Why was it ironic that Jack used fire to capture Ralph?

Ironically, although it is indeed a fire that lures a ship to the island, it is not an ordered, controlled signal fire but rather the haphazard forest fire Jack's hunters set solely for the purpose of killing Ralph.
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What is ironic about the fire that caused their rescue?

It is ironic that the rift between Ralph and Jack began over the issue of keeping the rescue fire burning, and the fi re that finally effects their rescue was set to destroy Ralph. It is likewise ironic that it was a fi re set by Jack's followers—who no longer cared about being rescued— that led to their rescue.
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Why is the fire at the end of the novel ironic?

Jack's plan is to kill Ralph with the smoke from the fire. Instead of a sign used to attract attention, the fire thus becomes a danger to Ralph's life. The fire ultimately saves the boys, but the irony is that the fire that Jack set to kill Ralph actually saved him from dying, as they got rescued.
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Why is the fire burning so important to Ralph?

Why is keeping the fire burning so important to Ralph? He wants to get rescued and the fire is the signal for any boats that pass by the sea that they are people in the island.
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How the fire at the end of the novel is heavily ironic?

It is ironic because the fire was purposely made to kill Ralph, but instead it spread throughout the whole island and a ship noticed the fire and ended up saving Ralph. At the end of the novel, when Ralph realizes that they are rescued, he cried tears of grief, and not of joy.
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Video SparkNotes: William Golding's Lord of the Flies summary

What is ironic about the fire in LOTF?

In Chapter 12, Jack and his tribe set fire to the forest in an attempt to kill Ralph. The irony is that the smoke plume from that fire catches the attention of a passing ship. Though Jack was convinced a smoke signal would not lead to their rescue, smoke from his destructive fire leads to their rescue.
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What does the fire symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

The fire in Lord of the Flies symbolizes life and death. The fire symbolizes life because they can cook food, keep warm at night, and use it to make signal smoke. However, the fire also symbolizes death because they are unable to manage it responsibly, and finally they use it as a weapon.
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What does the fire represent about Ralph?

The fire symbolizes hope when on the civilized side but its inner demon is of destruction and evil. Predictably this demon does in fact come out when in the end Jack and his boys “had smoked him (Ralph) out and set the island on fire” (Golding 224), in order to kill Ralph.
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Who does Ralph blame for the fire going out?

Ralph rushes to the mountain to relight the fire, and Jack and his boys come back. Ralph yells at Jack for letting the fire go out, and Jack offers an insincere apology. The boys restart the fire and have a feast, and the boys get rowdy and start to reenact the hunt.
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Is Ralph a better leader than Jack?

Who is a better leader in Lord of the Flies? Ralph is a better leader as he works to make sure the boys get rescued. Jack is a more effective leader because he gathers support for himself quickly, but he is a poor leader because he is unconcerned with being rescued.
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What is the irony in To Build a Fire by Jack London?

One of the tactics London uses in "To Build a Fire" is dramatic irony. At the beginning of the story, he states that while the man believes the temperature to be about 50 degrees below zero, the dog better understands just how cold it is. The animal was depressed by the tremendous cold.
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What happened to the fire lotf?

However, while the signal fire symbolizes a connection to civilization at the beginning of the story, toward the end, its meaning changes, and the fire that could once save the boys turns into a destructive and deadly force. The separate noises of the fire merged into a drumroll that seemed to shake the mountain.
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What symbolic significance does fire take on in this section of the book what problems of Montag does fire remove?

For Montag, fire symbolizes cleansing. He uses it to cleanse the homes of dangerous books. Fire in the novel is both a fearsome weapon of destruction and a tool that can be turned to an advantage, such as Montag being welcomed to the campfire at the end of the novel.
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What is ironic about the fire the tribe created to flush out Ralph?

At the end of Lord of the Flies, the savages set the island on fire to force Ralph out into the open. Ironically, a ship sees the smoke and comes to their rescue. A naval officer appears on the beach as Ralph runs from the savages who intend to kill him.
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Why does Ralph cry at the end of the novel?

Why did Ralph cry at the end of ''Lord of the Flies''? Ralph cried because of the ''end of innocence'' and the ''darkness that lies in all men's hearts. '' He also wept for the loss of his friend, Piggy.
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For what three reasons is Ralph crying at the end?

Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man's heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy.
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Who betrays Ralph?

Samneric do end up betraying Ralph, when one of them gives away Ralph's hiding place to Jack, the leader of the savage group of boys.
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Who betrayed Ralph?

Ralph finds a place to sleep for the night. The next morning, his hiding place, a dense thicket, is betrayed by Samneric. The tribe is unsuccessful at reaching him in the thicket, so they flush him out by rolling boulders into it and setting it on fire.
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What is the biggest conflict between Ralph and Jack?

The major conflict in Lord of the Flies is the struggle between Jack and Ralph. The fight for who will lead the island represents the clash between a peaceful democracy, as symbolized by Ralph, and a violent dictatorship, as symbolized by Jack.
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What does Jack use the fire for in Lord of the Flies?

Lord of the Flies

The fire also functions as a signal to alert passing ships of the boys' location. Jack's choir are responsible for maintaining the fire, but prefer to hunt. This leads to one of the first confrontations on the island. Fire is at once a beacon of hope, and an instrument of death.
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What does Jack use the fire for?

Eventually, there are not enough boys to maintain the signal fire, and Jack invades Ralph's camp to steal burning logs to start a fire of his own. Jack uses the fire for an entirely different purpose. Jack uses the fire to cook the pigs he hunts, and to smoke out Ralph at the end of the novel.
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Is Piggy's fear of Jack justified?

Piggy's fear is justified because he recognizes that he is a fragile person compared to Jack. We can arrive at this answer because: Piggy lived with Jack and is aware of how controversial he can be.
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What do Piggy's glasses symbolize in LOTF?

Piggy's Glasses

Piggy is the most intelligent, rational boy in the group, and his glasses represent the power of science and intellectual endeavor in society. This symbolic significance is clear from the start of the novel, when the boys use the lenses from Piggy's glasses to focus the sunlight and start a fire.
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What does the fire symbolize in Lord of the Flies quizlet?

The signal fire in The Lord of the Flies was a symbol of hope. Without the fire the children had no chance to be rescued. The beast. The beast symbolizes the primal savagery in all humans.
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What do Ralph and Jack argue about?

Ralph and Jack argue whether hunting is as important as building shelters.
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