How did Dumbledore know Harry and Ron were under the clock?

Dumbledore was able to sense Harry and Ron beneath the invisibility cloak by discreetly performing a non-verbal Human-presence-revealing Spell.
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How did Dumbledore know Ron and Harry were under the cloak?

Behind the scenes

In a chat with fans on, J. K. Rowling answered a fan's question of why Albus Dumbledore was sometimes able to see Harry under the Cloak of Invisibility, explaining that he used the Human-presence-revealing spell with non-verbal magic.
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Did Dumbledore confirm that Harry's cloak was a Hallow and that Harry?

Dumbledore recognized that the Potter invisibility cloak might have been one of the lost Deathly Hallows. Harry had the invisibility cloak that belonged to peverell brothers. Youngest one used this cloak to escape death.
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How did Dumbledore know Harry and Ron were under the cloak reddit?

Dumbledore almost always knows when someone is lying to him. He gave him the cloak at that moment so he could wander the castle and discover the mirror. He knew Harry had been there other nights, said he doesn't need a cloak to be invisible meaning he was aware that Harry and Ron were there.
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How did Dumbledore know to give Ron the deluminator?

Dumbledore knew Ron's strengths and weaknesses, and he left him the Deluminator as a tool to help him return after he left his friends, showcasing Dumbledore's understanding of Ron.
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HARRY POTTER CAST - Then and Now (2022)

Why did Ron hear Hermione's voice in The Deluminator?

In 1997, the Deluminator was left to Ron Weasley in Dumbledore's will. It seemed to also act like a homing device. Whenever Hermione and Harry mentioned Ron's name, he could hear snippets of conversation before and after, even though he was far away.
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How did Dumbledore knew Harry was a Horcrux?

He probably got to know Harry was a Horcrux when he saw the Scar on Harry's forehead, but maybe he wasn't sure. Then, when Harry came to Hogwarts and Dumbledore got to know he can speak Parseltongue his thought of him being a Horcrux got stronger.
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How did Snape know when Harry was under the Invisibility Cloak?

Snape definitely knew because in book 4 when Harry sees crouch in Snapes office, he's in his invisibility cloak. As soon as snape sees the golden egg and the map he says 'potters here' to mad eye. Potters here. This is his egg and he's in his invisibility cloak.
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How did Luna see Harry under the cloak?

In the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Wrackspurts can be seen by using spectrespecs. In this way, Luna is able to locate Harry under his Invisibility Cloak after he was put under the Full Body-Bind Curse by Draco Malfoy because Luna claims his brain is infested with Wrackspurts.
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How did James Potter get the Invisibility Cloak?

His dad gave it to him. To elaborate on Icecreamdif's answer, he inherited it as a family heirloom dating back to Hardwin Potter, who married Iolanthe Peverell, granddaughter of the Cloak's original owner Ignotus. It was passed down to the eldest male of each new generation of Potters since then.
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Can Dumbledore see through Harry's Invisibility Cloak?

Angela Morrissey: Why is it that Albus Dumbledore can see Harry under his Invisibility Cloak at certain moments? J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore, who could perform magic without needing to say the incantation aloud, was using homenum revelio - the human-presence-revealing spell Hermione makes use of in Deathly Hallows.
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How did Dumbledore know Harry and Ron were at Hagrids?

Dumbledore was able to sense Harry and Ron beneath the invisibility cloak by discreetly performing a non-verbal Human-presence-revealing Spell.
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Why did James Potter give Dumbledore the Invisibility Cloak?

Around the time that Lord Voldemort was hunting the Potters for their son, the Cloak of Invisibility came to the attention of Albus Dumbledore when James showed him the Cloak, and Dumbledore, who had searched for the Deathly Hallows in youth, asked to borrow the Cloak from James to study it.
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Can dementors see through invisibility cloaks?

It is noted also that Dementors are not impeded by Invisibility Cloaks.
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Why can mad eye moody see through the Invisibility Cloak?

A fake eye belonging to Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, the enchanted device had an electric blue iris and could rotate 360 degrees in the wearer's head. The eye was able to see through anything, including the back of Moody's own head and even invisibility cloaks, and was the reason that Moody became known as 'Mad-Eye.
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Could Dumbledore see traces of ancient magic?

Both Albus Dumbledore and Voldemort were aware of this ancient magic, and Voldemort was known to "despise" it. indeed, Dumbledore was able to willingly invoke a form of ancient magic, a bond of blood charm, to protect Harry Potter so long as he was in the Dursley family's care.
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Why was Dumbledore happy Voldemort used Harry's blood?

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore reveals that this had been the Dark Lord's gravest mistake. By using Harry's blood, he took Lily's sacrifice within himself, providing Harry with a tether to life. Harry could not die while Voldemort lived.
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Is Luna In Love With Harry?

Although Harry and Luna share a touching friendship, with Harry naming his daughter after his friend and his mother Lily, there is never any hints of attraction between the two. Harry and Ginny share a more physical and passionate relationship.
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Did Voldemort ever find out Snape was a spy?

Voldemort Never Figured Out Snape Was A Spy

However, there were a select few that had his trust, and whom he treated with respect. This included Bellatrix Lestrange and Severus Snape. No matter what Snape did as a spy, Voldemort never figured out he was not on the Dark Lord's side.
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How did Voldemort not know Snape was using occlumency?

As with a lot of other things, Voldemort was so sure of himself that he was convinced he could break through whatever defences others put up against him. And so, when he read Snape's mind, he was convinced that he could see his true thoughts despite his occlumency.
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Did Dumbledore know Harry was a Horcrux the whole time?

When they do, Dumbledore seems shocked to learn Voldemort made horcruxes. But in 'Deathly Hallows' we see in Snapes memory that Dumbledore knew all along that Harry was a horcrux. Now it's possible that he thought that it was basically an accident and Voldemort didn't even know about horcruxes.
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Did Sirius know Harry was a Horcrux?

His help at the Ministry of Magic might result in a smoother mission. Thanks for A2A. No. Sirius had no idea that Harry was a Horcrux, and I think that is one of the kindest things that was done.
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Did Voldemort realize Harry was a Horcrux?

Notably, Voldemort appeared to be entirely unaware of this split, as he later created a seventh Horcrux in his quest to have six, and continued to target Harry Potter despite him now holding part of Voldemort's own soul.
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Why did Dumbledore let Draco disarm him?

Ultimately, it's a good thing that Dumbledore's plans didn't work out because if Draco hadn't disarmed the headmaster, Harry wouldn't have gained the Elder Wand's power when he later disarmed Draco. This was proof that, unlike Dumbledore, Harry was destined to reunite the Hallows and become Master of Death all along.
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