How many ways has Chucky died?

He's been shot, decapitated, and exploded; the kills range from horrifying to rather hilarious. The serial killer-possessed Good Guy doll has been through the wringer, yet he always finds a way to resurrect for the next movie.
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How many times has Chucky killed?

The Child's Play franchise is known for its brutal, high kill counts. Racking up the kills together from all seven movies, Chucky has killed a total of 67 people.
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How does Chuckie die?

Chucky Is Stabbed, Shot and Beheaded In Child's Play (2019)

Eventually, Andy confronts Chucky to save his mom, which ends with him being stabbed in the chest, shot and finally beheaded and set ablaze, but the film's final frame shows that it's hard to keep a good doll down.
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Who was Chucky's first kill?

He and his mother flee upstairs and hide inside a closet, bringing along a small pocketknife for protection. By the time the killer finds their hiding spot, however, Mrs. Ray is dead, stabbed by her own son. His first-ever kill.
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How did Chucky die in Chucky 3?

Andy pursues Chucky and stops him from completing the voodoo chant to possess Tyler. In an ensuing struggle, Andy cuts off Chucky's hand with Tyler's knife and throws him into a massive metal fan below, shredding his body apart and killing him.
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The Many Deaths Of Chucky | Chucky Official

Who killed Tiffany Chucky?

Chucky breaks out of the pen and electrocutes Tiffany in her bath, killing her. Afterwards he completes another voodoo chant that transfers Tiffany's soul into the Belle doll.
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Who killed Kyle in Chucky?

In television

After she gets separated from Andy, one of the Chucky dolls tricks Kyle into triggering a bomb set by Tiffany, presumably killing her. It is revealed in episode four of season two, Death on Denial, that she survived the explosion. She helps Nica Pierce escape from Tiffany with the help of Glen and Glenda.
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Why did Chucky kill his mom?

Chucky is characterized to have an absent father and his abusive mother being a dwarf. Chucky got teased a lot because of this and later strangled his mother to death.
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Is Chucky a real killer doll?

While creator Don Mancini took inspiration from his childhood and horror stories that came before, the character of Charles Lee Ray, aka Chucky, is completely fictional.
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Can Chucky feel pain?

Despite inside the body of a doll, Chucky can feel pain and can bleed when injured, and has a large scar with stitches on his face. He used many weapons including guns, but mostly an axe or a knife to kill people who buy or sees him killing someone.
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Does good Chucky turn bad?

As a result, his persona changed from one of murder and toxicity to one of almost childlike innocence. However, the dam seemingly began to break as the “real” Chucky poked through, resulting in the defenestration of Nadine as well as a full-on return to evil once Andy Barclay and the gang came to give him an exorcism.
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Does JR die in Chucky?

He defies the doll's influence, running past Lexy to stab Chucky in the chest, telling him "she's not like us". However, Chucky manages to fatally stab Junior in the chest as well, causing him to collapse. With his final breath, he asks Lexy to tell the others he's sorry before dying in her arms.
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Who taught Chucky voodoo?

During that time, Chucky picked up an interest in Voodoo and met a practitioner named John Bishop who taught him more about it. However, Chucky perverted everything he was taught and his bloodlust couldn't be contained.
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How tall is Chucky?

Chucky is 29 inches (. 74 m) tall in Child's Play (1988). Chucky is the main villain of the Child's Play movie franchise. Chucky is a “Good Guys” doll who is possessed by the soul of Charles Lee Ray, a criminal that was fatally shot by the cops after committing a robbery.
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What's Chucky's weakness?

#5: Chucky's Heart & Human Characteristics

The longer he inhabits the doll, the more that doll starts to take on human characteristics, meaning that he can be wounded like a regular person. His other downfall is his heart - not because he's secretly a softy, but because a bullet there can killed him.
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Did Chucky get a girl pregnant?

In order to get Glen's soul into a human body, Chucky's semen is inserted by Tiffany into Jennifer so she can bear a child for Glen to use. As the two awake the next morning, unaware of the events of the night before, Jennifer suddenly experiences morning sickness and realizes that she is pregnant.
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Why did Chucky stab Sarah?

Through flashbacks, Chucky explains that he was a friend of the family. He was in love with Sarah, but she was married and pregnant with Nica. Chucky killed Sarah's husband and kidnapped her some time after the funeral. After Sarah rejects him, Chucky stabs her in the stomach before fleeing from the police.
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Why did Glenn kill Chucky?

Shortly thereafter, Chucky attempts to murder Tiffany, which causes Glenda to switch back to Glen, who heroically defends his mother. Although he does kill Chucky to do so, it's a noble act of protection that's common among male characters in horror.
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Was Chucky ever a human?

Charles Lee Ray was a character known as the Lakeshore Strangler who murdered 22 people before his death in the beginning of Child's Play. He is Chucky's original human form before he transferred his soul into a doll.
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Is Chucky's son nice?

The battle between the Glen and Glenda personas continues, with Glen being a nice boy that doesn't like violence, and Glenda being a sadistic killer like her parents. Eventually, Tiffany decides to give up killing to raise her child, but Chucky refuses.
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How tall is Chucky in feet?

Standing at 2'4", Chucky may not have seemed like a particularly frightening antagonist, but his small stature allowed him to conceal himself and stalk his prey. Being considered "cute" also ensured that he would be underestimated.
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Who did Chucky stab?

However, it is revealed that Chucky stabbed Sarah with a pair of scissors, causing her to fall. Later in the movie, Chucky pushes Nica through the balcony. Chucky slowly walks down the stairs to her, explaining his disillusioned history with her mother.
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Who tortured Chucky?

Andy Barclay has been torturing the disembodied head of the original Chucky for four years. Meanwhile, wheelchair-using Nica Pierce has been in a mental institution after being framed by Chucky for the murders of her family.
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Who stabbed Junior in Chucky?

He resolves to protect his ex-girlfriend from the killer doll and runs past her to stab Chucky. Unfortunately, Chucky stabs him in turn leaving him bleeding out. Remorseful, Junior succumbs to his injuries after requesting that Lexy tell everyone that he was sorry.
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