How is Vision alive in WandaVision after Infinity War?

While heading home with her to confront Wanda, Lewis tells him about his past life and death. Acting S.W.O.R.D. director Tyler Hayward uses Wanda's powers to reactivate Vision, now with a white body and his memories erased, and deploys him into Westview.
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How did Vision come back to life in WandaVision?

As her magic built a house around her and transformed the entire town into one modeled after the sitcoms she grew up loving, she was also able to entirely create a new, living Vision. This is why Vision remembered nothing from before Westview: Wanda literally created him from nothing, using chaos magic.
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How does Wanda keep Vision alive?

By using her hex powers. Wanda has the ability to create matter out of nothing. She use her hex powers to create her own children as well as her version of the Vision in Westview. Vision can't exist outside the Hex in WandaVision, is it possible that Wanda's children can?
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Why couldn't Vision be brought back to life?

Vision wasn't made in 2014, which is when Nat, Clint, Nebula, and Rhodes went. It's the same reason why Heimdall, Loki and Gamora also didn't came back by Hulk's snap! They died in Infinity War but not got snapped out of existence...
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What happened to the real Vision after WandaVision?

It's important to note that White Vision is not a resurrection of the original Vision who died in Avengers: Endgame. Instead, he is a distinct being with the memories of the original Vision. Since leaving Westview in WandaVision, White Vision has not made any appearances in the MCU.
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What Really Happened To White Vision In The WandaVision Finale?

Why did Vision turn white?

Synthezoid Physiology/Chaos Magic Energy Enhancement: White Vision was created to be a replica of his original self. He was eventually turned on with enough energy radiating from Chaos Magic.
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Why are there two visions in WandaVision?

The "real, original" Vision is now a ghost, "a weapon to be more easily controlled" while "Wanda's Vision" is but a copy, a replication of Wanda's memories, love, pain, and fragments of the Mind Stone that exist in Wanda.
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Why was vision so weak in Infinity War?

Since Vision was caught off-guard, he didn't have time to phase through the blade, and his synthezoid body began to malfunction. After Corvus Glaive's attack, Vision couldn't use his powers and remained badly wounded for the rest of the movie, which gave Thanos and the Black Order more freedom to confront the Avengers.
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Why is vision still dead after Endgame?

Vision is killed by Thanos when he removes the Mind Stone to complete the Infinity Gauntlet in order to initiate the Blip. Years later, Vision's body is reactivated via Wanda's magic, albeit initially without his memories and with a different appearance.
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Who is the strongest Avenger?

With that in mind, now in the depths of Phase Five, these are the seven most powerful Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, ranked.
  • 7 Hulk.
  • 6 Shang-Chi.
  • 5 Thor.
  • 4 Captain Marvel.
  • 3 Ant-Man.
  • 2 Doctor Strange.
  • 1 The Scarlet Witch.
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Is there Iron Man 4 coming?

"Tony Stark's story is far from over," Downey said. "Iron Man 4 will explore new dimensions of the character and his legacy through the eyes of Morgan. It's an honor to continue this journey and see where it leads." Feel free to express your thoughts on this exciting project by leaving a comment below.
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Will white Vision return?

During a panel at MegaCon 2024 (via The Direct), Bettany revealed that he will be back as Vision. WandaVision's ending set up the actor to explore how White Vision finds his place in the world, knowing that he is not the original version of the MCU character and having to grapple with his memories.
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Did Jarvis become Vision?

In Avengers: Age of Ultron, after being partially destroyed by Ultron, J.A.R.V.I.S. is given physical form as Vision, physically portrayed by Bettany. Different versions of the character also appear in comics published by Marvel Comics, depicted as AI designed by Iron Man and Nadia van Dyne.
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What happened to the scarlet witch after Endgame?

Possessing her counterpart from Earth-838, Wanda massacres the Illuminati until being confronted by the Earth-838 versions of her children and collapsing Mount Wundagore on herself and dies, destroying all copies of the Darkhold across the multiverse.
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Does white Vision remember Wanda?

White Vision may have all of his old memories, but he's not the same Vision that Wanda knew. “The way that we approached it is…he has the data, but that's not her guy,” said Schaeffer. “That's not the father of her children. That's not the man that she's been in the sitcom world with.
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Why didn't Hulk bring back Vision?

Great question. We could go in a few different directions here but for the sake of simplicity, I'll stick with the most straightforward answer. Vision was not resurrected by the re-snap because he wasn't killed by the original snap.
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What did Tony wish for when he snapped?

Given time, Tony could have found a more dramatic way to get the job done, but a snap was the best quick solution. Tony Stark probably just wished for Thanos' army to fade to dust.
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Who permanently dies in Endgame?

After an extended fight over which one of them will make the big sacrifice, Black Widow jumps to her death. When Hawkeye returns to Earth, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) suggests they use the Time Stone to bring her back. However, Red Skull told Hawkeye that Black Widow's death is permanent.
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Who is the weakest avenger?

Although he is an extremely skilled marksman, Clint Barton is often considered to be the weakest member of the team seeing as he's just a regular guy with a bow and arrow.
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Who is Thanos most afraid of?

He simply wanted him dead at all costs because he was his biggest threat. As per the user, the director of Avengers confirmed that Thanos was most scared of Iron Man. “Not because of his strength, not because of his power, not because of his power, but because of his suit,” he added.
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Why Vision can lift Thor's hammer?

The strongest, most logical theory why Vision can lift it with relative easy is due to the fact he is created with an Infinity Stone – the one found within the gem of Loki's scepter.
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Is Vision dead forever?

Vision's corpse was taken by S.W.O.R.D. and disassembled in an attempt to weaponize his remains. Vision's body was then reassembled in a white form and reactivated through a sample of Maximoff's Chaos Magic, and was employed by S.W.O.R.D. as their sentient weapon.
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What does it mean when your Vision turns white?

Most often, whiteouts occur when a person is ready to pass out because of a sudden drop in blood pressure. About 1 in 3 people will faint at some point in their lives. “Fainting can be benign when it's related to a sudden stress,” says Sarah Thornton, a neuro-ophthalmologist at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia.
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What happened to Wanda's kids?

Long story short, Wanda eventually learns her sons' souls are formed from an aspect of the demon lord Mephisto. After Mephisto reclaims that energy, Wanda and Vision's children are seemingly wiped out of existence and Wanda is made to forget she ever had children.
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