How did Loki fake his death in Thor 2?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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How did Loki not die in the first Thor?

From his first MCU appearance in 2011's Thor, Loki revealed his ability to create duplicates of himself and fake his death. At the end of the film, Loki was seen careening through space to his apparent death, only to resurface during the end credits scene.
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How many times did Loki fake his death?

Loki appeared to die no less than three times over the course of his six appearances in the MCU, starting with his falling into a wormhole in Thor, continuing with his faked death in Thor: The Dark World, and finally his actual death (so it would seem) at Thanos' hands in the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War.
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Does Loki betray Thor in Thor 2?

The two parties met each other on the war ridden surface of the planet, where, in an unexpected turn of events, Loki appeared to betray Thor and hand Jane Foster over to Malekith willingly. As Malekith extracted the Aether from Foster's body, Loki's betrayal was revealed to be a ruse.
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Why does Loki laugh at his death?

But by sacrificing himself to help Loki and Lady Loki, Classic Loki proves himself wrong. He's not selfish like the other Loki variants. He does have a glorious purpose, and it's giving up his life to help others. He laughs because of the absurdity of it all.
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Offical Explanation of Loki's "Death" in Thor: The Dark World

Why didn t Loki turn blue when he died?

Strange explained that his spell would continue to protect the Eye of Agamotto even if he died. In the same way, Odin's spell on Loki continued to affect him, preventing Loki from transforming back to having blue skin both after Odin's death and in the TVA Office in Loki.
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What Loki said before he died?

I, Loki, prince of Asgard... Odinson... the rightful king of the Jotunheim... god of mischief... do hereby pledge to you... my undying fidelity.
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Will Thor ever see Loki again?

While a third season hasn't been confirmed, there is a chance for Loki and Thor to reunite in a future MCU film.
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How Loki tricked Thor?

As the god of thunder said, snakes were one of his favorite animals as a kid and Loki used this knowledge to scare his brother. Loki transformed into a snake to lure the eight-year-old Thor to him, only to surprise Thor with the reveal of his true form.
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Why did Loki become evil?

This stemmed from his childhood and the belief that Odin didn't love him. While Odin's hiding of Loki's true parentage and Thor's demeaning behavior may have influenced Loki, ultimately he is to blame for his villainous actions due to his own issues with self-acceptance and misinterpretation of his upbringing.
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Who married Loki?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi or Nari and Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. In the form of a mare, Loki was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.
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Is Loki a good guy now?

Loki, despite his past actions, is given a chance to be a "good guy" and redeem himself, unlike other villains. Loki's popularity and sympathetic persona contribute to his extensive redemption, making him one of the MCU's beloved characters.
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Is Loki alive in Ant Man Quantumania?

The actor returned in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (in theaters now) not as his Loki character, He Who Remains, but finally as the villainous Kang the Conqueror... only for Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) and Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) to seemingly kill him off by the end of the movie.
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How is Loki alive in Thor 3?

Loki didn't die in Thor: The Dark World

At some point during the battle, Loki swaps places with his double, who's the one who died. From there, Loki makes more plan. True to his word, Thor tells Odin that his brother died honorably, not realizing that he was talking to Loki the whole time.
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How did Loki die if he's a god?

Thanos destroys everyone and everything on the ship. He takes the Tesseract (which has an Infinity Stone inside) from Loki and then chokes the god of mischief until he dies.
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What movie did Thor think Loki died?

In Thor: The Dark World, the God of Mischief joined Thor in battle against the Dark Elves, apparently redeeming himself, but died when he was stabbed in the chest. Thor grieved the loss of his brother, but viewers soon learned he had not really died at all.
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Why did Loki put a spell on Odin?

The appearance of Odin was used by Loki to rule the Asgardians for some time after Loki's faked death on Svartalfheim. While ruling Asgard as Odin, Loki cast a spell on his father to make Odin forget himself and exiled him to Earth, leaving him dazed at Shady Acres Care Home: a retirement home in New York City.
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How can Loki pick up Thor's hammer?

Loki also finally becomes worthy of Mjolnir, which he discovers when he reaches for it during a battle with the newly belligerent Thor. Loki once again became someone who has lifted Thor's hammer when it began to grow too heavy for Thor himself.
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What is Loki the god of?

Loki was regarded by the ancient Norse people as the god of mischief, trickery, and deception. He was also seen as the father of several gods and Jotunns, including Sleipnir, Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir.
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Will there be a Thor 5?

Chris Hemsworth and Marvel are currently engaged in discussions about the potential development of 'Thor 5.' While the MCU has not officially given the green light for Thor 5, talks are ongoing with both Chris Hemsworth and Marvel. Insider DanielRPK has revealed that development for Thor 5 commenced in October 2023.
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Does Loki come back to life after Thor 2?

Loki has always delighted in cheating death, manipulating others into believing he was dead in order to hatch his next scheme. At the end of Thor, he apparently took his own life — but Loki survived death by plunging into one of the many portals he knew could be found in Yggdrasil.
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Will Loki see his brother again?

The potential reunion between Thor and Loki may occur in future MCU crossovers like Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars as part of the Multiverse Saga. The sun may shine on them again.
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Why does Loki cry?

Loki previously believed all his choices were his own, but that couldn't be further from the truth and his unshed tears are representative of the ways in which he's been used. Loki saw the outcomes of his life through the eyes of several variants.
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What were Loki's last words to Thor?

Crucially, Loki's final words to Thor were: "I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again.” It's a poetic sentiment, but it may also be a direct link to Thor harnessing the power of a dying sun to make Stormbreaker.
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Why did Odin pass out when Loki yelled at him?

Odin takes Thor's hammer Mjølnir and uses it to channel a burst of Odinforce that broke apart Thor's armor and pushed him into the Bifrost. After Loki angrily yelled at his adoptive father for not informing him of his true nature, Odin collapsed in shock.
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