Are there any nice Sith?

Are there any Sith who aren't evil? Since the Sith also have enemies amongst themselves, some of them do the Jedi a favor. Additionally, certain Sith Lords like Darth Vectivus are actually fair and had genuine friends and loved ones as well as concern for others.
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Has there been a good Sith?

Being a sith requires you to be evil. The only times we see “good” sith are indidivual who are less murderous while than their fellow Sith Lords, or individuals like Darth Marr or Anakin who ended up being redeemed and ceasing to be sith. Though Darth Marr continued to be referred to as Darth Marr after his death.
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Who is the kindest Sith?

Darth Vectivus. He basically got all the power he wanted and then retired to live with his family and friends and died peacefully, none of the Sith backstabbing.
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Were there any Sith that turned good?

Kel'eth Ur (Legends)

Another powerful dark side user during the Sith Empire was Kel'eth Ur. He studied as a Sith until he adopted the Jedi's philosophy of the pursuit of peace, realizing that Sith were ruled by fear. Ur then turned from the dark side and learned the ways of the light, imparting his knowledge to others.
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Are there any morally good Sith?

Darth Vectivus in Star Wars: Legacy of the Force was one such Sith Lord. Vectivus was a businessman involved in mining operations who also happened to abide by a code of ethics. Though he was ruthless in business – and held a vast wealth of Sith power – he maintained balance and decency in his life.
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Was there ever a light side Sith?

Light Sith or light-sided Sith were adherents of Sith teachings that rejected the dark side of the Force in favor of the light while retaining their devotion to the Sith as an organization.
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Which Sith Lord wasn t evil?

Though a proponent of the dark side, Darth Vectivus' self-discipline and preexisting code of ethics allowed him to remain fair and balanced without succumbing to the lure of power which plagued many of the Sith Lords who preceded him.
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Who was the weakest Sith ever?

Star Wars Sith Lords From Weakest To Strongest, Officially Ranked
  • 8 Darth Plagueis.
  • 7 Darth Revan.
  • 6 Darth Zannah.
  • 5 Darth Nihilus.
  • 4 Marka Ragnos.
  • 3 Darth Traya.
  • 2 Darth Bane.
  • 1 Darth Sidious.
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Who is canonically the strongest Sith?

Well in Legends, Sidious is outright called the most powerful Sith Lord of all time. But in Canon, Vader is outright called the strongest Sith of all time.
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Who is the hottest Sith Lord?

Darth Talon is among the sexiest and deadliest Sith Ladies to have ever graced Star Wars. If you're a fan of the Star Wars Saga and want to learn more on its Lore, then start by getting to know Darth Talon, a female Sith assassin that coexisted with a lot of legends and left her mark in the galaxy.
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Could Darth Maul use force lightning?

In both cases, Dooku and Rey used Force lightning during painful or hatred-fueled moments, and while Maul certainly harbored anger throughout his story arc - particularly for Obi-Wan Kenobi - he never lost himself enough to spontaneously use Force lightning. But that doesn't mean he wasn't capable of doing so.
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Is Darth Revan a girl?

Since the player can choose the gender of Revan, much of the dialogue revolving around the character is gender-neutral with only a few exceptions. However, in later Star Wars Legends media, Revan is portrayed as being male.
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Who is the most evil Jedi?

10 Evilest Jedi In Star Wars
  1. 1 General Pong Krell. If the Sith had recruited General Pong Krell and taught him all they knew, he arguably would have been on par with Darth Vader.
  2. 2 Taron Malicos. ...
  3. 3 Anakin Skywalker. ...
  4. 4 Ben Solo. ...
  5. 5 Count Dooku. ...
  6. 6 Asajj Ventress. ...
  7. 7 Barriss Offee. ...
  8. 8 Mace Windu. ...
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Who was the most brutal Sith?

Darth Sidious, also known as the Emperor and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, is not just the evilest Sith in Star Wars (arguably in both canon and Legends) but the evilest villain overall, deemed so thanks to his irredeemable actions throughout the Skywalker saga and surrounding content.
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Are there evil Jedi?

Many Jedi joined Revan and Malak when they joined the Mandalorian Wars, and almost all of them became Dark Jedi when the Jedi Civil War started. Jedi who hadn't followed them were captured and turned to the dark side, becoming Dark Jedi themselves.
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Which Sith became a force ghost?

Also, the Sith Lord Ajunta Pall lived on through the Force in such a manner as a Force ghost, though it is relatively unknown how or why he remained.
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Who is the strongest force user ever?

So here we go: the Top Ten Strongest Force Users (plus a few honorable mentions).
  • #8 – Rey.
  • #7 – Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader.
  • #6 – Supreme Leader Snoke.
  • #5 – Emperor Palpatine / Darth Sidious.
  • #4 – Mother Talzin.
  • #3 – Yoda.
  • #2 – Obi-Wan Kenobi.
  • #1 – Luke Skywalker.
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Who is stronger Starkiller or Vader?

Vader was defeated by Starkiller in the first Force Unleashed, but it is said his clone is more powerful than the original.
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Why does Darth Sion look like that?

Sion was at Revan's Sith Academy on Korriban, and later learned of the ways of pain at Trayus Academy on Malachor V. With the dark side, he could hold together his decaying body. Though excruciatingly painful, and requiring endless concentration on the anger within him, it gave him his powers of immortality.
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Was KYLO ren a Sith Lord?

JJ Abrams told Empire in August 2015, "Kylo Ren is not a Sith. He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the dark side of the Force." Abrams had previously stated that the character "came to the name Kylo Ren when he joined a group called the Knights of Ren."
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What Sith Lord killed the most?

moreover, how many people did they kill? well, Darth Nihilus actually boasts the highest kill. count of any Sith lord by far. he possessed the unique ability to devour.
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Is Jar Jar A Sith Lord?

George Lucas has reportedly stated that Jar Jar Binks was originally intended to be an undercover Sith Lord, but the Force user theory has been tossed back and forth between Lucasfilm and fans. While there are only ever two Siths, Jar Jar could have been the third hiding in Palpatine's shadow.
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Who trained Yoda as a Jedi?

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
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Which Sith Lord is immortal?

Darth Tenebrous achieved a form of immortality that backfired horribly on him. By converting his consciousness into a new kind of midi-chlorians known as maxi-chlorians, he was seemingly forced to live his final moments for all eternity in an infinite time loop, unless his maxi-chlorians ever died.
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Is there a Sith God?

The "immortal gods of the Sith" were only mentioned in passing in the sixth issue of the Marvel Star Wars series of comics. The 2011 Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side introduced several deities worshipped by the original Sith species.
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