Why was Sansa crying at the ship?

In private, Tyrion informs Sansa of his father's plans for them, with Shae present. Baelish tells Varys he has given Ros to a friend (revealed to be Joffrey) to kill for his pleasure. Sansa watches tearfully as Baelish departs by ship, losing her chance at leaving the capital.
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Why was Sansa crying in Season 3 episode 10?

Immediately after leaving, Tyrion returns to his chambers and calls for Sansa, who simply regards him with a forlorn, tear-streaked face confirming that she was already informed of her family's death.
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What is Sansa crying about in Season 3 Episode 6?

Sansa, crying as the ship that was to take her away from King's Landing is going without her and she is destined to stay a hostage there.
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Did Sansa cry when Baelish died?

Yes, she was crying! Sansa does not like Littlefinger, but she was not happy about another human being killed. It was a necessary evil! If Littlefinger would have been allowed to live, he would have continued to try to divide and conquer, by spreading his poison.
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Who does Sansa love?

Sansa's affection for Loras grows; she is unaware that Loras is gay and, while he likes her and enjoys spending time with her, he can never love her. Margaery proposes the idea that Loras will marry Sansa, meaning Sansa can leave King's Landing, which delights Sansa.
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Sansa talks about the Red Wedding

Did Theon have a crush on Sansa?

He hadn't entirely shaken his brainwashing and was deeply traumatized. He and Sansa might have a lot of love for one another, but they aren't in love. They just haven't spent enough time together (outside of shared torture) for romance to be possible.
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Did Jon Snow love Sansa?

Both in the show and the books its known that they arent close but there were some hints in the books that Jon may had subconscious feelings for Sansa (could be his Targ genes).
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Did Littlefinger ever love Sansa?

As he tells Lysa when he kills her, Catelyn was the only woman he ever loved. Once Catelyn dies, he seems to transfer that affection to her daughter and lookalike Sansa, and he similarly works to bend the world into a shape where he could one day be with her.
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Did Sansa Stark sleep with Littlefinger?

So no, they have definitely not slept together. Sansa doesn't want him and Petyr's desire for power outweighs his desire for Sansa. Will Sansa ever figure it out that Littlefinger was behind her family's downfall? I think at some point she almost has to.
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Did Littlefinger love Sansa?

Yes, Littlefinger is attracted to Sansa, but we don't know what “love” means to him since his childhood had very few examples of good, hot long term intimate relationships. most likely he views “love” as a weakness. Caitlin was his first crush, but this turned out badly, and he was humiliated.
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How did Sansa know Littlefinger betrayed her?

It's not until the season seven finale that Sansa truly realizes Littlefinger's betrayal, when Lord Baelish tells Sansa that Arya wants to steal her title as Lady of Winterfell. Sansa knows this is a lie; Arya never wanted to be a lady. Her little sister always wanted to be a knight.
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Why does Sansa cry when she sees Theon?

Her emotional response, which cracks her frequently stoic resolve, is a recognition of what they've been through together. Theon's return to Winterfell, where he spent his childhood as a hostage, suggests he views House Stark's keep as his true home, not the Iron Islands.
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Why does Littlefinger kiss Sansa?

Sansa refused to take his words at face value and couldn't be swayed. So Littlefinger quickly found another way to regain control and change the topic. He kisses her. And this calculated move allowed him to achieve two things.
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Who was sailing away when Sansa was crying?

Toward the end of LF's weird "climb" monologue, it shows Sansa crying as Littlefinger's ship departs without her.
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Who betrayed Sansa Stark?

Betrayed Sansa Stark

Petyr betrayed the two women he claimed to love, Catelyn and her daughter Sansa. He set up Sansa's marriage to the Boltons. He led Sansa to the marriage by telling her if she wanted to build a better home, she would have to destroy the old one.
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Why does Sansa dye her hair?

At the end of season four, the redhead dyed her tresses to black, which was as much a ruse to hide her identity as a symbolic harbinger of new beginnings.
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Did Joffrey love Sansa?

Joffrey showed no love to Sansa or her family members throughout Game Of Thrones. Had Arya remained in King's Landing then it is likely she would have been killed by the cruel king in retaliation for her direwolf's actions.
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Does Sansa get pregnant?

She is not. It's virtually impossible that there is a fetus in Sansa's uterus. Her oblique references to the damage Ramsay has done to her and his insistence that he will always be “a part” of her likely refer to the mental and physical effects of his abuse on her body and mind.
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How old was Sansa when she kissed Baelish?

In the books Sansa is roughly thirteen years old. In the show she's about seventeen when LittleFinger goes after her. She's young and this much older man, whom she goes back and forth on trusting, kisses her.
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Why is Littlefinger so obsessed with Sansa?

He wanted to possess Catlyn Tully - who had both beauty and status - but couldn't. Possessing Sansa, who has even more status and more beauty than her mother did at her age, gives him a second chance to claim the prize that was denied to him in his youth.
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Did Catelyn Stark love Petyr Baelish?

Petyr became obsessed and in love with Catelyn, but she never returned his affections. Lysa was infatuated with Petyr, but he only loved Catelyn.
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Did Tyrion Lannister love Sansa?

He understood the importance of Sansa, that she was the key to the North and that she alone was preventing Jaime from being killed just by being alive herself. But no, he didn't love her.
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Who did Sansa tell Jon's secret to?

Tyrion, of course, promptly shares the reveal with Varys, and the men ponder the possibilities, including the fact that Jon is more popular with more groups of potential subjects than Dany is. This is, quite possibly, exactly what Sansa hoped for when she told Tyrion the truth about Jon.
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Why was Sansa jealous of Jon?

"She's [Sansa's] always taken her mother's view of how Jon entered the family," Turner explained. "I think finding out that her father did not cheat on Catelyn and had an illegitimate child would probably build a few bridges rather than burn them."
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How much older is Jon Snow than Sansa?

Jon Snow and Robb are a few months older than her, at 14 years old midway through 298 AC, which would make them 16 by the end of ADWD (though Robb never made it to 300 AC). Sansa is about two-and-a-half years younger than them, at 11 at the start of AGOT in mid-298 AC, making her 13 at the end of ADWD.
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