Can Loki pick up Thor's hammer?

Loki also finally becomes worthy of Mjolnir, which he discovers when he reaches for it during a battle with the newly belligerent Thor. Loki once again became someone who has lifted Thor's hammer when it began to grow too heavy for Thor himself.
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Who can all lift Thor's hammer?

Other than Thor and Odin, certain other individuals have proven worthy of lifting Mjolnir in the primary continuity:
  • Roger "Red" Norvell (a deliberate ruse by Odin)
  • Beta Ray Bill.
  • Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor's great-grandfather)
  • Captain America in his "The Captain" role.
  • Eric Masterson.
  • Bor (Thor's grandfather)
  • Loki.
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Why doesn't Mjolnir crush Loki?

The simple answer is that Mjolnir was placed on top of the breastplate that Loki is wearing. It seems safe to assume that there is enough room between Loki's chest and his breastplate for him to breathe, as otherwise he wouldn't ever be able to breathe while wearing it.
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Who is Thor worst enemy?

Loki – Thor's archenemy and adoptive brother. The son of Laufey, ruler of the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, one of the "Nine Worlds" of the Asgardian cosmology. He is a master of spellcasting and trickery. Lorelei – The sister of Amora the Enchantress, who possesses some skills in Asgardian magic and seduction.
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Can Captain America with Mjolnir beat Loki?

The differences in sheer power and durability are just too great for Captain America to overcome. Moreover, Loki, like all Asgardians, has greater speed and agility than the finest human athletes. That puts him very close to par with Captain America, who again, is peak human, not superhuman.
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Loki Picks Up Thor’s Hammer

Can Groot lift Mjolnir?

Thor's hammer Mjolnir was defined by the fact that only the 'worthy' could lift it – so basically no-one except the god of thunder (and Vision, for some reason). But when it comes to the weapon's replacement, Stormbreaker – which Thor forges in Avengers: Infinity War – Groot is able to lift it too.
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Can Batman lift Mjolnir?

Surprisingly, the answer is almost certainly, “No.” Although Batman's will and moral compass do make him a worthy candidate for Thor's hammer, his track record with super powers is less than stellar. In several storylines, Batman has acquired genuine superpowers but frequently becomes corrupted by them.
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Can Spider-Man lift Mjolnir?

If Marvel fans have ever wondered if Spider-Man was worthy of lifting Thor's hammer, the answer is yes. Just NOT the Spider-Man you think… Although he didn't really meet Thor beyond a couple shared scenes in Avenger's Endgame, Spider-Man has shown he's actually a big fan of the Thunder God.
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Can Goku lift Thor's hammer?

So, while Dragon Ball's Goku could lift Thor's hammer, Mjolnir, the same nobility and fighting spirit that make him worthy would likely mean he'd instead focus on pushing his limits and find a way to win without it.
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Can Deadpool lift Thor's hammer?

Deadpool's trap separated Thor from his hammer long enough that he turned back into Olsen and Deadpool then took advantage of the chaos to grab the hammer... Deadpool then transformed into a version of Thor!
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Can Thanos lift Mjolnir?

Is Thanos able to lift Mjolnir? No he didn't. He caught Stormbreaker, which, as far as we know, simply requires a great amount of power to wield, far more power than any human has, but presumably power that Thanos has. He never once lifts Mjolnir.
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Can Superman break Thor hammer?

No. Thor's hammer is extremely durable. We've seen Superman hit with things before that didn't break. The only way I see a fight with Thor & Superman ending with Mjolnir broken is if Superman punched it as hard as he could while Thor was swinging it as hard as he could.
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Can Mjolnir damage Superman?

While Superman could potentially overpower Thor, blows rendered by the mystical Mjolnir would likely impose serious damage on the Kryptonian hero.
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Can Superman beat Thor?

Even so, taking both heroes at their maximum potential, it's practically a given that Superman would overpower Thor in terms of sheer physical strength. He may not consider himself a god, but the Last Son of Krypton can still outmatch the God of Thunder on his best day.
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Why Stormbreaker can be lifted by anyone?

Mjolnir is a hammer, and was enchanted by Thor's father, Odin, so that only those the hammer deemed "worthy" are capable of wielding or even lifting it. Stormbreaker is an axe, and although it does not have such a worthiness enchantment, its power is such that a mere mortal attempting to wield it would be driven mad.
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Can Thanos lift Thor's Stormbreaker?

It is NOT enchanted. Most people make this mistake but it was confirmed by the directors that anyone who possesses the ''physical strength'' to lift the weapon can lift it. How was Thanos able to lift both Mjölnir and Stormbreaker? He was able to lift Stormbreaker because Stormbreaker is purely about strength.
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Can Zeus lift Thor's hammer?

Unlike the others, Zeus is not worthy to lift Mjolnir , but through a loophole, he can anyway. If Mjolnir is to enter his domain, Zeus's MCU powers should override Odin's enchantment, meaning he can hold Mjolnir.
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Can Superman beat Thanos?

As mighty as they are, neither Thanos nor Superman is immortal. Both have been killed in the past, meaning neither is unbeatable. However, Thanos would need an ironclad plan to trap and defeat the Man of Steel, because if it comes down to plain old fisticuffs, Superman is definitely going to win.
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Can Thor beat Superman with kryptonite?

One of Superman's greatest weakness is the element Kryptonite. Now if you give Superman Kryptonite he dies. Thor can make kryptonite with his hammer and give it to Superman and Thor wins the fight easily.
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Can Wonder Woman lift Mjolnir?

The purest of heart include Wonder Woman and, of course, Captain America.
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Can Superman defeat Goku?

Superman can't match up to him in terms of reflexes, speed, and agility, which means Goku might be able to block any attempt of an attack from one of DC's strongest characters while landing some heavy blows of his own. Add to that his Saiyan pride and chances are, Goku wouldn't ever give up.
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Can juggernaut lift Thor's hammer?

While Thor himself is not strong enough to defeat Juggernaut, he has the help of his famous hammer Mjölnir. Since Mjölnir can only be wielded by the worthy, Juggernaut has no chance of lifting it.
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Can Superman break Captain America's shield?

The more he is exposed to the sun of Earth's solar system or any other like it, the stronger Superman becomes, even at one point becoming so powerful that he shattered an entire dimension with a single punch. However, at his base strength, Superman is nowhere near strong enough to break Captain America's shield.
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Can Thanos beat Odin?

He has feats such as defeating Surtur (who can destroy a planet), conquering the 9 realms, and sealing away Hela. While there isn't much doubt that Thanos could beat Odin if he had all 6 stones, Odin could probably defeat Thanos if he only had one or two of them.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

Thor, the god of Thunder, was undoubtedly the most powerful member of the original Avengers.
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