How old was Hermione when Helen left?

She was just nine years old when Paris, son of the Trojan king Priam, arrived to abduct her mother, Helen. During the war, Menelaus promised her to Achilles' son, Neoptolemus. After the war ended, he sent Hermione away to the city of Phthia (the home of Peleus and Achilles), where Neoptolemus was staying.
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Why did Helen leave Hermione?

Helen is not only beautiful but impulsive, and when she falls in love with charming Prince Paris, she runs off with him to Troy, abandoning her distraught daughter.
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How old was Helen of Troy when she got married?

She is married to Menelaus shortly after this event to secure her safety and the safety of Sparta. Menelaus did not marry an old maid. Helen would have been about 15-18 years old.
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How old was Helen when the Trojan War ended?

Now, this tells us that Helen's date of birth would be 1217 BCE. The traditional date for the Fall of Troy is 1184 BCE, so that would make Helen thirty-three in the final year of the Trojan War.
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How old was Helen when Theseus abducted her?

When Helen was only twelve years old, the Greek hero Theseus (pronounced THEE-see-uhs) kidnapped her and planned to make her his wife. He took her to Attica (pronounced AT-i-kuh) in Greece and locked her away under the care of his mother.
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Harry Potter Deleted Scenes That Shouldn't Have Been Cut

Why did Troy hate Helen?

The legend of Helen of Troy goes that, in her youth, she was abducted by the Greek hero Theseus for her beauty. The men of her home country, Greece, subsequently went to war to bring her home. However, upon her return, she was scorned for being a catalyst of war and era of mass destruction and death.
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Did Helen and Paris have a child?

Helen and Paris had three sons, Bunomus, Aganus, Idaeus, and a daughter also called Helen. The three sons died during the Trojan War when an earthquake caused the roof of the room where they slept to collapse.
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How many husbands did Helen of Troy have?

The simplest answer to this question is two. However, it is unclear whether the second union involved any formal marriage arrangement. Helen's first husband was Menelaus of Sparta, and her second was Paris of Troy, with whom she fled her home, inadvertently starting the Trojan War.
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Did Menelaus love Helen?

A significant feature of his Odyssean character is his undying love and devotion to his wife, Helen. Despite her abduction by Paris and the ensuing Trojan War, Menelaus remains unwavering in his love for her. In Book 4, his skills as a warrior are also recounted as he describes his many battles during the Trojan War.
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How old was Achilles when he died?

For the age when he died, you have to add 10 years, putting it at 25. Overall the estimates for his age at the start of the war seem to go from as young as 11 and up to about 20, putting the age at his death between 21–30.
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Did Paris love Helen of Troy?

On the one hand, the Paris of Homer's Iliad is depicted as a handsome and charming young man motivated by his love for Helen and his belief that she is destined to be his.
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What did Helen of Troy actually look like?

A long, straight aquiline nose and large can be seen on idealized statues from the time period. The most desirable hair was long, with a wavy texture. One of the reasons Helen is always depicted as light haired with blue eyes in art is that this was rare coloring for the Greeks, and therefore highly sought-after.
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Is Paris older than Achilles?

Most movies and books depict Paris and Achilles about the same age, or as in Troy make Paris much younger than Achilles. It's all wrong. Paris is definitely Achilles' elder.
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What happened to Helen's daughter Hermione?

Hermione eventually joined her parents in Elysium. A scholiast for Nemean X says that, according to Ibycus, Hermione married Diomedes after his apotheosis and that he now lives with her uncles, the Dioscuri, as an immortal god.
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Why did Hermione not hug?

In the film, she only hugs Harry, and just gives a hesitant handshake to Ron (Note: This was the result of Emma Watson being hesitant to hug both Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint in public view, with her hugging Radcliffe during filming having to be frozen for a few seconds to get the desired effect due to Watson ...
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Why was Hermione crying in the girls bathroom?

She heard Ron making fun of her. Hermione was crying in the girls bathroom during the first book because Ron Weasley was making fun of her and insulting her terribly.
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Why did Menelaus forgave Helen?

Menelaus had meant to kill Helen because she had deserted him. When he saw her again, however, he was overcome by her beauty and forgave her. After the Greek victory Menelaus and Helen returned to Sparta, where they lived happily until their deaths.
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How many kids did Helen of Troy have?

Priam, the king of Troy, and his son Hector, both treat Helen respectfully during the conflict, with Hector, in particular, blaming Paris as the bringer of war. In this period, Paris and Helen have four children, three sons: Bunomus, Aganus, and Idaeus, and one daughter: Helen.
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Who was Helen's true love?

Helen definitely blamed herself for being so naive, for allowing Paris to kidnap her, but she still loved her true husband. According to the Iliad—Helen was very much still in love with Menelaus and yearned to go home the whole time she was in Troy.
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How many men did Helen sleep with?

Her many sexual partners – the hero Theseus, her husband Menelaus, her lover Paris, her second Trojan husband Deiphobus, and (some whispered) Achilles after both he and Helen were dead – are trotted out by ancient and modern authors alike as the gossip columns would the client-list of a high-class prostitute.
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Who did Helen of Troy really love?

Paris appeared. As was customary by the laws of hospitality in ancient Greece, they gave him lodging and entertained him with banquets and gifts. Paris and Helen fell madly in love from the moment they met. Helen escaped with Paris and together they went to Troy.
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What happened to Helen of Troy when she died?

According to a variant of the story, Helen, in widowhood, was driven out by her stepsons and fled to Rhodes, where she was hanged by the Rhodian queen Polyxo in revenge for the death of her husband, Tlepolemus, in the Trojan War.
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Who kills Paris of Troy?

Near the end of the war, Paris shot the arrow that, by Apollo's help, caused the death of the hero Achilles. Paris himself, soon after, received a fatal wound from an arrow shot by the rival archer Philoctetes. The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Alicja Zelazko.
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What happened to Helen after Paris died?

According to Homer, Helen willingly runs away from her husband with Paris. But her lover is a weak coward, and later, she regrets her love and changes her mind about Paris as a person. From the Greek myths, we know that Paris is killed, so she passes over to Deiphobus, his younger brother.
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What happened to Hector's wife and child?

After the events of the Iliad, when the Greeks finally sack the city of Troy, Hector's son Astyanax is thrown from the walls the city. Andromache becomes the concubine of the man who kills Astyanax: Neoptolemus, Achilles' son. After Neoptolemus' death, Andromache marries Helenus, Hector's brother.
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