives is when the romance between the two sparks, so the age difference between Padmé and Anakin doesn't hold them back.
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Who has a crush on Padmé?

Anakin and Padmé met when Anakin was still just a young boy in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Though he was already infatuated with her then, it was a boyish crush — one that Padmé could not reciprocate at the time.
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Is Padmé's hair a wig?

Princess Leia's and Queen Amidala/Padmé's hairstyles are commonly attributed to this myth. However, both Leia's and Padmé's hair is achieved through the for mentioned hair help. Within universe the characters achieve these hairstyles with wigs, hair filler and forms among means other than their own natural hair.
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Did Anakin regret killing Padme?

Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor. The film ends with Anakins standing side by side with the man on whose behalf he has committed all his crimes.
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What if Anakin didn t fall in love with Padme?

If Anakin had never fell in love with Padmé, he would've never turned to the Dark Side because it was his fear for losing Padmé and his two unborn children which caused him to be easily seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. It was his fear which made it much easier for Palpatine to manipulate Anakin.
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Did Vader ever stop loving Padme?

However, the animated series and comics are now revealing that the Sith Lord showed what Padmé meant to him even after his transformation. Considering his position as a servant of Emperor Palpatine, it can be assumed that Vader eventually moved past his feelings.
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