Does Joel have a scar?

Joel's Scar Was Self-Inflicted After Sarah's Last Of Us Death. Shortly after explaining why he was in the camp, Joel stops before saying, "It was me. I was the guy who shot and missed." Joel explains to Ellie that in the days after Sarah was killed, he could no longer see the point in living.
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Why does Joel tell Ellie about his scar?

But when he finally confesses how he got the scar from a self-inflicted wound in Season 1, Episode 9, "Look for the Light," it shows his eagerness to let Ellie become a part of his life.
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Why do Seraphites have scars on their faces?

Design and appearance. All members of the Seraphites share certain characteristics, the most notable being their Glasgow smiles. These scars have religious significance, stated by the prophet as an acknowledgement of mankind's innate imperfection.
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Why are they called scars in The Last of Us 2?

The group's true name is the Seraphites, a primitive cult that doesn't believe in the use of technology or most modern advancements due to following a prophet's brutal ideals. They get their nickname as the Scars due to the scars on their cheeks, meant to be an acknowledgment of humankind's imperfections.
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Did the WLF or scars win?

The Last of Us 2: The WLF Lost The War to The Scars - YouTube. A little Exposition that is Easily missed in The Last of Us Part 2. Revealing that the WLF Lost the War Against the Scars.
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Joel Talks About His Scar / The Last Of Us

Which WLF members killed Joel?

Ellie and her girlfriend Dina leave Jackson in search of Joel and Tommy. Ellie enters the Washington Liberation Front (WLF) camp to witness Abby Anderson beat Joel to death, and swears revenge. Ellie and Dina head to the WLF base in Seattle, where Tommy has gone.
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Who can defeat scar?

Although Simba eventually proves himself superior to his father by vanquishing their mutual nemesis, Scar, there is no humiliation of Mufasa. Rather than the child proving his superiority over the parent, Simba proves to be equal to or worthy of his father's former position.
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Why did they change Ellie's face in The Last of Us 2?

Druckmann and Straley said the change was made to better reflect Johnson's personality and make her younger. It was revealed in a trailer in May 2012. For Part II, Ellie's look underwent years of iteration; the team wanted a logical transition from the first game while maintaining a "practical yet personal" outfit.
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Is Last of Us Part 3 confirmed?

Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann may have just teased that The Last of Us Part III is in development. Unfortunately, it is just that: a tease. Fans are desperate to hear what Naughty Dog are cooking up. The studio hasn't released an original game since 2020's The Last of Us Part II.
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How did Joel get his scar The Last of Us?

He tells Ellie he had visited a similar camp on the second day of the outbreak to treat a head wound, and points to the scar on his head, further expanding by revealing that it was self-inflicted - following the death of his daughter, Sarah, he tried to take his own life but flinched.
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Why did scar turn black?

There are a few reasons why a scar might turn dark. For example, if a scar was exposed to sunlight during the healing process, there's a good chance the scar tissue will become pigmented. Dark scars can also be caused by inflammation, poor healing, or the genetics of your skin and how your skin heals.
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Why is scar so red?

Sometimes the scars remain pink or red because the new blood vessels that developed to heal the wound never receded once their job was done. This laser can cauterize the small vessels from the inside out to remove them from the scar and allow the pink or red color to fade.
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Why did scar turn white?

White scars, or “hypopigmented” scars, are due to a loss of melanocytes that manufacture pigment. This loss is usually permanent, but can sometimes be improved by fractional laser resurfacing, which allows some of the pigment cells to migrate back into the lighter-colored skin areas.
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Was Ellie in love with Joel?

The road leading to the climax of HBO's The Last of Us has been built around the relationship formed by Ellie (Bella Ramsey) and Joel (Pedro Pascal). Initially antagonistic, it soon becomes a relationship of convenience, necessity, and eventually, love.
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Did Joel treat Ellie as a daughter?

He genuinely began to see her as his daughter, and for the same reason, kept her out of harm's way. Joel's affection for Ellie was born out of grief, and parental loss. He gradually began to accept her as his own and that's why he called her by the same term of endearment, "baby girl," that he'd use on Sarah.
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What can't Ellie forgive Joel for?

Ellie's search for justice, rather than bringing her peace, often brings her pain and suffering. This is seen when she bears a grudge against Joel for lying to her, and for preventing her from sacrificing her life to save humanity. She gives him the cold shoulder, causing a massive rift in their relationship.
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Why did Ellie let Abby live?

Why did Ellie spare Abby reddit? It's really about forgiving Joel. This comes with the realization that Joel wouldn't want her to be completely corrupted by vengeance and hate like she has become. He would want her to find happiness and love and to have never left Dina and JJ to avenge him.
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Where did Dina and JJ go?

Ellie and Dina's farm is a location in The Last of Us Part II, located in Wyoming near the Jackson settlement. It became the home of Ellie, Dina and JJ after they left Seattle.
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Why is Ellie immune?

Ellie's immunity didn't come because she cordyceps grew with her since birth. She was immune because her system learned to fight it as a newborn and so when she was bitten she was able to fight it off.
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Is Bella Ramsey being recast in The Last of Us?

It is official: Bella Ramsey's character will not be recast for The Last of Us season 2. Neil Druckmann, one of the series co-creators, confirmed the news to The Wrap following season 1's finale, which premiered on HBO Max on March 12, 2023.
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Why is Ellie so skinny in tlou2?

Well, Ellie has a naturally lean build, but this is aggravated by her trauma. Ellie develops PTSD after watching Joel's murder, and this worsens by the physical and emotional turmoil she experiences in Seattle. This is lightly touched upon during the main story, but it's more visible on the farm.
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Why is Bella Ramsey not being recast?

And it was never really a debate at all, according to the showrunners. “We are extremely lucky to have Bella…and the only way we would ever consider recasting Bella is if she said, 'I don't want to work with you guys anymore,'” showrunner Neil Druckmann told The Wrap.
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Why was Scar so evil?

Though the venom in his scar may have influenced his evil nature, Scar was already proven to be envious and power-hungry before being infected as he was willing to work with another lion to overthrow Mufasa as king due to his jealousy.
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Who does Scar love?

If you were shocked to learn Scar had romantic feelings for Sarabi, it was hinted at near the film's start. If you know the original movie well, you may have noticed there was a new line added when Mufasa and Zazu ask Scar why he wasn't at the ceremony for Simba.
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