Are there any Jawa Sith?

Yes. There have been two force sensitive Jawas in Legends. The first was Akial, who lived a couple hundred years before the Battle of Yavin. A Jedi Knight, he accompanies Krin D'bis as they fight an ancient Sith cult called the Believers.
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Are there any Jedi Jawas?

Akial was a Jawa male who was a member of the Jedi Order during the years of the Galactic Republic. He trained at the Almas Academy, a Jedi academy that was located on the planet Almas, where he specialized as a Jedi Consular.
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Are there any Sith turned Jedi?

Praven was a Sith pureblood male who served the reconstituted Sith Empire as a Sith Lord and later protected the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order.
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Was there ever a Force-sensitive Jawa?

Lelek was a Force-sensitive female Jawa Shaman who lived on Tatooine during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Reports of her usage of the Force were reached by commander Vilos, stationed at the Mos Ila garrison, who was curious about the usage of the Force in a Jawa.
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Are there any original Sith left?

Undermined by constant infighting and ruined by the last war against the Jedi, the Sith were rendered all but extinct with the exception of one; Darth Bane survived the ancient order's destruction and passed his knowledge to a single apprentice, Darth Zannah, before being entombed on Korriban, which became known as ...
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Why the Sith NEVER Recruited from Certain Species

Is Jar Jar Binks a Sith Lord?

Summary. Jar Jar Binks's clumsiness may not be genuine, but rather an act to disguise his true nature as a Sith Lord infiltrating the Republic. Palpatine carefully orchestrated events to manipulate the galaxy, and Jar Jar's involvement suggests he may have been the eyes and ears on Naboo.
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Are there still Sith purebloods?

By 44 ABY, the true Sith species in the Empire were believed to have gone extinct due to the interbreeding process. Characteristics shown would be determined depending on how much Dark Jedi or Sith blood an individual possessed due to interbreeding.
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What does a Jawa look like without the cloak?

No canonical source has revealed what a Jawa looks like under the hood. In behind-the-scenes shots from Return of the Jedi, the Jawas have squarish heads covered in black cloth with large yellow eyes that appear mechanical. However, this is a costume and so may not represent their canonical appearance.
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Can a Wookie be Force-sensitive?

Although a rare phenomenon, Force-sensitive Wookiees were possible, and some joined the ranks of the Jedi, becoming a source of great pride for their people. Such Wookiees included the Jedi Master Arkoff, Jedi Knight Burryaga Agaburry, and the youngling Gungi.
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Has Yoda ever been a Sith?

Yoda's 900 years of Jedi experience and knowledge would be weaponized on a scale never conceived. Sith Yoda's destructive power would be so strong it could wreck the entire galaxy. Once Dooku saw the vision, he couldn't deny the threat a Darth Yoda would pose. Of course, Yoda didn't turn to the Dark Side.
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Could a Sith Pureblood be a Jedi?

Due to to their connection to the original Sith, a Sith Pureblood would be exceedingly rare to see as a Jedi, especially as they had a genetic predisposition toward the dark side of the Force.
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Are there light Sith?

During the Cold War a group of light-leaning Sith formed within the ranks of the Sith Empire. The Sith Lord Cendence was hand-chosen by the Dark Council to hunt down and destroy any Sith not deemed pure.
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What is the rarest Jedi?

Despite appearing in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith as a member of the Jedi Council, Coleman Kcaj is one of Star Wars' most obscure Jedi. Very little has been revealed about this Ongree Jedi Master, though he appears as a background Council member in several scenes of The Clone Wars.
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Was there ever an Ewok Jedi?

In one of the rarely trodden paths of Star Wars canon that has now become "Star Wars Legends," there was once an Ewok who was force-sensitive and wielded a lightsaber of their own, though much of their origins remain a mystery to the galaxy and fans of the diminutive and seemingly cuddly warriors.
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Who sold R2-D2 to Luke Skywalker?

After C-3PO and R2-D2 landed on Tatooine, Jawas picked up the two droids, fitting them with restraining bolts. The Jawas sold the robots to Owen and Beru Lars and their nephew Luke Skywalker, a seemingly minor event that would change the fate of trillions in the galaxy.
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Why doesn't Obi Wan remember R2-D2?

Summary. Obi-Wan's seeming inability to remember R2-D2 in "A New Hope" was a deliberate choice to downplay the droid's arrival and avoid revealing too much too soon.
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What is under a Jawas hood?

Summary. Jawas remain mysterious in Star Wars lore, as there is no official depiction of their appearance. Recent hints suggest that Jawas are furry and have a musky smell like wet rats. Visual depictions from concept art and toys show unsettling, rodent-like features under their hoods.
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Has a Jawa ever been a Jedi?

Yes there was. 1 Jawa Jedi knight by the name of Akial studied as a Jedi Consular, very much not a warrior, he studied the ways of the Force and was more of a diplomat than anything else.
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Do Jawas have genders?

Any characters who have an unclear gender, such as Jawas, Gonk Droids, and porgs, are classified as unknown gender.
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Was there a Tusken Jedi?

In Legends, Dark Horse Comics had two human Jedi who were adopted by a Tusken Raider clan. They were the Jedi Knight Sharad Hett and his son A'Sharad Hett, who lived during the last decades of the Old Republic and the Clone Wars. Technically, they were not Tuskens but they adopted Tusken clothing, culture and habits.
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Was Kylo Ren a Sith?

History. A dark side warrior with a mysterious past, Kylo Ren was neither Jedi nor Sith, but a product of both sides' teachings. Once an apprentice of Luke Skywalker's, he killed his fellow students and drove Skywalker into exile, becoming a First Order warlord and servant of Supreme Leader Snoke.
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Who is the last Sith alive?

By the end of The Rise of Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine (aka Darth Sidious) is believed to be the last of the Sith Lords. But was he really the last to ever live, or were there others in hiding? According to the current canon, he is indeed the last Sith, but that doesn't appear to be the case in Legends.
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