Does Luke ever become a Sith?

In Star Wars Legends continuity, Luke even became the cloned Palpatine's dark side apprentice before ultimately turning against him. However, despite these brushes with darkness, Luke never got his own 'Darth' title.
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Was Luke turning to the dark side?

While villains such as Vader and Kylo have used mind probing to undermine their enemies, Luke himself strayed into the dark side when he betrayed his nephew in The Last Jedi's flashback. Mark Hamill criticized these changes to Luke's character because it defies everything Luke symbolized in the original trilogy.
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Did Luke turn into Darth Vader?

One idea was that, upon taking off Vader's helmet, Luke would place it on his own head and state that he was Vader now. From there, he would go on to destroy the Rebel fleet with his new resources. George Lucas immediately shot the idea down, stating that the movie was supposed to be something enjoyable for kids.
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Was there a Sith who became a Jedi?

Another powerful dark side user during the Sith Empire was Kel'eth Ur. He studied as a Sith until he adopted the Jedi's philosophy of the pursuit of peace, realizing that Sith were ruled by fear. Ur then turned from the dark side and learned the ways of the light, imparting his knowledge to others.
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What side was Luke Skywalker on?

Along with his companions, Princess Leia Organa and General Han Solo, Skywalker served as a revolutionary on the side of the Alliance to Restore the Republic—an organization committed to the downfall of the Galactic Empire and the restoration of democracy.
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The Most TERRIFYING Planets in Star Wars Lore Compilation (2 hours)

Is Luke more powerful than Anakin?

But in the end, all of Anakin's formal training and experience in war is going to trump anything Luke ever accomplished through his training. Luke may have been able to defeat Darth Vader, arguably a much better duelist than Anakin ever was, but there was a small issue with that accomplishment.
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Is Luke a Sith or a Jedi?

Luke Skywalker was a Tatooine farmboy who rose from humble beginnings to become one of the greatest Jedi the galaxy has ever known. Along with his friends Princess Leia and Han Solo, Luke battled the evil Empire, discovered the truth of his parentage, and ended the tyranny of the Sith.
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Did KYLO Ren become a Sith?

JJ Abrams told Empire in August 2015, "Kylo Ren is not a Sith. He works under Supreme Leader Snoke, who is a powerful figure on the dark side of the Force." Abrams had previously stated that the character "came to the name Kylo Ren when he joined a group called the Knights of Ren."
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Is every Sith a Darth?

Darth was a title given to certain Sith Lords which preceded either their chosen Sith name, or, in some cases, their birth name.
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Was there ever a light side Sith?

Light Sith or light-sided Sith were adherents of Sith teachings that rejected the dark side of the Force in favor of the light while retaining their devotion to the Sith as an organization.
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Is Rey more powerful than Anakin?

ANAKIN - More Powerful

Although Rey is also strong with force, she doesn't compare to Anakin's pure strength with the force and his connection, being created by the Force itself. Even in the movies, comics, and shows we see Anakin accomplish greater feats of strength that Rey was years away from learning.
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Is Anakin or Luke the chosen one?

Though there was some debate among the fans that Anakin Skywalker's son, Luke Skywalker, was actually the Chosen One since he caused his father to destroy Darth Sidious, the debate was settled when George Lucas himself confirmed in an interview that Anakin, even after becoming Darth Vader, was still officially the ...
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Is Rey The Chosen One?

Rather, it is still the case that the one and only Chosen One is Anakin Skywalker, a being who was conceived by the will of the Force itself, and who had no father. But Rey does share the mission of the Chosen One, as indicated by Anakin's words on Exegol.
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Why does Luke see his own face?

Luke confronted the Dark Spirit in the form of Darth Vader within and defeated it in a lightsaber duel, dipping into the passion of the dark side in the process. It was there that he realized what would happen if he turned to the dark side of the Force. Behind the mask of Darth Vader, he saw his own face.
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What is Luke Skywalker's Sith name?

'Darth Wyrm' would fit with Sith tradition, and its original meaning - an archaic term for 'dragon' - would properly convey Luke's incredible power, and even has some poetic meaning as the inversion of the Jedi 'knight' he could otherwise have been.
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What made Luke different from Anakin?

Although Anakin and Luke were both tempted by the dark side, the latter never actually switched sides and became a Sith Lord. Anakin, on the other hand, chose to strike down Mace Windu instead of Palpatine, pledged himself to the Sith, and took on the moniker of Darth Vader. Luke always stayed on the light side.
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Why is KYLO Ren not a Sith?

Kylo Ren wasn't really a Sith by the standards of the new timeline. Palpatine, though he influenced Kylo Ren's development through Snoke, never formally trained Kylo. Rather, he belonged to a very different group that followed the teachings of the Dark Side of the Force: the Knights of Ren.
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Who is the strongest Darth?

Star Wars: The 20 Most Powerful Sith
  1. 1 Darth Sidious. No other Sith Lord managed to accomplish so much through the dark side of the Force than Darth Sidious.
  2. 2 Darth Vitiate. ...
  3. 3 Darth Traya. ...
  4. 4 Darth Plagueis. ...
  5. 5 Darth Tenebrous. ...
  6. 6 Darth Vader. ...
  7. 7 Vergere. ...
  8. 8 Darth Caedus. ...
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Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

Shmi informs Qui-Gon that Anakin has no father, leading Qui-Gon to suggest that Anakin is a product of midi-chlorians (Force-imparting microorganisms). As the film progresses, Anakin leaves Tatooine to begin his Jedi training.
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Who killed Kylo Ren?

Their battle was interrupted when Leia used the last of her strength to reach her son in the Force. While Kylo was distracted, Rey ran him through with his own lightsaber, leaving him mortally wounded.
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How is Rey a Skywalker?

But by seeing the ghosts of Luke and Leia, Rey knew it was okay to accept her new path and embraced the name Skywalker. In doing so, it ensured that the name would continue and that her true last name of Palpatine would finally be left behind in the darkness.
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Who is the strongest Sith?

Star Wars: The 15 Most Powerful Sith Lords, Ranked
  • 8 Darth Nihilus.
  • 7 Darth Bane.
  • 6 Darth Revan.
  • 5 Darth Tenebrous.
  • 4 Darth Plagueis.
  • 3 Darth Vader.
  • 2 Darth Vitiate.
  • 1 Darth Sidious.
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Is mandalorian a Sith?

In Tales of the Jedi, set thousands of years before the original Star Wars film, the Mandalorians are a major military power who side with the Sith in their war against the Jedi, and their leader is manipulated by the Sith into triggering a war with the Republic.
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Who trained Yoda?

Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
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What happens to Grogu after Luke died?

Din Djarin has been teaching Grogu how to navigate the galaxy, and Grogu could honor his father by becoming a bounty hunter in the future. Grogu does not have to be the new Mand'alor or a Jedi Master. Instead, Din Grogu could make his own through the galaxy, perhaps assisting the New Republic as a bounty hunter.
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