How does Anakin react to Padmé's death?

Anakin's Force Choke begins the series of injuries that ultimately leads to Padme's death, and convinces Obi-Wan to fight him. Despite this, when Anakin learns of Padme's death, his immediate reaction of grief and regret shatters everything in the lab with a powerful force shockwave.
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What was Anakins reaction to Padme's death?

Yes, his entire character since then was a self loathing tragic monster who has little reason to care about anything. Betraying Mace Windu instantly made him regret his act of impulse, Padme's death and rejection of his actions later on made it stick. To Anakin, he tried to rationalize he had no choice.
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Did Anakin feel bad for killing Padme?

His wife is still dead and he has done nothing to pay for his crime. Anakin does not have even the slightest bit of remorse. By the end, he feels nothing but anger. Although he feels regret for killing Padme, he still helps the evil Emperor.
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What did Anakin do after Padme died?

Anakin Was Already Gone After Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

After Padme died, Anakin had already fully committed to the dark side. Even if he still desired to do good, his anger had corrupted him to the point of no return.
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Did Padme still love Anakin when she died?

Before Padmé's death, she still believed there was still good left in Anakin, and that one day he could be redeemed. During Anakin's time as the Emperor's enforcer, he continued to suffer from grief over Padmé's death, and guilt over his supposed hand in it.
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Star Wars - Padmé's Grave Suite (Theme)

Did Anakin break Padme's heart?

Paul Duncan: It's implied that she lost heart. George Lucas: Yes. Her soul has been crushed. The thing that breaks Padme's heart in the end is that Anakin says to her: "Come and join me.
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Why did Anakin obey Palpatine after Padmé died?

So, while it certainly wasn't his ideal, Anakin stayed on with Palpatine because he thought what Palpatine was morally correct. Would he have preferred to have shared that future with his wife and children?
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Did Vader ever revive Padmé?

tragically, he was not able to resurrect Padme. because she refused to go with him. due to his inability to let go, telling him she didn't know him anymore, jumping away from him to her death.
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Did Vader try to resurrect Padmé?

In the main Star Wars timeline, of course, Darth Vader's attempts to resurrect Padmé on Mustafar were doomed to failure. But it's fascinating to speculate what would have happened had he been successful. In that scenario, Padmé Amidala's return from the dead would not have provided the solace Darth Vader sought.
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Did Anakin regret killing Younglings?

The canonical comic Star Wars: Darth Vader #7 confirms the younglings' deaths caused Anakin grief, self-loathing, hatred and pain, fueling his descent even further into the dark side.
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Why did Anakin choke Padme if he loved her?

Being the low-wisdom guy that he was, he acted on his hatred immediately as Palapine encouraged him to do. He couldn't force-choke Obi-Wan (the one he really wanted to do it to), so he did it to Padme (the one he could do it to). Anakin believed Padme brought Obi Wan to kill him, and reacted instinctively.
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Did Anakin turn evil to save Padme?

The whole reason for him turning to the dark side was to save Padme. So why didn't Vader almost immediately turn on Palpatine or just rejoin the light side after her death and the apparent death of his children? He had nothing to lose at this point and no reason to stay with the dark side.
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What was Padme's dying words?

What he did not see, at the time at least, was that Padmé used her last breaths to tell Obi-Wan that she was certain that in regards to her husband, "there's still good in him." Now, those words are set to be revealed to someone other than Darth Vader himself.
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Does Vader ever go to Padme's grave?

Before he could enter, however, Vader was stopped by Sabé, Eirtaé, Rabé, Saché, and Dormé, former handmaidens of Amidala, who refused to let him enter into the grave so he would not desecrate it. However, Vader would not be denied. As he entered the tomb, he became flooded with memories of Amidala.
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Does Vader think he killed Padme?

Staying within the boundaries of the Star Wars canon, Vader believed that he himself was the one that killed Padme, which is why he didn't kill his master. There are many reasons why Vader didn't join the Light Side with Luke after Padme's death.
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Did Padmé love Vader?

Padmé may have been dead, but she still existed in the netherworld of the Force, and her love would have been continually poured out upon Darth Vader.
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Is Padmé too old for Anakin?

Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him. They do not meet until Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace, which takes place in 32 BBY.
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Did Darth Vader really love Padmé?

Though Anakin's affection for Padmé was always sullied by darkness, in the end, it led to one of the truest forms of love that Anakin had ever known and Star Wars has ever seen — that between a father and a son.
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Why didn t Padme stay alive for her kids?

Obi-Wan's explanation was that she dies because she lost the will to live. People have said that it didn't make sense, after all, she just got her children. But she knew that Luke and Leia would be taken care of, and Obi-Wan would make sure of it.
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Does Vader hate himself?

It is true that Darth Vader has admitted on more than one occasion that he hates himself more than anyone else, with one example seen in the Star Wars Tales #9 story “Resurrection” during his fight with Darth Maul.
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How did Palpatine know about Padme dying?

that he had sensed padme's death through the force, but I believe that he simply assumed. that her death had come to pass. because all of Anakin other visions had come true. Palpatine knew that Anakin had the ability. to see the future, so he must have known that padme's death was inevitable.
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How old was Padme when she died?

Padmé was given a public funeral, attended by thousands. Her body was made to appear still pregnant to protect her children from their father. While Padmé died in childbirth at the age of 27, Anakin would live on as Vader until his redemption and death when he was 45 years old.
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What happened to Padme's body?

Amidala's body was taken to Naboo aboard Organa's ship, the Tantive III, and prepared by mortician Commodex Tahn, who made it look as if she had died pregnant. Her death was attributed to the alleged Jedi Rebellion that had prompted Order 66.
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Why do they want Padme dead?

Padmé's death would serve to push Anakin further toward the Dark Side as his rage and anger built to a crescendo. This is ultimately what would initiate Anakin's fall in Revenge of the Sith.
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