Can Wolverine regrow limbs?

Wolverine's healing factor is said to be among the most powerful of its kind in comics. He regularly endures massive explosions, hundreds of bullet wounds, and Hulk-level beatings knowing that he can fully regenerate any lost limbs or damaged organs.
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Can Wolverine survive being ripped in half?

Despite getting cut in half and shot to bits, Wolverine managed to make it out of the violent situation alive. However, he still felt the pain and he'll have to deal with the mental trauma that comes with it.
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Is Wolverine like regeneration possible?

But his defining superpower was his ability to regenerate his damaged or destroyed tissue. Wolverine had something known as healing factor. As yet, this is something that mere humans cannot replicate — but things might just be about to change.
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Can Wolverine regenerate from just his skeleton?

Wolverine can heal to the point where he is a literal skeleton, he can heal is flesh and skin in a minute.
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Why Wolverine could not regenerate?

Meanwhile, the Adamantium was constantly poisoning his insides; Logan's healing factor initially kept the metal's toxicity in check but, as it gradually failed, the poison began overwhelming his system and killing him. Adamantium poisoning may also have turned into the cause of his healing factor's increasing failure.
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Why Paul Saladino Is No Longer Carnivore

Is adamantium stronger than Vibranium?

Vibranium is Stronger Than Adamantium

Nevertheless, when comparing the films, Vibranium has proven far more durable and adaptable than Adamantium. While Adamantium is denser, it can still succumb to extreme heat, while Vibranium's only true weakness is sonic waves and itself.
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Who has better regeneration Wolverine or Deadpool?

Whenever Deadpool loses an arm in a sword fight or is torn in half, he always grows his limbs back. Wolverine, however, cannot grow his limbs back as shown through his Age of Apocalypse variant who lost a hand that didn't replace itself.
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Can Sabretooth regrow limbs?

Similarly in the 616 universe, Sabretooth can regrow limbs too as shown in the character's origin story, which proves his healing factor is superior to Age of Apocalypse Wolverine.
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Can Hulk regrow limbs?

Yes. The Hulk can regenerate any body part, to kill him you would have to completely disintegrate him, if even a cell was left he could regenerate; to Bruce's own chagrin (he wants to be mortal, but the Hulk will not let him.)
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What if Wolverine had Vibranium instead of adamantium?

Wolverine's abilities, such as enhanced durability, would be affected if he had Vibranium instead of Adamantium, as Vibranium could make his bones nearly unbreakable. Wolverine with Vibranium could withstand powerful blows and attacks, and potentially store and release energy through its kinetic energy absorption.
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Can Hulk regenerate like Wolverine?

Hulk has impressive regeneration abilities, but his biggest strength comes from him being durable as hell. Wolverine, on the other hand, is also durable but not to the same extent and is far more susceptible to injuries.
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Who has better regeneration Wolverine or Sabertooth?

Marvel has confirmed that Sabretooth's healing factor is stronger than Wolverine's. The two mutants have long been adversaries, their respective healing factors allowing them to survive for many years to continue their fight.
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How fast can Deadpool heal?

But Deadpool's healing factor isn't just strong, it's also fast. He can regenerate entire limbs in a matter of minutes, and his body can quickly recover from injuries that would kill a normal person.
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Can Wolverine's claws cut Hulk?

His adamantium claws are one of the few weapons in the Marvel Universe that can consistently pierce Hulk's skin and Wolverine has no problem going for Hulk's head. In fact, if it came down to it, Wolverine could cut Hulk's head off, ending the Hulk once and for all.
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Could Wolverine cut Hulk?

It's not so much that they're strong enough, but rather that they're sharp and strong enough. In their first encounter in The Incredible Hulk #181, Wolverine admits that his claws can't cut the Hulk.
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Can the Hulk break Wolverine's claws?

Hulk's inability to break Wolverine and his adamantium claws isn't an indictment of the green monster's strength but more shows how strong Wolverine's metal-coated bones really are. If the Hulk can't snap his claws, then it's unlikely many other heroes or villains could do so, either.
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Can Thor regrow limbs?

Like several other characters in the Marvel Universe, Thor possesses superhuman healing in addition to his near invulnerability. While he cannot regrow a lost limb, like Deadpool, he can regenerate rather quickly, similar to Wolverine, just not quite so quick.
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Who heals faster Deadpool or Hulk?

Of course this is the Immortal Hulk we are talking about and no other Hulks. Hulk could potentially heal faster than Deadpool due to the whole angrier he gets the faster he heals things. But they are pretty much at the same level currently.
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Why is Hulk bulletproof?

Because of the thickness and strength of the Hulk's skin, it's nearly impossible for any form of artillery to hurt him. Sure, everyone's seen bullets bounce off of the Hulk, but when we say he's bulletproof what we really mean is he's BULLETPROOF.
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Can Deadpool regrow limbs?

Deadpool is a mutant who has an accelerated healing factor. He can re-grow his parts or attach them if cut from his body. He is said to have cancer, which resulted in a deformed face, but he does not die due to his heavy healing factor.
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Can Wolverine survive a nuke?

In the pages of Marvel Comics, Wolverine's healing factor has helped him survive impossible situations, from being ripped apart from Magneto, getting torn in half by the Hulk, and taking on a nuclear bomb head-on and making it out alive.
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Can juggernaut regenerate?

If damaged, Juggernaut possesses a regenerative healing factor that enables him to completely regenerate with superhuman speed. For instance, he has been injured by Shatterstar's sword, and instantly healed.
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Who heals faster than Wolverine?

After the two heroes experience the same trivial yet costly hilarious problem, the Flash proves his healing ability is much faster than Wolverine's! For one very specific and very hilarious reason, DC Comics' the Flash proves to have a better healing factor than Marvel Comics' Wolverine.
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Does Wolverine heal faster without adamantium?

Adamantium plays a crucial role in the speed of Wolverine's healing as well because of the fact that it produces a poison that his immune system fights off regularly. It is said that without the adamantium, his healing rate increases.
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Which version of Wolverine is the strongest?

Phoenix Force. The most powerful version of Wolverine in the comic is the host of the Phoenix Force, one of the most powerful cosmic entities in the Marvel Universe. This version of Wolverine can manipulate matter and reality, and unleash unimaginable cosmic energy.
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