Can Batman beat Spiderman?

Wiz: Despite Batman possessing more skill and knowledge, Spider-Man's abilities ultimately overpowered his arsenal. Boomstick: To be fair, Bats might have been able to deal with Spidey's strength and speed, but that damn Spider-Sense changes everything!
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Who is best Spider-Man or Batman?

Spider-Man has spectacular superpowers. Batman doesn't. Spider-Man's powers allow him to depend on less equipment than Batman does to fight crime, and has sent the hero in a completely different direction. Batman's lack of powers has made it so he depends more on his intellect than his body.
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Can Batman defeat the Hulk?

Batman is much smarter than the Hulk. He's the world's greatest detective, and probably the world's greatest tactician (maybe second, after Deathstroke). He could certainly outsmart the Hulk, however Hulk's powers have grown over the years to the point where he is able to adapt to any attack.
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Can Batman handle Spider-Man villains?

He has even bested super-powered villains in his comics. While Spider-Man is incredibly skilled, he would not be able to handle the top of Batman's villains. Batman could very easily handle Spider-Man's villains, but that may be because of his experience and money.
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Can Batman beat Captain America?

Aside from enhanced strength and speed, Cap also gained enhanced reflexes — enough to dodge bullets from point-blank range. While Batman, though more reflexive than an average human, just wouldn't cut it in the reflexes department. In a Batman vs Captain America reflex-combat, America would take the win.
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Can You Beat Batman: Arkham Knight if Every Enemy is a Medic?

Can Batman defeat Thanos?

As it stands, Batman alone is helpless against cosmic level threats, much less against Thanos. Really, the best thing he could do is to ask for the Hellbat armor from the Justice League so he can survive Thanos' physical attacks. Even then, he'll still lose.
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Can Batman beat any Avenger?

In fact, Batman is known for his ability to take down teams all by himself. The Avengers is one of the most formidable teams in any comic universe, combining powerful heroes, great leadership, and more to take down all kinds of powerful foes. However, that doesn't mean they're unbeatable.
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Who is Batman deadliest villain?

10 Deadliest Batman Villains, Ranked by Kill Count
  1. 1 The Batman Who Laughs Killed Everyone On His Earth.
  2. 2 Ra's al Ghul Believes That Death Is The Answer To Many Problems. ...
  3. 3 Vandal Savage Has Been Killing For A Hundred Thousand Years. ...
  4. 4 The Joker Finds Death Hilarious. ...
  5. 5 Black Mask Is Gotham's Most Dangerous Crime Boss. ...
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Which villain hates Batman the most?

However, Batman's most hated villain is surprisingly one of his least famous - a figure who has appeared in multiple movies, only to be quickly forgotten by fans. In Kevin Smith and Walt Flanagan's Batman: Cacophony #1, Batman faces off against Victor Zsasz (aka Mister Zsasz).
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Can Batman beat Green Goblin?

The Green Goblin had the advantage in speed and strength, while Batman was smarter and had more gadgets. Boomstick: But Batman's punches were nothing to the Green Goblin, we're talking about the dude who goes toe-to-toe with Spider-Man regularly.
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Can Batman beat Thor?

Though, Batman couldn't do anything against the Asgardian. The Dark Knight clattered to the floor, Thor then headbutted him. Wielding his hammer, Odinson struck Batman hard with a large amount of electricity, which emitted a powerful electrical current through the Dark Knight. Batman's body blew up into blood.
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Who can Hulk not beat?

Even so, there are a number of MCU characters who can match or beat the Hulk in battle.
  • 15 Thanos. Easily Beats Hulk 1 On 1. ...
  • 14 Steve Rogers, A.K.A. Captain America. The Only Perfect Super Soldier. ...
  • 13 Thor Odinson. The God Of Thunder Knows Few Equals. ...
  • 12 Gilgamesh. The Strongest Eternal. ...
  • 11 Surtur. ...
  • 10 Scott Lang, A.K.A. Ant-Man.
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Can Batman beat Superman?

Batman has defeated Superman in various storylines, including one where he becomes Doomsday and kills him using his own strength and intellect.
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What is Batman's IQ?

Genius Level Intellect: Batman is noted as having an I.Q. of 1045. Investigation. Marksmanship. Martial Arts: Batman is a master of martial arts from across the universe, able to catch the original Batman off-guard and defeat him with a single blow; he is also known to incorporate psychic attacks into his fighting ...
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What is Spider-Man's IQ?

Scientific aptitude and knowledge. Apart from his physical abilities, Peter is an intellectually-gifted scientific teen genius and has a prodigious aptitude in the physical sciences, with a high IQ level of around 250.
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How much can Batman lift?

In Batman #655, Bruce is shown to be bench pressing over 1000 pounds during one of his regular workouts. In Batman Odyssey #2, Bruce mentions that his maximum leg press is 2500 pounds.
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What villain is smarter than Batman?

Terrific. The Riddler's intellect has been recognized in DC Comics for his ability to challenge and outwit Batman at an intellectual level.
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Who is Batman's smartest villain?

10 Smartest Batman Villains Who Can Challenge The World's Greatest Detective
  • 5 Bane Is Basically The Inverse Of Batman. ...
  • 4 Scarecrow Is A Genius Psychologist And Chemist. ...
  • 3 Hugo Strange Is An Evil Polymath. ...
  • 2 Ra's al Ghul Has Centuries Of Experience And Knowledge. ...
  • 1 The Joker Has Made A Science Of Murder And Rebirth.
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Which superhero does Batman not like?

Lobo is generally disliked by most DC characters across the board; however, Batman has particular disdain for the anti-hero. Although considering Lobo was initially introduced as a coldhearted villain back in 1983, it makes sense that he's often at odds with those around him.
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Has Batman killed any villain?

Batman has killed the Joker, Darkseid, Hugo Strange, KG Beast, Dracula, Two-Face, and many small-time criminals in different stories over time. There were several other instances where Batman killed, especially in the DCEU. Having a Batman that kills works well if it is used as a surprise for short periods.
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Who is Superman's worst enemy?

Most incarnations depict Brainiac (alias Vril Dox) as a bald, green-skinned alien cyborg or android from the planet Colu and one of the most dangerous villains in the DC universe, capable of possessing others, inventing extremely advanced weaponry (such as force fields and shrinking rays), physically matching or ...
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Who is the evilest version of Batman?

10 Darkest Versions Of Batman, Ranked
  1. 1 The Batman Who Laughs. The Batman Who Laughs terrified everyone and for good reason.
  2. 2 Flashpoint Batman. ...
  3. 3 The Grim Knight. ...
  4. 4 Red Rain Batman. ...
  5. 5 Red Death. ...
  6. 6 Omega. ...
  7. 7 The Dark Knight Returns Batman. ...
  8. 8 The Gift's Batman. ...
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Who is stronger, Batman or Hulk?

Incredibly, though, Batman has actually successfully defeated the Hulk. Back in 1981, relations between rival publishers DC and Marvel were in a good way, and the two had yet to come up with the idea their characters existed in different universes.
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Who wins, Batman or Black Widow?

Batman wins. Hands down. He's a much more experienced fighter than Black Widow. They're both stealth type fighters, but Batman has mastered many more styles than she has and his entire career is basically about fighting people.
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Can Black Widow beat Batman?

A fight between them would be nasty and brutal, but Batman would win it. These two would come at each other from the shadows, hitting and running, using everything in their arsenal to take the other down, but Black Widow just doesn't have what it takes to beat Batman.
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