How many hours a day did Natalie Portman train for Black Swan?

We added in swimming, so I was swimming a mile a day, toning and then doing three hours of ballet class a day.” However, the actor kept extending the amount of ballet she was practising, “Two months before, we added the choreography, so we were doing probably eight hours a day.”
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How long did Natalie train for Black Swan?

We know that Natalie Portman studied ballet as a kid and had a year of intensive training for the film, but that doesn't add up to being a ballerina. However, it seems that many people believe that Portman did her own dancing in Black Swan."
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How much dancing did Natalie Portman really do in Black Swan?

In a written statement, "Black Swan" director Darren Aronofsky said, "Here is the reality. I had my editor count shots. There are 139 dance shots in the film -- 111 are Natalie Portman untouched. Twenty-eight are her dance double Sarah Lane.
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How did Natalie Portman prepare for the role of Black Swan?

Natalie was very devoted to preparing for this role. She had a body double for some of the harder turning sequences but 90 percent of the dancing you see in Black Swan is her—even the upside-down splits! We started training a year before rehearsals began. We'd meet for five hours a day, six days a week.
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How old was Natalie Portman in Black Swan?

Can child stars go on to credible careers? With her Ivy League credentials and a performance in Black Swan that's put her in line for an Oscar, Natalie Portman proves it can be done... At 29, Natalie Portman has already been in the business a long time.
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BLACK SWAN Featurette: Natalie Portman's Training

What mental illness does Nina have in Black Swan?

There are simply too many psychological issues going on with Nina. She shows elements of an anxiety disorder with obsessive compulsive behaviors. She also manifests self-injurious behavior and some signs of an eating disorder.
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How intelligent is Natalie Portman?

Natalie portman: iq of 140 | MARCA English.
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How much did Natalie weigh in Black Swan?

The actress ended up weighing 95lbs while she was filming Black Swan - but she didn't enjoy being that skinny.
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What age is Nina in Black Swan?

Synopsis. The movie opens as Nina Sayers (Natalie Portman), a young ballerina in her mid twenties, is dancing the prologue to Swan Lake. Swan Lake is a ballet in which a princess is turned into the White Swan and can only be turned back if a man swears eternal fidelity to her.
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How much weight did Natalie lose for Black Swan?

Natalie Portman has transformed herself for many film roles, but nothing was as grueling as her Black Swan makeover. The actress shed an astonishing 20lbs from her already slight frame to play a ballerina in the 2011 film and admitted it put such a toll on her body that she thought she was going to die.
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Did Natalie Portman win anything for Black Swan?

Natalie Portman won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in "Black Swan" for several reasons. One of the main reasons was her outstanding performance, which received critical acclaim from audiences and critics alike.
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How long did Natalie Portman train?

“We trained for 10 months, starting around four months prior to filming,” Portman's trainer Naomi Pendergast exclusively told Us Weekly. “Natalie did five sessions a week and did not miss one session for the whole time period we trained.”
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What does Natalie Portman eat?

Upon her morning routine, Portman said “I'm vegan, so I generally have a very clean diet; I usually have oatmeal or avocado toast in the morning. I take vitamins too—vitamin D, and I'm still on prenatal vitamins. I get B12 shots once a month because it's the one thing you don't get from a vegan diet.”
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Why is Nina so childlike in Black Swan?

Personality… childlike, insecure, and psychologically disturbed. The pressure of being the Swan Queen has been affecting Nina's behavior, and her perfectionism is starting to take a noticeable toll on her mental health.
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Why are Nina's eyes red?

The night before she is set to perform, Nina becomes convinced that Lily is going to take her place. Her paranoia and mental strain cause her to hallucinate that she's physically turning into the role of Odile, the Black Swan, complete with red eyes and black feathers protruding from bird-like skin.
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Was Lily real in Black Swan?

Lily (Mila Kunis) in "Black Swan" is only real in in half a dozen scenes.
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How many calories did Mila Kunis eat for Black Swan?

Mila Kunis has confessed that her diet was restricted to 1,200 calories per day while filming Black Swan. The actress - who shrunk down to 95lbs for her role as a ballet dancer in the film - revealed that she was in "hell" during filming and only ate foods that fit in her hand, reports the Daily Star.
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What did Mila Kunis weigh in Black Swan?

When working on Black Swan, Kunis (who's 5′ 4″) ended up weighing about 95 pounds. She got to this point by eating only 1,200 calories per day and by smoking cigarettes – a diet the actress most-definitely does not recommend for anyone else. “I never watched what I ate [before].
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Why did Natalie gain so much weight?

She still made it to America, and eventually had a small pandemic wedding with Mike. However, her married life made Natalie unhappy, which led to "stress eating." Natalie says she is on antidepressants, and gained 30 pounds following her arrival in the U.S.
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Does Natalie Portman speak 6 languages?

Natalie Portman Knows More than Five Languages

She also speaks Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Arabic, meaning she knows five languages other than English and Hebrew. As an actress, Natalie Portman has traveled the world to film movies and this has inspired her to learn languages and her passion for diplomacy.
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Does Natalie Portman speak 5 languages?

6. Natalie Portman – English, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Hebrew.
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Who is the smartest actress in the world?

40 of the smartest celebrities in Hollywood
  • Natalie Portman graduated from Harvard with a psychology degree.
  • Before John Legend was a Grammy Award-winning artist, he worked for a consulting firm.
  • Mayim Bialik played a neuroscientist on "The Big Bang" and is also a neuroscientist in real life.
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Did Lily and Nina sleep together?

NOT REAL: Therefore, Lilly and Nina did not have actual sex (we know this because after sex, Lilly said something to Nina about being a ‘Good girl’ and then tried to smother her.
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Is Nina from Black Swan straight?

In Black Swan, while there is ample opportunity in the text for lesbian intervention, there is a particular scene where Nina and Lily have sex. In The Kids Are All Right, the two main characters are self-identified lesbians in a committed relationship.
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Is Nina from Black Swan anorexic?

- She is under her mother pressure to become a perfect ballerina and her mother does not aware that Nina has problem in that ballet world. Based on the movie scenes she experiences Anorexia nervosa. The hints of this clinical condition is when she refused to eat cake that her mother have bought.
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