How did Rocket get Bucky's arm?

In the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, which released before Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Nebula gives Bucky's arm to Rocket as a Christmas gift.
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How did Guardians get Bucky's arm?

How, exactly, she procured (stole) the arm has yet to be shown, but the consensus is that Nebula wrestled the arm away from poor Bucky as an illegal but well-intentioned gift for Rocket after seeing how he reacted to Bucky's arm during the fight against Thanos.
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How did Marvel make Bucky's arm?

Following the loss of his arm in 1945, Barnes was given a titanium arm by HYDRA. After the titanium arm was destroyed by Iron Man in 2016, he was given a vibranium arm by T'Challa during the Infinity War of 2018.
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How did Nebula get her nanotech arm?

There's an explanation for that, though, as James Gunn has previously explained, Nebula's arm is a "courtesy" from Rocket, so that's why he doesn't try to get the limb for himself.
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How did Bucky not age?

Bucky owes his youthful appearance to repeated cryo-freezes orchestrated by the Russians. He possesses no super powers and never received a form of the Super Soldier Serum as many assume, but continues to operate at peak human ability.
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"You Have a Metal Arm? Me too!"

How is Bucky still alive after 70 years?

Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.
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Is Bucky older than cap?

Bucky was born on March 10, 1917, so he was already older than Steve, who was born on July 4, 1918, even before they became enhanced.
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Why did racoon get Bucky's arm?

In the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, which released before Guardians of the Galaxy 3, Nebula gives Bucky's arm to Rocket as a Christmas gift. Although it's meant as a callback to the Infinity War and GOTG 1 jokes, it created some confusion about how exactly Nebula got the arm.
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Is Nebula wearing Bucky's arm?

Nebula's arm is not Bucky's; instead, it is its own creation. No. It's way better. However, Gunn also confirmed that Rocket built Nebula her new arm.
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Who is Nebula's love interest?

Working with Star-Lord T'Challa

In an alternate 2008, Nebula (marketed as Heist Nebula) is a close ally and love interest of Star-Lord T'Challa.
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How did Iron Man cut Bucky's arm?

In the climactic friend-versus-friend battle, Iron Man has to fend off Captain America and the Winter Soldier as they try to rip apart his armor with their super-soldier strength. He blasts the Winter Soldier with a unibeam chest laser, turning his metal arm into a singed stump.
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Can Bucky's arm feel?

The fact of the matter is, the arm still functions as a part of his body. The superpowered enhancements do not change the fact that he will still naturally experience pain when his body is put under such stress, especially when the arm is attached to so many nerves that could've been damaged from losing his actual arm.
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Is vibranium real?

Vibranium is Not Real

Vibranium was created by Marvel comics in 1966, first appearing in Daredevil #13. Originally shrouded in mystery, the fictional metal was fleshed out across various comic lines over the next few years. Vibranium is actually an alien metal that crashed to earth, hence its fantastical properties.
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Is Nebula stronger than Bucky?

Even ignoring that James Gunn (director of the Guardians films) said on Twitter that Nebula basically already beat the crap out of Bucky to get his metal arm for the Holiday Special, Nebula scales to Gamora, who has strength/durability feats comparable to or greater than a Super Soldier's.
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What was Bucky's original arm?

Bucky got his Vibranium arm in Wakanda but The Winter Soldier's original arm was made of another metal and Hydra had to replace it at least twice. Bucky Barnes' (Sebastian Stan) prosthetic arm was made of a different metal before he got his current Vibranium arm in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.
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Did Rocket give Nebula Bucky's arm?

We all know that last time, Nebula gave Bucky's vibranium arm to Rocket as a Christmas present.
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Is Bucky's arm pure vibranium?

Bucky Barnes has an arm made out of vibranium, but aside from just being a metal robot arm with everything that entails, it doesn't seem to do the same absorb/release thing that vibranium is supposed to.
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Why did Bucky's arm disappear?

The fact that Bucky did wear the arm is why it disappeared according to the Russo brothers (via Comicbook), as they stated anything that was part of someone's identity would disappear when snapped.
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Is Bucky's arm robotic?

In Marvel lore, Bucky Barnes sustained a significant injury to his left arm during World War II, which led him to been fitted with a bionic arm. The arm, which was upgraded over time, gives him superhuman strength and im- proved human performance characteristics.
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Where is Bucky's arm now?

Rocket Racoon receives Bucky Barnes' vibranium arm in the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. An Easter egg in I Am Groot suggests that Rocket may have Bucky's arm earlier than expected, creating a timeline issue. The appearance of other stolen body parts in I Am Groot hints at Rocket's ongoing collecting habit.
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Why does nebula have eyebrows?

Really, it's the first time that we've seen both her eyes.” Dmitriew shares that Nebula never had a left eyebrow before because that's where the mechanical part went. Now with both eyebrows, more emotion is expressed through the character. “That's one of the reasons why she defends Rocket so much,” says Dmitriew.
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How long can Bucky live?

Bucky Barnes, like Steve Rogers, has lived for several decades due to cryogenic freezing and the super-soldier serum. Bucky's life expectancy could potentially surpass Steve's 116 years, depending on circumstances. Despite outwardly aging at the same rate as Steve, Bucky can still live for at least another 80 years.
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How old is Bucky biologically?

Taking the experimentation, cryogenic freezing and time skips into consideration, Bucky is physically somewhere in his mid-30s by the time The Falcon and the Winter Soldier takes place, making him appear seventy-some years younger than his chronological age.
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Can Bucky have children?

Surviving the war and believing Rogers had died during his last mission, Bucky eventually married Rogers' fiancé, Peggy and had two children, Marvin and Rebecca.
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