Can Darth Vader beat Batman?

The only way to truly combat the Force is for one to have access to it themselves, which Batman does not have. Thus, Darth Vader destroys Batman in this scenario, no questions.
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Who can beat Darth Vader easily?

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi

Obi-Wan faced off against Darth Vader four times and physically beat him twice while beating him through his Force development in a third fight. Obi-Wan Kenobi had the high ground that led to Vader's disfigurement and becoming the ultimate Star Wars cyborg.
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Can Darth Vader beat Iron Man?

In any combat where Iron Man understands the extreme threat Vader poses, his comic history suggests he'd be entirely willing to immediately switch to lethal force. Of course, Darth Vader is capable of crushing Iron Man like a tin can, but his Force abilities aren't omnipotent.
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Is anyone stronger than Darth Vader?

However, once Luke fully embraced his power in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, he proved that he was indeed stronger than Darth Vader and struck his father down.
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Could Darth Vader beat Wolverine?

Those claws—and the rest of the adamantium encasing his skeleton—could probably withstand a lightsaber blade. However, Darth Vader could use the Force to crush Wolverine's adamantium skull, driving metal shards into his brain.
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Can Darth Vader beat one punch man?

He's not a “gag character” who one-punches literally anyone for the sake of a joke. There are characters within his own series who can survive multiple of his “normal punches” and some that can barely scrape by after taking a “serious punch.” But he'd absolutely crush Vader.
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Could Rey beat Darth Vader?

He has decades of experience and even though Rey's brute power has seen her through every fight, Vader has the power and the skill, something Rey lacks in comparison. Rey just couldn't match up to Vader.
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Who would win Thanos or Darth Vader?

Given the years between these comics' publications, it's hard to tell if Gillen built this argument intentionally or not. Regardless, the core concept is still true. Thanos wields more power and authority than Darth Vader, existing as a stronger and more capable villain overall.
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Was Maul afraid of Vader?

Yep. Darth Maul didn't really say or show straight up that he "feared" Darth Vader, but he openly stated his belief that he could not defeat Darth Vader without the help of the Jedi, therefore on his own.
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Can Kylo beat Vader?

This isn't a fight, this is a curb-stomp. Kylo would absolutely never decline a fight with Darth Vader, a force of legendary power whose surpassing will certianly gain him a place among the most powerful of the Dark Side, but he is clearly outmatched in power.
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Could Darth Vader beat Thor?

Thor is a way too powerful for Darth Vader, but it is very hard to compare characters from different universes. Most likely Thor will be able to defeat Vader, as he dealt with some villains, who can destroy galaxies. Vader is no match for those, but Thor somehow survived.
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Who wins, Darth Vader or the Hulk?

Vader wins. Hulk has no way of resisting force powers. Nothing to stop Vader from just tossing him off a cliff or just force choking him to death.
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What Jedi almost beat Vader?

Infil'a put up a fierce fight against Vader, almost killing him by throwing the already damaged Sith Lord off of a cliff. Despite severe damage to his suit, Vader survived the fall, and repaired himself with parts from Infil'a's droid, Arex.
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Could Darth Vader beat Luke?

As seen time and time again, the Sith Lord could easily cut down almost anyone who got in his way, and he rarely ever lost a fight. Yet at the end of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Luke is able to beat Vader to the ground with relative ease, and so what was different from all of Vader's previous fights?
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What is Darth Vader weak to?

5 Force Lightning

This is a rare problem for him to come up against, due to only other Sith commonly utilizing such a capability. However, in Return of the Jedi, the force lightning used by Emperor Palpatine is shown to be immediately and vitally debilitating to Darth Vader.
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Can Darth Vader beat Yoda?

When it comes down to both combatants in their prime, Yoda was superior to Darth Vader. That debate extends even further to prime Anakin Skywalker as well. He would have been outmatched by Yoda for many of the same reasons Obi-Wan outmatched him, and more.
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Could Vader choke Thanos?

And Vader could also simply use the force to rip off the gauntlet or simply cut off the Mad Titans hand, or even just hold him in place and strangle him.
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Who would win Vader or Voldemort?

Wiz: Vader's lightsaber was able to block most of Voldemort's spells or he could simply stop them with the force. Vader's force abilities could also almost perfectly combat Voldemort's abilities even his ability to enter Vader's mind.
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Can Vader beat Palpatine?

Vader knew that he could never defeat Palpatine by himself (especially after his master bested him on Exegol as well), which is why he tried to recruit Luke to help overthrow him during the Empire Strikes Back. He may have not been able to overthrow the Emperor, but he could throw him over the railing to save his son.
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Could Windu beat Vader?

So if Mace Windu fought Vader in a lightsaber battle, Windu would most likely win, but in terms of dueling skill alone, Vader takes the cake. George Lucus said that Darth Vader was the best duellist to ever live.
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Is KYLO more powerful than Rey?

Kylo lost to Rey in TFA because he was heavily wounded and was holding back against her due to Snoke's request that he bring her back to him alive. He is also stated by Palpatine in the Secrets of the Sith book to be “equally as powerful as a real Sith despite not being one”.
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Could magneto beat Darth Vader?

Darth Vader is one of the fiercest warriors in the galaxy as well as being a powerful Sith Lord. But even with all the power at his disposal, he would not be able to defeat Magneto.
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Can Vader beat Dr Strange?

Vader can one-shot Strange with a well-placed lightsaber strike, and Strange can bust out all kinds of powerful magics. Kamar-Taj sorcerer's conjured hand shields can stop energy attacks (Endgame), so he can stop a lightsaber if he's quick enough and blocks in the right spot.
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Who can Darth Vader beat in Marvel?

Darth Vader: 5 Marvel Heroes He Could Defeat (& 5 He Couldn't)
  • 10 Can Defeat: Star-Lord. ...
  • 9 Can't Defeat: Nova. ...
  • 8 Can Defeat: Cable. ...
  • 7 Can't Defeat: Doctor Strange. ...
  • 6 Can Defeat: Moondragon. ...
  • 5 Can't Defeat: Silver Surfer. ...
  • 4 Can Defeat: Ghost Rider. ...
  • 3 Can't Defeat: Adam Warlock.
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